Bai Xiyue didn't think too much at that moment, and the reaction was one step faster than the system warning.

The moment she rushed to pull people, she didn't think about anything. After all, she was a big living person in front of her. When she was rolling in circles on the ground, she wrote fortunately. Fortunately, Chu Lan was fine.

Earlier, she systematically discussed the issue of the death of mission targets.

The system says that the mission target is dead, and it is impossible to go back to the previous node where the accident occurred, because this function only has an effect on the host. If the mission target dies within the time frame of the mission completion, then the entire mission must be restarted. Again.

Bai Xiyueguang felt tired after thinking about it. If she really restored the factory settings, she would vomit blood.

The car rushed to the middle of the road and stopped. The cars on both sides quickly stopped and went around.

The car stopped there and did not go any further, seriously obstructing traffic.

Many people stopped and watched around. Chu Lan realized what he had gone through with some hindsight, and some lingering fears.

In the extremely dangerous situation just now, his head was blank, unable to think and react at all.

He suddenly hugged Bai Xiyue tightly, and Bai Xiyue leaned on his chest and patted behind.

"Is it all right?"

Chu Lan let go and looked at Bai Xiyue.

Just now she suddenly hugged him and pulled back and fell to the ground.

"I'm fine, it's you, long snacks, next time you see if there is a car coming to cross the road again, although it is a green light, some people will run through a red light..."

Bai Xiyue was educating her with broken thoughts, and she was suddenly held by Chu Lan.

His fingers rubbed the back of Bai Xiyue's hand, with fear in his eyes.

This feeling of passing by with death was thrilling and heart-palpiting. Chu Lan's heartbeat gradually subsided, and his mood gradually calmed down.

The traffic police rushed over quickly and knocked on the window to inquire, but there was no response.

Friendship tried to open the door and found that the door was not locked. The driver fell on the steering wheel, his face pale.

The traffic police immediately called an ambulance and came over to inquire about Chu Lan.

Chu Lan said that nothing happened to him, and he was not injured.

But if there was no Bai Xiyue, he might have fallen here.

"The driver may have suffered an acute illness, so he couldn't control it. It's fine if there is no accident. I'm scared."

It stands to reason that a person with such an acute illness should not be able to obtain a driver's license or drive. In addition, this person ran a red light and caused traffic inconvenience, which is already illegal.

Chu Lan refused to go to the hospital or get the contact information to compensate for the mental loss. This caused trouble, and he didn't want his parents to know.

"Let's go, get a drink and be shocked, I invite you."

Bai Xiyue patted Chu Lan on the shoulder, one of their hands was still being held, she simply led Chu Lan forward.

Chu Lan followed her step by step, then walked to Bai Xiyue's side and walked forward side by side with her.

There were not many people in the milk tea shop. Bai Xiyue and Chu Lan ordered a drink and sat in chairs.

Chu Lan looked at Bai Xiyue fixedly, her eyes obscure.

"Why look at me like that, for saving my life, wanting to agree with me?"

Bai Xiyue held her face and smiled at Chu Lan.

Anyone could see her words as a joke, Chu Lan wanted to take it seriously.

"Thank you just now..."

His voice was a little dumb, so he murmured his thanks.

"I heard you and I thank you, why do you feel so strange."

Bai Xiyue joked, as if she didn’t feel that she had just done a great thing, she didn’t talk about that thing over and over again like ordinary people, as if she had just done a trivial thing. Make a funny understatement.

The more she was like this, the more Chu Lan became...He couldn't express his feelings, he only felt happy and sad.

The more I love it, the more I see her attitude.

In the situation just now, she pulled him back, quickly maintained her composure, and was able to comfort him quickly.

There was no fear in his eyes, like a brave hero who saved a stranger.

She didn't care about him that much, Chu Lan knew clearly.

But knowing that way makes people feel sad.

"If... if I say..."

