There are thousands of characters in the strategy, and there are many ways of strategy.

And if you want a person to like you, it must be to make him feel happy to be with you.

Bai Xiyue had calculated before that Chu Lan was not easy to approach and was indifferent by nature, but when he was still a teenager, he was not an adult who had experienced many things and became more mundane, so the difficulty was not very great.

Moreover, the bond between them was established by Chu Lan long ago, and she didn't need her to work hard to get close contact with him.

In fact, the more inaccessible talents need that kind of warmth, because they get less, but the need mentioned here is not that kind of superficial. Maybe that kind of people feel that they don't need this kind of thing.

But how could it not be necessary? Whether it's vigorous and unconcerned, or whether the pulse is sentimentally and the water flows, there is always a way to suddenly penetrate into the gap in their hearts and make their heart beat.

So Bai Xiyue made herself sick and asked Chu Lan to stay with him.

She should tell Chu Lan what the pattern should be in love, and then she should not fall in love with him.

Chu Lan was awakened in a pang of hunger. He came to the hotel directly with Bai Xiyue at noon, and then lay down to sleep without eating at all.

When he woke up, he found that the arms and legs of the girl next to him were all wrapped around him, which seemed inseparable.

The warmth came continuously from Bai Xiyue's body, and then passed back.

The room was not air-conditioned, so when you stretched out your arms, you would feel a little coolness. Chu Lan put his hands back in the quilt again, feeling the warm feeling.

Bai Xiyue was still asleep, her face flushed, her nose seemed a little unventilated, and she looked stuffy.

Chu Lan touched Bai Xiyue's forehead with her hand. It wasn't hot, it was just warm.

Chu Lan stretched out his hand to touch the phone and checked the time. It was already three o'clock in the afternoon.

Bai Xiyue seemed to be a little surprised by his movements, muttered something in her mouth, and continued to sleep holding one of his hands.

Chu Lan took the photo with his mobile phone in a horrible way. After the photo was taken, he felt a little funny and wanted to delete it, but he was a little reluctant, so he just kept it.

Hungry in his belly, Chu Lan wanted to get up and put on clothes, but he was greedy for the warmth.

After waiting quietly for a while, he moved slowly, letting Bai Xiyue's feet slip off his body, and then gently withdrew his hand.

This movement was probably a bit big, causing Bai Xiyue's eyelashes to move, but in the end he did not open his eyes.

When Chu Lan got dressed and was about to leave, she heard Bai Xiyue's sleepy voice.

"where to?"

"Buy some food and bring you some porridge."

"Okay, then you go and come back soon."

Chu Lan answered and walked out of the hotel.

Chu Lan did not expect that he would meet Wei Changxi.

He was rushing to the hotel with food at this time, and happened to see Wei Changxi coming from another direction.

They should have passed by as if they didn't know each other.

But Chu Lan's heart is always somewhat subtle, after all, this person had a special relationship with Bai Xiyue.

Just as he didn't expect that he would meet Wei Changxi, he didn't expect that Wei Changxi would take the initiative to stop him.

Wei Changxi looked at Chu Lan with a complicated expression.

He doesn't know whether he needs to show kindness to remind this person, or gloat that this person might end up with him.

"It should still be class time now, Xueba, you were eating while you were eating, skipped class?"

Wei Changxi felt that it had something to do with Bai Xiyue, but it was just a feeling.

"Something wrong?"

Chu Lan asked straightforwardly.

"I'm just going to remind you that she is also related to the man named Qiao Song who wears glasses, so don't be unclear when you are green."

Chu Lan looked a little weird looking at Wei Changxi.

"I think it has nothing to do with you."

"I just want to remind you kindly."

Wei Changxi cursed in her heart, thinking that she shouldn't be so nosy, how could she become a bitter woman who seems to have broken up with her ex-girlfriend and talks ill of her ex-girlfriend.

Is Bai Xiyue someone they can touch? She is not sincere at all, she just wants to have fun.

"Thank you for your kindness. If you can't catch her, it doesn't mean that others can't catch her."

Chu Lan's face was calm, his voice was steady, but his irony was strong.

Wei Changxi sneered at Chu Lan and spread his hands.

Watching Chu Lan walk farther and farther, Wei Changxi's expression gradually turned down, with a little bitterness in his eyes.

Thinking of that person now, he still couldn't laugh.

I really don't want to taste the feeling of that day, as if my heart was dug out alive, and it just died.

He thought that he was the saddest when he grabbed Bai Xiyue's clothes that day, or when he was lying on the sofa and crying embarrassedly, now he can't recall these scenes that day.

He only remembered that he sat there all night without thinking, as if his soul had been out of his body, watching everything coldly.

He suddenly understood that when people are most sad, they are not hoarse, or howling, but the blankness where nothing can be said and nothing can be reacted, and all thoughts are lost in an instant.

Wei Changxi pinched the palm of her hand to stop thinking about it, and then pretended to continue walking forward without incident.

When Chu Lan walked towards the hotel, she didn't take Wei Changxi's words seriously in her heart.

It's not that Bai Xiyue is related to Qiao Song, but he feels that at least in Bai Xiyue's heart, his status is higher than Qiao Song.

Otherwise, why did Bai Xiyue get sick and let him accompany her instead of asking Qiao Song to accompany her.

This is enough.

In the future, the balance will lean more and more toward him.

When Qiao Song left school at noon, he was not in a hurry to go to dinner. Instead, he went to the porridge shop and lined up to buy a bowl of porridge, hid the porridge in his schoolbag, and hurried to class.

But by the time he arrived in class, he had already left.

Qiao Song also thought that she might have gone to the bathroom, and asked an unfamiliar female classmate who was going to the bathroom to take a look, but got an answer from no one inside.

So Bai Xiyue is indeed gone.

Qiao Song thought that Bai Xiyue was ill. He might be eating out, or she might have gone to see a doctor, so he simply ate the bowl of porridge and went home.

When his parents asked him why he came back so late, he casually found a reason to perfuse, because he just drank a bowl of porridge, so he didn’t eat much, and his mother complained that boys could not eat a meal. less.

Qiao Song went back to the room and took the phone to send a message to Bai Xiyue.

No one returned.

Qiao Song picked up the book and read it for a while, but found that he couldn't stand it anymore. He lay in bed thinking about it, fell asleep in a daze, and was awakened by the sound of the alarm clock.

He slept for about 30 minutes, and the message was sent 50 minutes ago, and there is still no reply.

Qiao Song probably thought that Bai Xiyue might not have seen her, or she went to school without looking at her mobile phone.

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