"If you want to realize the exploration of the cracks in the world in the entire universe, there is no way to achieve it with the supernatural technology you have at this stage."

said the big clock.

At the moment, Wu Chen, is located on the third floor of the Supernatural Research Institute.

That top-secret area that no one other than Wu Chen can see, let alone enter.

"I can't do it with the supernatural technology I have, so what about the technology in your database?

Wu Chen asked.

"Opening the Void Age, only by mastering the real Void Technology, you can do everything you want to do.

said the big clock.

"The Void Age? I have combined the anti-void of the Galactic Force and the Ability of the Void Engine to create the Void Controller, haven't I used its Ability today? Isn't this not a real~step into the void?"

Wu Chen asked.

"The Void Controller is indeed the product of Void Technology, and in terms of level, it can be regarded as one of Void Technology - so the existence of the upper layers.

The Big Clock replied.

"Since that's the case, what exactly is the Void Age and the real Void Technology you're talking about right now?"

Wu Chen asked.

"After Death God Karl proposed the concept of void more than 10,000 years ago, all gods are studying the subject of void, and among them, the person who has studied the deepest and created the most advanced void technology, That is Death God Carl. 99

said the big clock.

"In Death God Carl's research, he found that the power of the void can achieve omnipotence, and he has created many powerful void technologies by relying on his own research on the void."

"Twisting and Mastering of Spatial Instability, Practical Application of Void Matter, Transfer Deposit of Super Gene Sequences. 35

"Besides, the Space Principal also has his unique achievements in the void field. His hourglass made with void technology breaks the boundaries of time and space, explores the past and calculates the future.

The big clock is introducing in detail the void technology that has been realized in the super god universe.

"Then, you want me to open the Void Age, which technology is the breakthrough? 35

Wu Chen asked.

"Void matter is the key to opening the Void Age."

said the big clock.

"If that's the case, shouldn't I try to drive Fixed Star to bomb the black hole? 99

Wu Chen knew how void matter was created, but he also knew better what conditions were needed to truly accomplish this step.

The Fixed Star is driven by blazing sun technology and controlled by a top god like Death God Carl himself, so that accurate bombing can be achieved, and the current Wu Chen's strength is obviously not able to reach the level of Death God Carl.

"We can start to upgrade the fourth-generation divine body or sacred body first, which can strengthen your own strength. At the same time, the analysis results of Soul Gem have come out, and we may be able to use the power of Infinite Gems to achieve our goals.""

said the big clock.

"You mean, you've finished analyzing Soul Gem's condition?"

Wu Chen asked, he had waited for more than a year for this news, and finally the result came out.

"Through analysis, the energy form of Soul Gem, in addition to the special Ability given by the concept originally, Soul Gem and other gems have the same energy mechanism, but only one point of latitude, Soul Gem has a built-in special space, through The entrance of this space, we can go to a special universe connected to it.

The Big Clock replied.

"Is that so? Then Gamora, who was sacrificed to Soul Gem by Thanos earlier, At the moment should be trapped in that space."

Wu Chen thought of Gamora, the daughter of Thanos who disappeared forever because of her sacrifice.

"Although that space belongs to a special universe, the scale of that universe is not large. Using the data of a large clock to detect Ability has completely explored the entire space. Gamora is indeed trapped in that universe."5

said the big clock.

"If that's the case, then take me to that cosmic space for a walk, and let me have a look at that so-called idyllic and beautiful little universe."

Wu Chen said, that Soul Gem has been summoned to his hand at this moment.

Of the six Infinite Gems, five of them were carried by Wu Chen for a long time, and this one had been kept in the laboratory on the second floor of the Supernatural Research Institute because of the need for analysis.

Now, it's finally in Wu Chen's hands again.

The orange light flickered, Wu Chen's figure disappeared in place, he had entered a whole new world through this Soul Gem, a completely independent small universe different from all other multi-universes.

Standing in the space, Wu Chen's eyes turned white, and he quickly read all the information in this universe through the big clock.

...... ask for flowers ......

Soon, he locates the position of Gamora, the one who was adopted by Thanos, but at the same time his parents were killed by Thanos, and Gamora himself was sacrificed by Thanos.

Her condition at the moment is very calm, she is not sad because of her past life, nor helpless because she is regarded as the most precious person by Thanos.

She just stayed in this world quietly, watching the sunrise and sunset every day, feeling the harmony and beauty of the whole nature.

"It seems that this is really a good place to cultivate one's temperament and cultivate one's temperament!

Wu Chen sighed, he had appeared in front of Gamora.

Gamora was originally in a state of indifference, but when she suddenly saw someone appear, she was completely stunned.

She then became excited, ecstatic, then suspicious, then wary.

A person's emotional changes are completely determined by the strangeness of what happens.

For Gamora, who had been living alone here for over a year, seeing someone else appear was originally a shock.

"Who are you? How are you here? 33

Gamora asked, but soon, she seemed to remember something.

"Are you the one who appeared on Earth, Wu Chen who wanted to snatch Infinite Gems from Thanos?"

Gamora looked at Wu Chen suspiciously, she wanted to know if her judgment was correct.

"You're right, I'm Wu Chen."

Wu Chen said, retracting his wings and slowly falling in front of Gamora.

"How did you get here? Are you also swallowed up by the Soul Gem? Isn't that Thanos' desire to fulfill his desire to destroy ordinary life in the universe?""

Gamora worried.

"I came in on my own, not swallowed by Soul Gem."

Wu Chen said.

"Furthermore, Thanos is dead, and he, along with his legion, allies, is the past of the entire universe. 99

Wu Chen said, and Gamora, who heard his words, showed a happy expression.

But then, there was a little sadness and emotion.

This is probably the last expression of her kindness to Thanos for raising him up!

I haven't asked for flowers or comments for a long time. If I ask for a wave today, please give me some small rewards. Please give me some flowers, monthly tickets, etc. Thank you!!!

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