Chu Lan looked at Bai Xiyue, and when he wanted to continue speaking, the clerk held a tray and placed two drinks in front of Bai Xiyue and Chu Lan, interrupting Chu Lan.

Chu Lan fell silent, with a bit of astringency in his always indifferent brows.

He was obviously quiet, and he didn't look sad or happy, but he was able to read a little loneliness from him inexplicably.

"What do you want to say? Hesitation is not your style."

Bai Xiyue felt it, but pretended not to know it.

"If I want our relationship to go further, will you agree?"

"Hmm? Like it was in the beginning?"

"No, it's not the same."

Chu Lan shook his head. He didn't want that, or more than that.

He was very worried, and there was a rare tension in Bai Xiyue's eyes.

He knew he was a little rash, but couldn't help it.

He thought that Bai Xiyue would probably not agree, but even so, he also expected her to say the promised words in her mouth.

Even if there is a possibility of failure, I want to hear the answer.

"Is it different from what I think?"

Bai Xiyue stirred the drink in the quilt with a straw, and the smile on her face was slightly weak.


Bai Xiyue fell silent and lifted Chu Lan's heart high.

"Isn’t it because I was moved by what I just said. It’s not necessary. You’re so uncomfortable. What should you do, Chu Lan? You should be like the day you said that you were separated. At that time, frowned and calmly said, "I remember I wore a condom.""

Bai Xiyue was smiling with a sincere expression, but the irony was so strong that Chu Lan was a little embarrassed.

His hoisted heart fell sharply and was smashed into a rags.

But he knew that Bai Xiyue could not be blamed, he could only blame himself.

Chu Lan was a little at a loss, his hands on his knees were clasped together, and his body looked tight.

"In fact, even if it wasn't you just now, even if it was a stranger or someone I hated, I would save it, unless it was a heinous person I thought, it was a human life after all. I have nothing to give you back. Don’t take it too seriously."

Bai Xiyue had some indifferent expressions on the face, it seemed that he really didn't care.

Every word she said was a knife in Chu Lan's heart.

No need, no need, no need.

You are not important to her at all.

It doesn't matter at all.

"Of course, I won't use this kind of kindness to make you return anything. I'm not that kind of person. I just do what I used to do now."

"As for the one you said, I don't have that idea. Don't be impulsive and really want to agree with your body. If you fall in love with you, where would I dare? If it's like before, we will be clear and clear. Okay, that might be fine."

"Chu Lan, I understand you. You are not the kind of person who can move real feelings at all. Just tell me what you say. Don't worry, I won't take it seriously. Others are not necessarily the same."

Chu Lan listened to each word and remembered it in her heart, her fists tightened.

He hung his head and did not let Bai Xiyue see the gaffe on his face.

All of her words were in response to his behavior at the beginning, as if mocking his wishful thinking.

There are some things that he didn't think he could just pretend that nothing happened just by revealing it.

It's not that he said that if you don't owe each other, you can really feel sorry for anyone.

Things are turned over, but feelings will not.

"Thank you for being with me this afternoon. I'm leaving now."

At this time, it is useless to say more. Bai Xiyue took the drink, hummed a song and left the milk tea shop.

Although something went wrong in the middle, it was undoubtedly a great booster, and this wave has made a profit.

Of course, it is not just by today's words that Chu Lan's heart can be abused, and it must be abused, but it is not the ultimate.

Chu Lan would never just give up like this. This was different from Liu Wei Changxi's situation. Chu Lan had to fight several times here.

Bai Xiyue smiled at the corner of her mouth and asked the system to untie her sick buff. She immediately relieved her headache and her nose was blocked, and she was happy to take off on the spot.

Chu Lan didn't know how long he stayed in the milk tea shop, he just stared at the drink on the face in a daze, and many things appeared in his mind.

Most of them are scenes of clips.

For a while, she was smiling sweetly at him, for a while, she was mocking him, for a while, she fell on the bed and hooked his neck to kiss him, and for a while, she said that she would never come back.

