Jianing left here under the urging of Bai Xiyue.

After experiencing the thrill just now, Bai Xiyue decided to go back and practice twice.

After all, two people can circle this time, but three people don't know how to circle.

Anyway, it was Chen Qingzhu and Jian Ning. If Yan Yushan or Shang Junzhuo were here, they would definitely not be so kind today.

Chen Qingzhu walked out with the guitar on his back, planning to take the bus back.

Jian Ning drove the car out of the parking lot and found that Bai Xiyue's little cousin was still waiting for the bus on the side of the road.

He thought for a while, but went over and honked the horn.

Bai Xiyue was practicing, and heard the system make a sound in her mind again.

[System]: Host, object number three and object number four have met.

Bai Xiyue almost kicked out and fell, and quickly asked what was going on.

[Bai Xiyue]: Didn't the two of them leave at different times? How did they meet together?

There was at least a few minutes in between, how did this come together again.

[System]: Wait for the number three, drive on the number four, invite him to take a ride, the number three is already in the car.

Bai Xiyue had some head pain, but after a calm analysis, whether her head hurt or not, it was impossible for the two to separate like this. Now that everyone is gone, she can't intervene more.

The identity setting she added is still there, the problem is not big, it should be fine.

The atmosphere in the car was slightly embarrassing.

Chen Qingzhu held the guitar very cautiously and sat in the back seat. When Jian Ning looked over, he showed a polite but awkward smile.

In this silence, he held the guitar, a little bit self-deprecating.

He has nothing, nothing can be given to Bai Xiyue.

So in front of her friends, he couldn't hold her upright and explain their relationship.

Chen Qingzhu was a little sad, and Jian Ning was a little upset.

I had known that I would not wear any women's clothing for a few days, and I would just wear men's clothing. Soon I could explain their relationship in front of my little cousin, and then let my little cousin go back and talk to Bai Xiyue’s parents, maybe he could see The father-in-law is here.

It just so happened.

The last time he was in the restaurant, he also wore women's clothing. Bai Xiyue happened to have a meal with her elder brother, and she missed the opportunity to introduce her identity twice in succession. Jian Ning was really depressed.

The inexplicable awkward atmosphere disappeared until the car reached the entrance of the university.

Chen Qingzhu got out of the car holding the guitar and thanked Jianing.

Jian Ning waved her hand, a little bit cold to express her thanks.

In fact, he didn't dare to speak much at all.

Bai Xiyue was drinking water, the system told her that nothing happened, she screwed on the bottle cap, as expected.

Today's practice is almost the same, Bai Xiyue changed clothes and went home.

To eat with Yan Yushan in the evening, she took a shower, changed her dress, put on light makeup, and went out.

Thinking of going to see Yan Yushan, Bai Xiyue felt a little stressed in her heart.

Yan Yushan has the strongest momentum, wearing glasses with indifferent eyebrows, staring at people silently, making people feel inexplicably flustered.

Bai Xiyue couldn't see him through. Judging from the last time the car overturned, Yan Yushan looked like a quiet hunter, watching people jumping into his pit.

Yan Yushan didn't work overtime today. After get off work, he went to the supermarket in a suit, bought ingredients and fruits, and returned home with a bag.

After returning home, he took off his suit, unbuttoned the cufflinks of his shirt, and rolled up his sleeves to reveal a nice wrist.

When Bai Xiyue arrived, Yan Yushan was cutting vegetables in the kitchen.

The sound of the kitchen knife being chopped on the cutting board made her subconsciously stop, then relaxed, and walked to the kitchen.

"What good food did you buy today?"

"It's a bit late to go, there's nothing good to eat."

Yan Yushan put the chopped green onion, **** and garlic on the plate and took out the defrosted chicken wings.

"Let me see, braised fish, cola chicken wings, what kind of meat is this?"

Bai Xiyue looked at the ingredients on the cooking table, counted and asked, pointing to a piece of red meat in the container.

"Beef, you wait first, and I will call you later."

Yan Yushan skillfully cuts the beef into pieces, and speaks with his back to Bai Xiyue.

"it is good."

Bai Xiyue nodded and walked out in slippers.

She sat on the sofa, glanced at the financial newspaper on the table, and sat cross-legged on the sofa to play with her mobile phone.

If it had been before, the original owner would definitely not sit like this in Yan Yushan's house.

After all, ladies don't sit cross-legged like this, but Bai Xiyue said to go to his mother, how to sit comfortably.

Bai Xiyue played a mobile game. This world still overlaps with her previous world. Some mobile games she has played and liked.

Bai Xiyue can be regarded as a game madman. Before entering the entertainment circle, she wanted to pursue her dream in the e-sports circle. However, after entering the entertainment circle, she was too busy to play computer games, so she moved to play mobile games.

Whether it is stand-alone or online, MOBA or card, archaic or magical, she has dabbled in it.

So Yan Yushan, who came out with food and prepared to have his girlfriend eat, saw his girlfriend cross-legged and frowning playing a game.

