I'm In American Comics, I Pursue Eternity with Super God Technology

Chapter 131: The Soul Sacrifice of the Doctor Stranges

Doctor Strange, in the Marvel Movie Universe, is one of the most powerful superheroes, and is on the same level as Captain Marvel, Thor Thor and Scarlet Witch.

Moreover, at this stage, Doctor Strange is actually stronger than the other three superheroes, after all, Captain Marvel and Thor Thor will fall into a very passive situation when facing the wonderful move of magic.

Scarlet Witch, who is also a magician, has not been in contact with the dark book, and its magical potential has not been fully developed, so the application is not as good as the Doctor Strange who has the blessing of the dark book.

However, even if it is such a powerful Doctor Strange, even if several such Doctor Stranges At the moment appear at once, in Wu Chen's eyes, they are nothing but insignificant existences.

At this moment, Wu Chen, holding the Book of Emperor Weishan in his left hand and the Spear of Eternity in his right hand, stood proudly in the same place, and as far as his eyes could see, it was the Doctor Stranges.

"Eternity means infinity, and infinity is all-encompassing. The so-called multi-universe is nothing but countless projections of the same universe. All seemingly different people are actually one person, and no matter how many changes one person has. , it cannot surpass infinity, and it cannot be compared to eternity.”

Wu Chen said in his mouth that for more than a year, he stayed calmly in the Chaoshen Institute, but it was not without the slightest change.

He began to think about the truth about the universe, he began to explore the true meaning of the universe like a god, and in the process of exploration and thinking, he also had some small insights.

Although it is not complete, and although he has not been able to truly understand the true meaning of the universe, his vision is no longer comparable to that of mere mortals.


In just two words, a burst of invisible energy suddenly appeared in this space, and the bodies of those Doctor Stranges, as if they were bound, could no longer move.


Another two words, the various substances in Doctor Strange's bodies and the energy they possess are being explored and analyzed by Wu Chen in some unpredictable way.


Wu Chen said.

At the same time, the sound of the big clock appeared in the space.

"Start the void program, redefine the locked target, change the substance, transform the organic substance, and the form after the redefinition is complete!

The last word fell, and the bodies of those Doctor Stranges changed into sculptures at the same time, and they changed from human bodies to stone statues.

What Wu Chen used at the moment was the power of the void.

Now Wu Chen has combined the anti-void of the power of the galaxy and the void studied by Death God Karl, and began to combine them into one, and put them into his body to create a stronger void controller.

Wu Chen's divine body has not been further upgraded to the fourth-generation divine body or the so-called divine body.

But his built-in super gene engine has undergone earth-shaking changes.

Under the premise of the simultaneous progress of thought and practice, Wu Chen has truly stepped into the realm that belongs to God.

"Don't try to escape. In this space, even in the state of a soul, it is impossible to escape my vision."

Wu Chen said, and behind the sculpture that Doctor Strange 1's body turned into, the soul of Doctor Strange 1, who was planning to escape, couldn't help but be stunned for a moment.

"Soul astral, interstellar projection, I understand all of your means, and what you plan to do at the moment is under my control, so why waste your efforts!

As Wu Chen spoke, a burst of energy filled the entire space, and he locked onto Doctor Strange No. 1, as well as all other Doctor Strange's souls.

"Wu Chen, do you really want to kill them all?"

The Doctor Stranges all appeared, and they were all left with only their soul forms, but the dark energy given to them by the Dark Book, At the moment was constantly flashing, and the blood-red light began to fill the entire space.

"If you don't cut the roots, the spring breeze will blow! If you hadn't escaped that day, how could I meet you again today.

Wu Chen said.

"Since there is no choice, let's go all out and let the fish die! 55

Doctor Strange No. 1 said, all the other Doctor Stranges, almost at the same time as him, began to form the same magic circle.

"Sacrifice our souls, pray to the god of darkness, let the door of this multi-universe open forever, and let endless invasions come to the MCU!"

All the Doctor Stranges spoke in unison, the souls of each of them combined with the power endowed by the Dark God Book, and finally entangled with each other, forming a new and larger magic circle.

This array is not for Wu Chen, but for this special multi-universe space.

At the moment when the magic circle was formed, all the doors connected to the various multi-universes were all opened, and those universes and the MCU (Marvel Movie Universe) where Wu Chen originally lived were forcibly linked together.

"This situation..."

Wu Chen looked at the scene in front of him and was slightly stunned.

He didn't expect that these Doctor Stranges who were influenced by the Dark Book of God would end up doing such a thing. They would rather give up their souls and bodies and completely sacrifice to the Dark Book of God, so as to open the way to all universes. Gateway to the MCU universe.

The opening of the channel means that people or things from other parallel universes may break into the MCU universe from time to time in the future, and these people or things are likely to bring huge amounts of disaster to the MCU.

""~The Big Clock?"

Wu Chen asked.

"This is caused by Doctor Strange's soul resonating with the Dark Book, and we cannot prevent this from happening unless we destroy all Dark Books in the multi-universe."5

The Big Clock replied.

"The multi-universe is endless, and it's impossible for us to find them locally and destroy them."

Wu Chen is very clear, how the multi-universe exists.

"In your memory database, there is a record of Scarlet Witch destroying all the multi-universe dark books in one go.

(Wang Nuo good) said the big clock.

"No, Wanda is my person now, how can I watch her fall into the dark god book, and finally destroy all the dark god books at the cost of self-sacrifice.""

Wu Chen rejected Big Clock's offer.

Although he knew that Wanda could destroy all the Dark Books, he would not let Wanda take risks at will.

"Then, we can only allow this multi-universe gap to exist, and then be ready to welcome the multi-universe invasion at any time!"

said the big clock.

"That's no big deal, anyway, I will have time to deal with these so-called intruders in the future!

Wu Chen didn't care much, because he had already seen the invasion of the so-called multi-universe and parallel universes.

"Then, I will find out all the existing dimensional gaps as soon as possible, and establish a complete early warning and defense system as soon as possible!"

The big clock replied, and this matter seemed to be so determined.

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