The chaotic scenes finally merged together, making Chu Lan a little bit painful.

The final scene of Naihaili turned out to be fixed on the day they separated.

She lay on the bed, and after hearing his words, she gave him a cold look.

Moving forward, he could hardly remember the scene between them.

I can't remember what she was like before, there is only a vague and approximate image in my mind, and once I think about it, it will be nothing.

Chu Lan took a sip of the cold drink. The taste of cocoa was sweet and bitter, and it slid into his stomach along his esophagus, making him suddenly feel nauseous.

His fingers grabbed the clothes in front of him, with pain in his eyes.

Blame yourself, probably so.

It's really ironic.

——Don't worry, I won't take it seriously.

How funny.

His heart is full, and she told him that she would not take it seriously.

Will not take it seriously.

The sweetness of Cocoa just now turned into a mouthful of bitterness, and the bitterness came to my heart.

If... If they didn't start like that, would everything be different.

If he didn't withdraw and leave when he noticed her likes, which made her feel so uncomfortable, would it not be like this now?

In the past, it was abandoned like a shoe, but today it is impossible to ask for it.

Chu Lan carried the cold cup of cocoa and walked on the side of the road.

He walked in the direction of home, and now it was time to go home from school. He didn't know where to go and seemed to have nowhere to go, so he went home anyway.

He might need to think about it, sort out his thoughts, and think about what he wants to do.

Although his expectations fell through, he had been prepared for failure before that, so he didn't feel that he was particularly hit to the point of being devastated. Fortunately, he understood some things, and when he knew the problem, he could solve the problem.

I took a sip of the cocoa butter in my hand. Chu Lan didn't throw it away and took it back home.

When opening the door. He felt an unusual atmosphere.

The light at home was on, and his mother was sitting on the sofa in jeopardy. His father was not there, so he probably hadn't got off work yet.

Every time his mother poses like this, he is mostly angry.

Chu Lan felt something in her heart, but she didn't know where the matter was exposed, and she still maintained the same appearance as before.

"get out of class has ended?"


"I heard that your test scores have dropped recently?"

Chu Lan's heart was slightly put down, probably because the ranking was lost in the last test, and Bai Xiyue's score was higher than him.

Thinking of Bai Xiyue, Chu Lan's expression was a little sad.

"Talk about why?"

"The total score hasn't changed much, but one classmate got better than me."

Chu Lan put the drink on the table and sat on the sofa.

He actually wanted to walk directly back to the room, but if he did so, the house would be turned upside down. He still sat on the sofa to listen to the training.

"Why can't people pass the exam so high?"

With suppressed anger on Chu's face, she glanced at the cup of milk tea, and her anger became deeper.

"Because she is better than me."

Chu Lan said these words without any psychological burden, sincerely, and never faked.

"How did I teach you?"

Mother Chu slapped her hand on the coffee table, almost anxious.

"What does it mean to be better than you? No one knows that you are the best in this whole one. You have been the pride of your mother since you were a child. If you didn't get the first place, it's not that you are inferior to others, but you are not working hard!"

Chu Lan lowered his eyes, not arguing with his furious mother.

This was a scene that often appeared when he was a child. He was used to it and didn't think so.

"Come on, where did you go this afternoon?"

Chu Lan felt a sudden, but didn't look up, just answered briefly.

"Sent my classmates to the hospital."

"Send her for an afternoon? No class? You sent her to other provinces and came back again, right?"

Chu Lan didn't talk back and let her mother continue.

"Is it a female classmate?"

Chu Lan defaulted.

"I never thought that this kind of thing would happen to you. Do you know what your current identity is? It's a student! What is the most important thing for a student? It's study! It's not something unrelated, it's not a relationship Say love, Chu Lan, do you know?"

"You are now a senior in high school, and the college entrance examination is coming soon. What are you going to do?"