"This game is against me."

Bai Xiyue looked at Shilian R on the screen and made a voice of not believing in evil.

She had never been so black before, belonging to Asian level, occasionally Xiaoou, but today seems to go directly to Africa, a group of black faces, more than 3,000 Krypton, an SSR did not appear, has directly unlocked the achievements of the African Onmyoji .

Bai Xiyue thought about all the things that happened after she came to this world, and it seemed that none of them was lucky.

"time to eat."

Yan Yushan reminded that there was no change in his expression for his girlfriend's unusual actions.


Bai Xiyue still frowned, testing frantically on the edge of danger.

It's not that she suddenly collapsed, but it's okay to slowly collapse.

Bai Xiyue singled a few times, and he had SR and R, but still no SSR.

This game is simply dull.

When Yan Yushan brought out all the dishes, Bai Xiyue was still drawing something on the phone with a frown.

"what's happenin?"

"Come on, face it and draw any pattern on it."

Bai Xiyue put the phone over and ordered a Shilian Summon to let Yan Yushan draw patterns.

Yan Yushan wrote the word "month," and the screen suddenly went black.

An animation appeared, and Bai Xiyue's expression was a little vague.

Yan Yushan's ten consecutive summons, two SSRs, five SRs, and three R cards, can be said to be very European.

Bai Xiyue was a little suffocated. She looked at Yan Yushan's hand and suddenly felt that this hand could wait and then divide.

Yan Yushan made braised fish, cola chicken wings, red wine stew, and lotus root ribs soup.

The light shone on his slightly icy face, and if it weren't for his apron around his waist, it would be hard to think that he made such a table of food.

"Did you have fun in Quxi yesterday?"

Yan Yushan clamped a chicken wing in her bowl, the mirror reflected light, making it difficult to see the color of his eyes.

"Happy, she and I haven't seen each other for a long time. We were roommates when we were in college. It was hard to see each other after graduation. We talked a lot and suddenly felt that the previous days were still very happy."

Bai Xiyue had a relaxed smile on her face, serious nonsense.

"I went to the hospital today. Did any friend get sick?"

"En, but it's not a big problem, how about you, why are you there today?"

"I also went to visit a friend who drank and drank stomach bleeding and went to the hospital. He came back from a visit and went to that restaurant for dinner."

"Maybe I didn't pay much attention to the side, so I didn't see you there."

Bai Xiyue said vaguely, Yan Yushan's craftsmanship is pretty good, and the colors, fragrances and flavors they make are delicious.

Among the four subjects, Dr. Shang is the best at cooking, cooking, frying, stir-frying, and stewing, and he can also cook pasta, not to mention desserts and the like.

At the end of the topic, there seems to be nothing to say.

Bai Xiyue did not deliberately provoke the topic, but quieted the atmosphere.

She wanted Yan Yushan to slowly realize that she was not the person he wanted.

If the original owner is in love with other people, Yan Yushan is actually more inclined to get married with her.

The character performed by the original protagonist is very suitable for a male chauvinist to set his wife.

Good-looking, gentle, intellectual, talkative, and shy.

But the original host still didn't play home. Yan Yushan said before that he had found some clues, and that the original host was not in the kitchen, which simply did not fit this personality.

The original owner is keen on acting, but didn't want to make a full set. Photography thought it was interesting, so she learned it, and she was spoiled by Shang Junzhuo about cooking.

Bai Xiyue was also able to slowly collapse thanks to the original owner's lack of cooking.

After the meal, the bowl was washed by Bai Xiyue.

Yan Yushan went to the study. According to the previous model of the original owner and Yan Yushan, the original owner would take the book and read it in Yan Yushan's study. Yan Yushan worked, she accompanied her and occasionally made a cup of coffee.

But Bai Xiyue didn't want to do that kind of thing, so she stayed in the living room decisively and took out her mobile phone.

Yan Yushan glanced at her thoughtfully, but did not say anything, and closed the study door.

After he closed the door, Bai Xiyue glanced there and lay on the sofa to continue the liver game.

The lights of the city are bright outside the window, dotted with dots, connecting the city, and at first glance, it feels gorgeous and unusual.

Bai Xiyue was a little tired from playing, she simply turned off her mobile phone and adjusted the silent charging. Yan Yushan didn't know when she would come out of the study, so she simply went to take a bath first.

While it was drying, the system suddenly made a noise.

[System]: Host, your phone rang.

[Bai Xiyue]: It's all right, I mute it.

[System]: But the number two came out and saw it, there is still one step away from your phone.

[System]: It is the number three telephone.

Little milk dog?

Bai Xiyue's conditioned reflex heart shrank, and quickly threw the towel aside, put a set of silk pajamas on her body, and even the rope was too late to fasten her body, she opened the bathroom door and stepped on her slippers.

When she arrived in the living room, Yan Yushan just picked up her mobile phone and unplugged the charger.

The author has something to say: tomorrow is v, please support, tweeted!

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