I'm in Comprehensive Comics: Start Enrolling in Tōtsuki Academy

Chapter 213: Snake Mengzi’S Promise, Belated Shyness (Please Subscribe~)

At this time, Ye Mu and Snake Mengzi were still in the library. Snake Mengzi glanced at the computer and ran to stick to Ye Mu. She always stayed in Ye Mu's arms and had no intention of leaving.

After Yumeko Snake finally found the opportunity and plucked up the courage to hand over her first kiss, she knew very well that her heart felt much more settled.

"Jun Ye, it's getting late. Don't look at it either. Tomorrow... ah... I have a date today."

Ye Mu nodded and saved and sorted out various data and pictures before closing the computer.

Ye Mu glanced at Snake Mengzi, who was still in his arms. Snake Mengzi also blinked and looked at Ye Mu, with the corners of his mouth slightly raised, showing no intention of leaving at all.

"You know the truth."

Snake Mengzi was immediately picked up by the princess, and Snake Mengzi couldn't help but chuckled twice.

"Jun Ye, what do you think?"

"I didn't expect you to have some weight, Mengzi."

Yumeko Snake Gho said with a smile: "Of course, after all, I have a figure that even the president would envy. It is definitely not the weight of those flat people, I have a really good figure.

"As expected of you, if it had been anyone else, I would have been claiming that I am not fat anymore.

"You have to have confidence in yourself, otherwise I won't have the courage to say such words to charm you. But, Mr. Ye, let's make an agreement."


Yumeko Snake thought for a moment and said: "That is to say, I won't tell you what you stayed up late here today to design. However, if the president and others ask me about it, you can't tell me either."


"This is a perfect opportunity for me to fight for the world of two people. Ye Jun, don't you want me to accompany you?"

Ye Mu sighed and said, "Although I don't know what you are going to do, this matter is not a big deal, so that's all."

"Well, that's good. Ah, we're at the right place. Mr. Ye can put me down now."

Snake Mengzi fell to the ground, changed her shoes, and looked at Ye Mu who was taking off her shoes. Snake Mengzi suddenly thought of something and called Ye Mu softly. As soon as Ye Mu raised her head, she saw the red eyes coming towards her again.

It's a pity that Qiluoli and the others are already asleep at this moment. Otherwise, with the intelligence of these girls, they would definitely have hidden and watched this wonderful kiss scene.

Snake Mengzi gently pressed the corner of her mouth with her thumb, and then said with a smile: "Goodnight kiss, I'm really looking forward to the date in a few hours, good night.

After saying that, he walked away gracefully with his hands behind his back. Ye Mu chuckled and shook his head. In a sense, Snake Ghoul Mengzi was an existence that could give Kiroli even a headache.

As for Snake Mengzi, who seemed to be very calm, after returning to the room, she threw herself directly on the pillow and buried her face in the pillow. After a long time, she heard a few chuckles.

Turning over and looking at the ceiling, Snake Mengzi's face also turned red. She wasn't shy when she was in Ye Mu's arms, she wasn't shy when she kissed her twice in a row, and she wasn't shy when she was hugged by the princess.

But now after returning to the room, Snake Ghoul Mengzi was excited, secretly happy, and excited, and suddenly felt shy.

This made Yumeko Snake Gho not only feel uncontrollably happy, but also surprised, because she suddenly knew that she was shy. "She knew what the legendary feeling of shyness was like when in love.

This was an emotion she had never experienced before, and she discovered it after she fell in love with this man who suddenly appeared in her life.

She seems to have a lot more emotions that she didn't have before, she is shy and at ease when she is with the person she likes, and she feels nervous and her heart beats faster after saying something to express her feelings.

That's not what any big gamble can bring her. From the first time she felt such a strange emotion, she felt like she was getting more and more curious, as if she had walked into a quagmire, but she was very curious. ,Am looking forward to.

After all, Yumeko Snake Ghoul was not an ordinary person. Although she felt shy and excited when she came back to her senses, she quickly adjusted herself and fell into a deep sleep.

"Ah, Mengzi seems to have had a sweet dream..."

Snake Mengzi was sleeping soundly when she suddenly heard a very recognizable voice. She couldn't quite hear what was said, but she knew that someone was next to her.

When they opened their eyes, Kiroli and Lilixiang both had their hair loose and no makeup. They looked exactly the same, and it was impossible to tell who was who.

Yumeko Snake was also stunned for two seconds. Kiroli said with a smile: "Ah, I woke up, but this expression is really funny. Can't you tell who is who?"

Snake Mengzi nodded and said: "President, you and the vice-president are indeed sisters. You can really say that they are exactly the same. I thought I didn't wake up and saw the double image."

"Rentan and the others have the same reaction. Sister, do you think Xiaoxian can tell us apart? If we don't say anything."

Lilixiang shook her head and said: "I don't know, but...if it's Xiao Mu, even if he recognizes it, it's a matter of course!"

Yumeko Snake Ghoul and Kiroli both glanced at Lilixiang with strange expressions. Yumeko Snake Ghoul said blankly: "Then what if I didn't recognize it?"

"Huh? That must be because Xiao Mu hasn't seen us for a long time. In Tianchao's words, it's a female transformation, and we haven't been with Xiao Mu all the time. It's natural that he can't recognize us."

2.6 Snake Mengzi clapped dumbly, Kiroli also sighed and said: "Sister, you are such a good wife.


Snake Ghoul Yumeko smoothed her hair and said, "President, when are you going to have a date today? Let's leave right after dinner."

"Of course not. You go and wash up quickly. Just do as I say later. By the way, don't forget what we discussed yesterday."

"Yeah! Of course!"

"Eh? Mengzi, suddenly I feel like something has changed in you, and you seem to be looking forward to it.

"Change? Hmm... that means I'm looking forward to it too."

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