"Do you have to **** us off? Today your aunt called me and said that she saw you walking with a **** the road. You don't know how surprised she was when I heard it. Surprised, how could my son walk with a girl outside school during class time?"

"Your aunt is right, it's you. I was so embarrassed that I wanted to go underneath the ground and throw someone to death. After hanging up your aunt's phone, I quickly called your head teacher, and your head teacher said you were sick and asked for leave. It’s weird. Where did you go home when you got sick and asked for leave? Hanging out with the little girl? What do you say you want to do? Do you want to read it? Your dad doesn’t know about this. How do you say it."

Mother Chu sneered and looked at Chu Lan.

"I really sent our classmate to the hospital. She was not feeling well. She was the one who took the first exam last time. She can get full marks in math and English."

Mother Chu choked, let Chu Lan continue to talk.

"She wanted to buy a practice question, so I went with her thinking about it. In the afternoon, she talked about the papers. The class was almost done, and she got a perfect score. I could ask her, so we went to the bookstore. "

It is well-founded and convincing.

"If you don't believe your mother, you can call the head teacher if she is the first, or you can ask classmates if she is sick today."

Chu Lan's expression was calm, and what he said was irrefutable.

"But even so. You can't stop going to class all afternoon."

Chu's mother was much weaker, but she still knocked on the table.

"Since I have already met, there is no need to waste time listening. It's better to learn more."

"You kid...actually just stay with your female classmate for a while."

Chu's mother was amused by Chu Lan, and her face was no longer strained.

"I'm back to the room."

"Okay, you will later take the money to buy food, your dad will have a socializing tonight."

Mother Chu was planning to give a good lecture, and was so angry that she didn't even cook the rice.

Chu Lan nodded and returned to the room with a drink.

He has a lot of things he wants to talk to, but he can't find anyone to say, he doesn't hurt friends and make friends, he has always been alone.

He knows that it is impossible to tell his parents about those things. It has always been a luxury for him to let his parents feel relieved. Instead of getting a response, he will be severely reprimanded.

Those things were suppressed in my heart, making him a little tired.

He didn't know what to do.

He opened the sticky note on the phone and typed a lot of words in it. It was his own confession and his own vent.

He was silent, his eyes gloomy.

At the end of the writing, he didn't look back and deleted all.

Chu Lan accidentally clicked on the photo album and saw a photo taken at noon today.

Bai Xiyue slept soundly with her eyes closed, causing Chu Lan to feel soft and smile unconsciously.

If time can stop at that moment, it's not too rough. If you do it again, he will actually ask that question, even if he knows that the chance of success is very small.

"Son, wait for you..."

When Chu's mother suddenly opened the door, she just saw the smile on Chu Lan's face that never disappeared.

The instinct of being a mother combined with the things just said made her feel that something was wrong, so she immediately approached.

"What are you looking at?"

"Nothing, Mom, you should knock on the door before entering my room next time."

Chu Lan was a little unwilling to delete the photo. He felt that once he deleted it, he might not have the chance to see that scene for the second time, but if he didn't delete it, the situation would become very tricky.

"I'll talk about knocking on the door later. Bring your phone."

Mother Chu stretched out her hand, Chu Lan still took the phone.

Mother Chu looked at the desktop and clicked on the photo album. There were only a few landscape photos in the photo album. She opened the mobile phone contacts. There was no one but the people she knew, and the text messages were empty.

She clicked on Chu Lan's social software suspiciously. There were so few contacts in it, and it seemed nothing suspicious.

"You are about to take your final exam, and you don't want to use your mobile phone anymore. I will keep it for you. I will give it to you when you arrive in winter vacation.

Chu Lan nodded, looking indifferent.

"What did you want to say to me just now?"

"It's okay, let's go to class after eating out by myself."

Chu's mother closed the door, and the door made a soft noise, and it fell down with Chu Lan's mood.

The photo was deleted by him, but it was still in his head.

