I'm In American Comics, I Pursue Eternity with Super God Technology

Chapter 94: Are you ready to accept destruction?

On the outskirts of the island, above the fleet's aircraft carrier, Vision appeared.

On the mothership, all the soldiers took out their weapons and aimed at Vision as soon as possible, and the naval guns on all the surrounding frigates were also aimed at Vision.

"My name is Vision, I'm not here to fight you, I want to talk to your captain.

Vision said, his voice spread throughout the mothership.

On the mothership, the captain in charge of commanding the mothership and the entire fleet was hesitant.

They are well aware of the strength of those superhero.

If he appeared in front of them so upright, if the other party suddenly attacked, then he would not be able to resist.

"Contact me the Avengers immediately."

The captain shouted, and the correspondent immediately connected to the headquarters of Avengers.

Stark, War Machine, and Natasha Romanoff, all three appear on the monitor at the same time "647"


"What's the matter?"

Stark asked.

"A guy called Vision came outside, and he said he wanted to talk to us.

said the captain.

"Vision? Then let him in, let's talk to him together."

Stark replied.

"He's a man in that research institute. If we let him in, how will our safety be guaranteed? 39

said the captain.

"Guaranteed? 99

"Oh! If they really wanted to kill you, they wouldn't be in front of you."

Stark said dismissively.

Wu Chen's wormhole technology can completely shoot someone in the head from thousands of miles away. If he wants to kill a person, that person will not even know how.

"Although your information shows that he is omnipotent, I now have a whole fleet, and the fleet is equipped with the most advanced weapon system, just to deal with a few people, we are still able to capture it."

The captain is very confident.

"Since you are so confident, why should you be afraid of Vision, why not let him in?"

Natasha Romanoff said.


The captain hesitated.

"In the end, you think you are absolutely safe with soldiers standing in front of you, typically standing and talking without backache!

Quicksilver's voice sounded in the captain's room. Before he knew it, he had already entered here, and now he was sitting on the chair that the captain used to be arrogant in his usual meetings.

"How do you..."

"What's wrong with me?"

Quicksilver looked up at the captain.

Several soldiers around, all stood up at this moment.

But before they could draw out their guns, the captain waved his hand to interrupt. He knew very well that if Quicksilver could come in like a ghost, it was definitely not something they could deal with.

"Oh, you meant to ask me how I got in, right?"

Quicksilver said, and then, in a flash, had an extra steak in his hand.

"That's how I walked in from the door, you didn't miss it, did you?"

As Quicksilver spoke, he was already cutting the steak immaculately and enjoying the delicious beef.

The captain's face was very ugly, because he knew that the beef was made by the chef on the ship, and it was originally intended to be eaten by himself in a while.

But now, Quicksilver brought it, that is to say, he ran from the captain's room to the kitchen before talking to himself, and then came back here with the steak.

As for the captain, during this process, he just blinked his eyes.

"Now, may I come in and talk to you in detail?"

Vision's voice came again.

The soldiers elsewhere on the ship didn't understand what he meant, but the captain did.

He thought that, as the captain, in the safest captain's room on the mothership, he could command the troops to surround the research institute with peace of mind.

But now he realizes that as long as he gets here, no matter where he hides, it is not safe.

The captain picked up the communicator and communicated to the soldiers outside: "Let him come in.

Shortly after that, Vision came in, and he was seriously led by the soldiers on the ship to the captain's room.

However, after the Quicksilver incident, the captain no longer dared to disrespect these superhero.

Although these people look exactly like normal people, their abilities are elusive.

In a serious comparison, superheroes like Stark and War Machine are not that big of a deal.

After all, although they are wearing armor to show off their power, their attack methods are still formal. Compared with Quicksilver's elusive movements, there is a huge difference.

The most important thing is that people all over the world know that Quicksilver, Vision and Scarlet Witch are just ordinary people in this institute. The most powerful one is Wu Chen..

"Hello, Captain! 35

Vision said respectfully.

"Vision, aren't you going to say hello to us Roar?"

Stark's voice came. Although he was not here, the communicator in the captain's room was always on.

"Hello Mr. Stark, Colonel Lord, Ms. Natasha Romanoff!

Vision greeted them politely.

"I sent you a copy of the superhero registration bill, don't you have any opinions?"5

Stark asked.

"Our thoughts are not important, what is important is that Wu Chen did not intend to ignore this so-called bill."

Vision replied.

"Speaking of which, you were originally created by me, but now you have become Wu Chen's subordinate, and you are obedient to his words. 35

Stark has always been uneasy about this.

Ultron and Vision were all created by him and with the assistance of Dr. Banner.

But Ultron, who was the first to create, became a big villain who wanted to oppose him and destroy all mankind.

The Vision created later was cut off by Wu Chen after its success. Not long after Wu Chen brought him to the research institute, Vision has now completely become a subordinate of Wu Chen. I didn't listen to anything.

"The mission of my existence is to protect this planet and the people here, and as far as I know, it is best for the earth to follow Wu Chen's instructions.

Vision said.

"Now, what are you doing here to find this so-called captain?"

Stark asked.

"I'm here to persuade you to leave as soon as possible, and don't think about anything about the Institute and Wu Chen from now on, it's better when Wu Chen and the Institute don't exist.

Vision said.

"This is impossible. The superhero registration act was formulated by countries all over the world. All superhero should follow the jump of the bill. If they violate the law, they are criminals and must be jointly sanctioned by all countries."

The captain said, he is very supportive of this so-called bill.

"If you really intend to do this, then you must be mentally prepared to suffer destruction."

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