I'm In Area 20: Start with Full Level Marine Six Styles

Chapter 90 CCG Invites Himself to Be a Guest?

Chapter 90: CCG Invites Himself to Be a Guest?

Tang Qing, who had just stepped into the hotel gate, couldn't help but let out an exclamation.

The appearance of Huaxia Hotel is too luxurious.

The interior trim is also of that top-notch material.

It gives people a magnificent feeling.

Tang Qing was wearing a pair of ordinary casual clothes.

For him, he doesn't like those luxury brands at all.

You can buy a suit of clothes for twenty or thirty yuan at the roadside stalls.

The welcoming ladies didn't even bow to say welcome when they saw Tang Qing walk in~.

In their eyes, this bumpkin must have gone to the wrong place.

At this time, a man in a suit and leather shoes should be the front office manager walked over.

"Hey, hey, sir."

"Are you here looking for someone or for accommodation?"

"Did I go to the wrong place?"

The lobby manager's nose almost went up above his eyes.

Tang Qing turned around and glanced at her.


Then the several welcoming ladies next to her laughed.

The lobby manager also looked at Tang Qing playfully.

"Sir, the minimum accommodation conditions here are 888 per night."

"Not including your breakfast.

"If you want to stay, walk ten kilometers to the east, there are many small cheap hotels there."5

Tang Qing understands.

I was looked down upon by others for my outfit.

"You mean I can't afford a hotel?"

Tang Qing's face became more and more cold.

This guy in front of him is just a little b-grade ghoul.

To be so arrogant?

"That's not true, sir. 35

"It's just that we don't want your monthly salary to be spent on impulsiveness.

What the lobby manager said was oblique and insulting.

Tang Qing opened the handbag.

The manager saw the densely packed Huaxia coins inside.


But Tang Qing did not withdraw the cash.

Instead, it looked like it was searching for something inside.

After a while, he took out the gold card Si Li prepared for him from the suitcase.

"This thing should work here, right?"

The lobby manager opened his mouth wide.

"I didn't expect this kid in front of me to be so rich.

"There must be at least a hundred thousand cash in that suitcase."

He came over stammeringly.

"Ok, Ok!

He quickly trotted all the way to the front desk to check in for Tang Qing himself.

When the card is swiped across the pos machine.

The lobby manager is in a mess.

This is no ordinary credit card!

This is clearly the top-level gold card with the highest popularity nowadays.

A person who can own this gold card is worth at least tens of billions.

He's been here all his life.

The highest level has also seen a diamond black card.

The lobby manager wanted to slap himself hard now.

If the boss knows that he has offended a person of this status.

Their hotel might change hands tomorrow.

And of course he was living on the street.

The lobby manager hastily opened the top presidential suite to Tang Qing.

Trot all the way over.

Several security guards next to him were laughing.

"Boy, you won't have enough money in the card, will you?"

They have seen a lot of upstarts with tens of thousands of cash.

There is absolutely nothing to show off in this hotel.

As a result, as soon as the lobby manager came up, he almost bent his waist to 90 degrees.

"Mr. Tang, I'm sorry."

"The little ones don't know Mount Tai with their eyes, and the dog's eyes see people as inferior."

"I didn't know it was you who came here."

And the jaws of the welcoming ladies just now almost dropped from shock.

The dream of each of them is to lose such a rich and wealthy son-in-law.

But they didn't cherish such a good opportunity.

Instead, he offended others.

The feeling of wanting to cry without tears.

The lobby manager personally took Tang Qing's suitcase and helped him carry it.

Tang Qing patted the back of the lobby manager gently with his hand.

The lobby manager felt a huge force coming.

Then his body softened and he knelt down on the ground.

He was a soldier for many years when he was young.

Unexpectedly, the thin boy in front of him slapped himself down.

"Open your eyes and look at people in the future."

The lobby manager nodded quickly.

"Yes! Yes! Mr. Tang, you are right.

And two hours ago.

The entire ccg headquarters in Xiangjiang is now completely shocked.

When Tang Ji passed the news of Tang Qing to the capital headquarters.

The capital headquarters immediately began to investigate.

Where did this little boy come from?

Killing a sss-level big ghoul is as easy as cutting a watermelon.

When the news from customs came.

It is basically confirmed that Tang Qing is from an island country.

After a little investigation, I will understand.

It turns out that the killing god from the island country came to Huaxia.

Almost wiped out the ghoul of the entire island nation by himself.

It even has the ability to defeat ten thousand with one.

The capital immediately sent a message to Xiangjiang.

"At all costs to win over the relationship with Tang Qing."

"Even if you can't establish diplomatic relations with them, you can't make enemies with them!

"Whoever disobeys will be dealt with directly on the spot without notification.""

No one in the CCG headquarters in Xiangjiang has recovered.

They all opened their mouths and stared at each other.

No wonder Tang Qing's strength is so strong.