He had never asked for the contact information of Bai Xiyue's social software before. He only asked for the phone number. He didn't record the phone number, but just kept it in his head.

So there are no clues in that phone, which can allow mother to find out about them.

Chu Lan lay on the bed, staring at the ceiling in a daze.

There seemed to be absolutely nothing about Bai Xiyue around him. He thought she was thinking of her. They were so close, but there was no trace of her existence around him.

It was not completely absent. Chu Lan suddenly sat up from the bed and opened the drawer of his desk.

He put the band-aid into a small plastic bag and put it in the drawer.

Chu Lan rummaged and saw the band-aids hidden at the bottom, took it out, looked at it, and put it back.

The system had a panoramic view of his movements and relayed everything to Bai Xiyue.

Bai Xiyue chuckled, saying nothing.

Something expected.

Just let Chu Lan take a good look at what it means to dig pits and jump by yourself. People always have to pay a price for what they have done.

She is now sitting in an Internet cafe playing games. She returned Qiao Song's previous news, told him where she was, and then told Qiao Song not to come, but Qiao Song estimated that she would still come.

Of course Joe Song will come.

Chu Lan and Bai Xiyue didn't come all afternoon, and his heart was so worried.

As soon as he went home after school, he found that Bai Xiyue had returned his news, so he immediately went to the place Bai Xiyue said.

Internet cafes are all a bit smoky, with a strong smell of smoke, mixed with the smell of air conditioning, which makes people a little uncomfortable.

Qiao Song looked at Bai Xiyue and found Bai Xiyue. Bai Xiyue's school uniform had been taken off, and her sleeves were rolled up, revealing her white and slender wrists. She was sitting with earphones, and her fingers moved on the keyboard.

There is no expression on her face, and the light from the screen shines on her face, bringing a sense of coldness.

It looks cool, beautiful and indifferent.

Qiao Song was overwhelmed by this feeling, but did not quarrel with Bai Xiyue, but quietly walked to her side and looked at her screen.

Qiao Song didn't understand the game very well, because he hardly played games and knew very little about this aspect, but he could see that Bai Xiyue's operation was wonderful.

When Bai Xiyue took off the earphones, he praised her.

"Didn't you tell you not to come?"

She must have asked Qiao Song to come, otherwise she would send a message with her address.

"Let me see you, aren't you uncomfortable, why are you still playing games?"

"It's almost done, now refreshed."

Of course refreshed, one step closer to the success of the mission, of course happy.

"Where is Chu Lan?"

"Where do I know, do you find him?"

Qiao Song shook his head, pushed the glasses on his face, and shook his head.

"Have you had dinner?"

"Not yet, let's go together."

"it is good."

Qiao Song's eyes lit up and nodded.

Bai Xiyue went to the counter to check out, and followed Qiao Song out.

In fact, Da Qiao's patience is much better than Xiao Qiao, including endurance.

Da Qiao probably wanted to ask her and Chu Lan about the afternoon, but he was embarrassed to ask, and he could bear it in his heart.

If you change Xiao Qiao, I guess it will be much better.

They went to a ramen shop, Bai Xiyue ordered a bowl of beef ramen, Qiao Song ordered the same, and the two sat opposite each other.

Qiao Song actually wanted to ask, but he was silent while eating the noodles.

The voice in his heart kept urging him. After urging him to no avail, Qiao Song raised his hand and took off his glasses.

Bai Xiyue was eating noodles while watching him perform. After Xiao Qiao came out, she waved her hand at him as if she was saying hello.

"You stayed with Chu Lan all afternoon?"

Look, Bai Xiyue knew he would be so direct.

"What? Are you jealous?"

Bai Xiyue picked up a piece of beef and fed it into her mouth, asking somewhat vaguely.

"Yeah, I'm so sore."

Lemon fruit on the lemon tree, you and me under the lemon tree.

The author has something to say: a long hair, see you tomorrow

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