"This... this is..."

Stark slowly opened his eyes, but the scene in front of him was not familiar to him, and it didn't seem to be on Earth or some other normal world.

"This is the mirror world.""

Behind Stark, came the voice of Ancient One.

Just now, at the moment when the nuclear bomb exploded, she suddenly appeared, and then with mirror magic, she pulled Stark's body into this world.

"You are, Ancient One?"

Stark has not actually seen Ancient One, but he has heard that this bald woman is the strongest of all the magicians on earth now, and is also the master of Doctor Strange, currently Sorcerer Supreme.

"Yes, I am Ancient One.

Ancient One nodded.

"I have seen everything you have just done, and I actually understand the conflicting thoughts in your heart."

Ancient One said.

"As far as I know, you should be with Wu Chen, the one called Doctor Strange is your student.

said Stark, who had just fought Doctor Strange—they had a fight.

"That's right, I do have a good relationship with Wu Chen, and Doctor Strange is my student."

Ancient One replied.

"Then why do you still save me?"

Stark pressed.

"I have a good relationship with Wu Chen, but it doesn't mean that I approve of all his actions, and there is no need for me to follow his orders, because I am not his subordinate."5

Ancient One said.

"So, are you going to choose to help us?"

Stark looked a little excited.

"I won't help you, because I can't be an enemy of Wu Chen.

Ancient One said, when Stark was going to continue to question why, Ancient One byte raised his hand to interrupt it.

"The moment I chose to give Time Gem to him, Wu Chen was actually a new generation of Sorcerer Supreme, but he was good at technology rather than magic, and he was not interested in the title of Sorcerer Supreme. Therefore, it has not inherited this title. 99

Ancient One said.

"As the magician of Kamar-Taj, I can't be an enemy of Sorcerer Supreme, and of course not Wu Chen.399

Ancient One continued.

"Wu Chen's personality is weird, and he does things so self-righteously and completely ignoring the overall situation. Why would you give such an important thing to such a person?"

Stark couldn't understand, Time Gem can be said to be one of the symbols of Sorcerer Supreme, but as a former Time Gem Asgardian, why did Ancient One give Time Gem to Wu Chen so easily.

"Is he weird?

Ancient One asked rhetorically.

"Actually, Wu Chen's personality is also normal, he has his own preferences and likes to do what he wants to do without restraint, which is completely what a normal person would have.

Ancient One said.

"He clearly has such powerful technology and power, but he doesn't know how to think about the safety of the earth. He knows that people in the world hope that the superhero with super-ability can ensure that he will not do anything wrong, but he also deliberately cooperates with the world for the sake of Enemy, is a person like him still normal?"

Stark asked.

"You should have been the one who mastered the powerful technology in the first place, right? But why do you have to fight against the government and refuse to hand over the technology you have mastered?""

Ancient One's rhetorical question left Stark not knowing how to answer for a while.

"Supernatural technology is unique to Wu Chen, and he refuses to give it to anyone, which is human nature.

"As for what you said about the safety of the earth, that is entirely your one-sided view. Didn't he help you during the New York War? Didn't the Ultron incident end because of him? Did he kill half of the universe? Wasn't Thanos of life killed by him?"

What Ancient One said, making Stark gradually silent, he didn't want to speak, but he didn't know how to talk to Ancient One, because he also realized that he was really judging Wu Chen's good or bad with his subjective consciousness. .

"You may not think that Wu Chen is a good person, but there is no doubt that he has saved you several times.

"As for those things that happen on Earth."

"He doesn't intervene in those things between you, there is no problem originally, what superhero registration bill do you want to make, and he doesn't want to participate in it, the reason why this situation has developed is entirely because you have been actively provoking him.

"Don't tell me, as long as Wu Chen approves the bill, or if he lives in seclusion in another place, the act of imposing his will on others is moral kidnapping.

・・・・For flowers・・・

"Moral kidnapping?"

Stark repeated those four words.

"Because Wu Chen's strength is very strong, you think that he should become an avenger like you, maintaining world peace and fighting alien invasion; because Wu Chen's strength is very strong, many people think he is very dangerous, you want him to hand over Take out weapons and obey your orders; because Wu Chen is very strong, you think he should let this ordinary person.

The three reasons for Ancient One made Stark's face hard to look at.

That's what Stark thinks, the people at Avengers think the same, and the common folks who support the superhero registration bill all think the same.

Yes, this is a moral kidnapping.

Wu Chen didn't take the initiative to attack any civilians, he just didn't bother to pay attention to the disputes between you ordinary people.

But just because Wu Chen has technical power that surpasses all human beings, everyone imposed those ideas on Wu Chen's head.

Think about it, if Stark encountered such a situation, he would definitely be angry.

"I see, Master Ancient One!"

Stark said, and he already understood what the Ancient One was going to tell him.

"If you can understand, that's a good thing."

Ancient One said.

"But now, the situation has reached such a point, what else can we do?

Stark asked.

"You launched a raid on the Supersoul Research Institute, which means that you have declared war on Wu Chen, and he will definitely fight back.""

Ancient One said.

"Could it be that we can only watch helplessly as the third world war begins?"

Stark still didn't want to see such a thing happen.

"War is inevitable, but the number of casualties and the future development of the earth are not fixed. If you are determined to make up for it, you will always be able to find a ray of vitality.

Ancient One said.

"make up?"

Stark thought.

"You're very smart, you can definitely figure this out. 35

After Ancient One finished speaking, he pushed his right hand forward, and Stark's figure began to move backwards.

"You've been here long enough, go back to the real world and make up for the inevitable war!

After that, the realm is completely closed, and both Ancient One and Stark have already left here to die.

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