It turned out to be the legendary figure of the island country.

After speaking.

Tang Qing's existing information was sent to Heung Kong headquarters.

"Name: Tang Qing.

"Age: 20.

"Strength: far beyond the sss big ghoul, Huaxia class, dragon class!"

"Danger level: five stars.

"Ability: Unknown. 99

The ccg headquarters in Beijing is even more uncomfortable now.

After all, Tang Qing could have targeted ghoul before.

He came to China.

Now with the strength of Huaxia, there are not many people who can check and balance him.

Although there are several unborn dragon-level old monsters in the capital.

But for their age, how can they easily make a move?

Everyone wants to take care of their years and live longer.

A man at ccg headquarters lit a cigarette.

Take a deep breath.

He stared at the window sadly.

Hopefully this guy is just here for a tour.

It is best to go back after playing in Xiangjiang for a few days.

Never offend him.

The people in Xiangjiang are now looking for Tang Qing's traces.

Such people are dangerous like a ticking time bomb.

Be sure to offer him something delicious and drinkable like an uncle.

Don't make him feel unhappy at all.

Tang Qing enjoying the view of the Xiangjiang River in the Presidential Suite.

I don't know that the whole Xiangjiang has been completely changed because of his arrival.

Hongxing's people are frantically looking for him.

In their eyes, Tang Qing represents power and wealth.

And the ccg people are looking for him too.

For fear that he will be unhappy and bring a devastating disaster to Xiangjiang.

The ccg guys got the death order.

If it is really a last resort, even a war with Hong Xing is acceptable.

Protect Tang Qing at all costs.

The owner of the Red Star lobby received a report from his younger brother.

・・・ Flowers 0・・・

"Boss, our spies show it.

"The boy named Tang Qing has now checked into the Dorsey Hotel.

"Are we going out now?

The lobby master touched the blood-drinking sword in his hand.

"No hurries?"

"It's not like you don't know who is behind the Dorsey Hotel. 99

"If we really fight on his territory, if we anger him, we really can't explain it.

The subordinates of the lobby master seemed to have thought of an extraordinary person.

The body began to shake uncontrollably.

"Keep watching and he'll come out. 35

"As long as he steps out of the hotel door, let him die without a place to be buried."9

This night, Tang Qing slept very sweetly.

Through huge floor-to-ceiling windows.

The sky is full of stars sprinkled on Tang Qing's body.

This is the red stick squatting outside the door of the Dorsey Hotel.

At least dozens of people were hiding in hidden corners.

They didn't even dare to blink, for fear of missing Tang Qing's appearance.

The next morning.

Tang Qing sat up and stretched fiercely.

After washing up, I walked towards the hotel lobby.

I am hungry again.


As soon as he opened the door, he saw four followers standing outside the room.

Among them, there are two women who are the best and most beautiful among the welcome ladies.

Well, the contemptuous eyes of yesterday have long since been put away.

After exhausting the most seductive eyes in their lives, they looked at Tang Qing in a charming way.

"Mr. Tang, what are your orders?"

All of a sudden, Tang Qing was a little unnatural.

One of them was a little confused when he saw Tang Qing.

"Mr. Tang, the manager specially ordered. 99

“During your stay, the four of us are always waiting outside the door. 39

"If you have any requirements, just tell us.""

“We will meet all your needs. 35

When these words were said, the two girls' faces were still a little blushing.

It seems that Tang Qing can eat the two of them whenever he wants.

Tang Qing was just too lazy to go downstairs.

"Okay, get me a breakfast."

The entourage turned and left.

Tang Qing stopped him suddenly.

The attendant was nervous.

For fear of what I did not do well enough, I offended Tang Qing.

"and many more."

"Get me some more.""

The people were ashamed.

Just when Tang Qing was enjoying breakfast.

Suddenly there was a knock on the door.

Tang Qing stepped forward and opened the door.

It was Tang Ji, Yang Shiyu, and Li He who had just met yesterday.

Xiangjiang ccg sent the three of them to contact Tang Qing's relationship.

After all, you already know.

Then direct contact is much easier than contact with strangers.

Tang Ji laughed when he saw Tang Qing.

It was like meeting an old friend who had been separated for a long time.

"Mr. Tang, I hope I didn't disturb your breakfast time.

Tang Qing is biting a beautifully made poached egg in his mouth.

"I feel disturbed."

The three Tang Ji said in one sentence were speechless.

"What's the matter, tell me.

Tang Qing asked straight to the point.

He doesn't like talking to others around the corner.

Tang Ji stood aside awkwardly.

"Mr. Tang Qing, this is the situation."5

"We know that you have just arrived in Huaxia.

"Maybe you're not very familiar with this place."

"We, Hong Kong ccg, would like to invite you to be a guest.

Tang Qing was a little interested when he heard this.

CG actually invited himself to be a guest? 9.

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