I'm in Comprehensive Comics: Start Enrolling in Tōtsuki Academy

Chapter 203: Clara’S Reaction Is Like This (Please Subscribe~)

Kraqi is in a very excited state now, because she originally planned to think about how she could apply for a business trip to Tokyo, but she didn't expect that she wouldn't have to apply for it, and the opportunity came!

In your own territory, this is a real opportunity! There are so many things you can do. As long as you take the initiative, that will be a story!

Although Kraqi was a little tipsy, she still remembered what she should do today, mainly to get some information, although she knew that even if she really told a lie, it was Ye Mu who told her on purpose.

After all, a being of Ye Mu's level must have high intelligence and vision, and must know what he is thinking, so it would be better to go with the flow and be more direct.

Kraqi coughed lightly and said, "Eighty-seven...Mr. Ye, I have something to ask you."

"What is it?"

"Well... I mean... Mr. Ye, you know there is a chamber of commerce over there, right?"

After Kraqi finished speaking, she quietly observed Ye Mu's expression, and Ye Mu raised the corner of his mouth slightly and said, "Of course I know, after all, he is very famous.

"Right, but it seems that the young boss of the Chamber of Commerce has been involved in a lawsuit recently. It seems that he has never let anyone go. The person who is targeted is really unlucky."

Ye Mu nodded and said: "If this is true, the person who was targeted is indeed very unlucky, but it is also possible that he deserves it. After all, their chamber of commerce is said to value loyalty very much. I guess that guy did something. It’s something that cannot be easily forgiven.”

Clara whispered in her heart: "Sure enough, I won't admit it completely! But is this sentence a reminder to myself of what unforgivable thing that guy did?"

It stands to reason that she knows something about this guy Nakamura Ji. He has a very dark look, as if he is some kind of villain. Although he has some money and good cooking skills and taste, he can rise up in such a short time. There's a ghost!

Kraqi held up her face and said: "It's true, but... the young master came back suddenly, and this happened not long after he came back. It seems that he did something terrible. It's really scary. It’s too dangerous, but China is still safe.”

"That's true, Clara, do you know the person being targeted?"

Clara smiled sarcastically and said: "I probably know a little bit about it... I have my own small organization, and the person who does the training seems to be... I usually look like a non-smiling person, but I'm inexplicably kind. Very strange feeling..."

"Is that so? But this matter is still quite curious. A child who has just turned one month old offends an adult male lion with rich hunting experience is really brave. In the business world, such a person will probably end up It won't be too good.

Kelaqi's heart skipped a beat. Sure enough, Ye Mu had no intention of letting that guy go, but what did this sentence mean? Instead of using power, he simply used commercial methods to make him irrecoverable? But what about the miserable end? What about level?

Using commercial methods to make him end badly? It shouldn't mean killing him, so... the worst thing is to have nothing and go to jail. As for how many years he will be in jail, it is still unknown․

When Kraqi came back to her senses, she looked at Ye Mu, who was looking at her with a playful smile, and said quickly: "Mr. Ye, what's wrong? Sorry, sorry! I was distracted just now!"

"It's okay, I'm just curious, Clara, how did you know about this matter? As far as I know, although there is no special public relations about this matter, not many people know it so completely."

Kraqi seemed to have known that Ye Mu would ask this question, and said with a smile: "Hey, after all, I am also a respectable person! Mr. Ye, do you remember the friend I want to introduce to you? That's right! That's right. One of them told me! She is in China, so she only knows a little bit.

"I see...."

"Yes, yes! So, Mr. Ye, if you are interested, I will call them over when you come, and you can ask her then! Mr. Ye, if you really want to If you know, I can also help you investigate!"

Ye Mu was stunned for a moment and said: "You are so brave, do you dare to investigate that person's affairs?"

"So, you must be very loyal!"

"That's what I said, but let's forget it. After all, this matter has nothing to do with me, at least...if I don't check it myself, it has nothing to do with me...


Kraqi was stunned for a moment. What does this sentence mean? Ye Mu must be targeting Nakamura Ji, and he will never let go of that level. So what does this sentence mean?

But Clara suddenly thought of a word, nothing...what does nothing mean? Nothing doesn't mean nothing, there is still something, but it means not much.

In this case, the meaning of this sentence should be: "I have no intention of personally coming forward in this matter at the moment, so the current stage of this matter does not have much to do with me, or it is not yet the time for me to come forward. when."

Thinking this way, Kraqi suddenly felt enlightened! Sure enough! Let’s be an undercover! Lord Mana! I didn’t mean to be an undercover! I just accidentally fell in love with the BOSS! Then this is rebellion! You must understand Yeah! (Nakiri Mana: Turn the table over!)

Ye Mu 4.0 did mean this. He told Kraqi on purpose. He just wanted to see what WGO would do before the final sweep under his nose.

What a structure.

"Mr. Ye, Mr. Ye, when are you coming? I'll pick you up!"

"I need to do some errands when I get there, so there's no need to pick me up at the airport. We should meet up soon after that.

"Eh? Mr. Ye, you are very appetizing..."


"But if it's Mr. Ye! I'm really looking forward to it! No complaints! Cheers!"

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