I'm In American Comics, I Pursue Eternity with Super God Technology

Chapter 41: How Can My Subordinate Be A Weak Chicken!

Return to the Institute.

Wu Chen looked at Vision, Scarlet Witch and Quicksilver.

"You three will live here from now on, any ideas?"

Wu Chen asked.

The three people who have lived here before, Hulk is the home, Foster and Daisy are to study the wormhole theory.

But those three can only be regarded as relying on here.

But now, Vision and the three of them were taken in by Wu Chen, and they were all his subordinates.

"I was just born, and I don't know much about the world. I want to take a good look at what the world is like."

Vision spoke first.

"Okay, then you can go take a look at the world, the Mind Gem on your head, I will take it off after half a year."

Wu Chen said.

"Are you still going to take the gem?"

That's what Vision has been worrying about all along.

"Mind Gem is my origin, if you take it away, then..."

"You are wrong, the Mind Gem is only a part of your body. What really created you is the original J.A.R.V.I.S system, Stark, Banner, Thor and Ultron."

Wu Chen interrupted Vision.

"You mean, you have a way to take out the Mind Gem without hurting my origin?"

Vision was amazed.

If he had known this earlier, he wouldn't have thought about it for so long when facing Wu Chen.

"Not only do I have a way, the people at Wakanda also have a way, even Banner can do it."

Wu Chen said.

"Emotions, this is not a difficult thing!"

Quicksilver on the side said.

"It sounds simple, but it's actually not easy to operate. At least, according to the current technology on Earth, it takes a lot of time and energy to actually complete the transfer and reconstruction of all data."

Wu Chen said.

"But you have technology that far exceeds the current earth. It shouldn't be difficult to operate, right?"

Scarlet Witch asked.

"It's not difficult to simply take out the Mind Gem."

Wu Chen said.

"However, since Vision has become my subordinate, how can he lose such a powerful attacking move."

Wu Chen continued.

"You mean, you want to transfer the Mind Gem while keeping my use of light energy rays?"

Vision touched the Mind Gem on his forehead and asked.

"It's not just light energy rays, I have to strengthen your combat power so that you can play a greater role in future battles."

Wu Chen said, but there is actually a little hidden in his words.

He also had to make Vision a real soldier who only listened to his own command.

"It would be great if that were the case."

At this moment, Vision has no worries about the future, but is full of expectations.

"Wanda, Pilcher, both of you have super abilities, but your abilities have some shortcomings. Would you like me to improve them for you too?"

Wu Chen looked at Scarlet Witch and Quicksilver.

This really belongs to Wu Chen's three subordinates, and he will not treat them badly.

"Then what is our weakness?"

Scarlet Witch asked.

"Your Ability is strong, but your overall physical fitness is not good."

Wu Chen said, the holographic projection of the big clock shows the physical condition of the two.

"Wanda's magical power is very strong, and with your continuous development, it should continue to increase in the later stage."

"But apart from magic, your physique is extremely poor, almost like an ordinary person's physique. That is to say, as long as someone can avoid your magical attack, they can easily injure or even kill you."

"The same goes for Pilcher."

Wu Chen turned to Quicksilver.

"Your speed is extremely fast, and the metabolism of body functions is also accelerated, but with your high-speed movement for a long time, under extremely fast consumption, the inhalation of oxygen will be insufficient."

"So, you have to find a way to solve this problem, and like Wanda, you also need to strengthen the body's defense ability."

After Wu Chen said this, there was relevant data on the holographic projection. Both Quicksilver and Scarlet Witch intuitively saw the root of the problem.

"If it's just a matter of physical defense, you can build a Vibranium armor similar to the Black Panther battle suit."

The voice of the super gene system sounded in the hall of the research room.

"Well, on the basis of not changing the genes of the two, this is indeed the most appropriate way."

Wu Chen nodded and agreed with the plan given by the super gene system.

"Speaking of Vibranium armor, it seems that you promised when you took the Vibranium from Wakanda to give them a gift back."

The genetic system warned.

"Oh, that's true."

Wu Chen smiled, he still needs to get more Vibranium, just take this opportunity to go to Wakanda again.

"Also, Ulysses, who wanted to stumbling us before, should also clean up."

Wu Chen said, he has long known that Ulysses designed the Wakanda people to come to trouble him.

In the past, it was inconvenient for him to shoot Ulysses, but now, he has no scruples.

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