I'm in Comprehensive Comics: Start Enrolling in Tōtsuki Academy

Chapter 221 HōJō Miyoko Loses Her Glory, The Strange Miyazono Kaoru (Please Subscribe~)

Igarashi has now completely given his love to Ye Mu, and is relatively more inclined to Ye Mu, the president? My sisters, they are just sisters who are strictly controlled by their husbands.

This afternoon, Ye Mu originally wanted to take Qiluoli and the others to the experience center, but Qiluoli and the others directly chose to let Ye Mu take them shopping.

Naturally, the result was that Qiluoli and the others went shopping in various ways, and then asked Ye Mu if it was suitable for them. They also bought Ye Mu various things. Although Ye Mu said that he did not need it, Qiluoli and the others still gave him the gift. Ignore it.

When they came back in the evening, Kobayashi Ryodan and the others had already prepared dinner. Kiroli nodded and said, "Well, it's not bad. The Chinese food has improved, eh? What's your expression?"

Busujima Saeko said helplessly: "But Kirori, you actually went on a date. What did you buy?"

"I just bought a bunch of clothes, and even bought some for Xiaomu. If I don't go on a date, what are I going to do?"


"Is it possible to stay in bed like this for a whole day? What a waste."

Hearing this, Kobayashi Ringtong was stunned for two seconds and then raised his eyebrows147 and said: "I know, Qiluoli, you will never just go on a date.

"Of course, this is a long-cherished wish, but I still have a headache. Ah Hua doesn't even listen to me anymore. When Xiao Mu was here, she completely put me in second place."

Igarashi's face turned red. After an afternoon of dating, Igarashi could be said to have become a lot bolder towards Qiluoli and Ye Mu. "Igarashi whispered: "I... I will definitely put my husband first. One person..."

"Well, have you seen that Ah Hua also actively promised Xiao Mu to keep an eye on me at school? Oh... I have a headache, I have a headache. I used to have Ah Hua under my command, sister, but now I'm fine. Sister is originally Xiaomu's people, Ahhua, don't listen to me either.

"Mengzi has always been Xiaomu's subordinate. Luna is running a clique of her own. Sheng Zhimo is still Xiaomu's little fan girl. Oh, it gives me a headache."

Erina smiled and said: "Sister Qiluoli, you can say whatever you want, but why do you look so happy?"

"Damn girl, can't I (cgej) express my feelings? Moreover, what subordinates and assistants can trust their own sisters? In the King of Flowers, as long as Xiao Mu is reluctant to let me lose, Mengzi and the others will still be on my side. Of."

Tianyu Zhanzhan said with rare helplessness: "Ahua, you are not here today."

"I...I was tricked. Everyone was stupid at the time. I thought it would be enough to express my love to Mr. Ye Mu today. Being able to kiss is already an overachievement goal. I didn't expect... directly It developed to a result that I didn't expect, but I am really happy and at ease.

"I guess it's what Qi Luoli thought of."

"Yes! It's Sister Kiroli! She tricked me into looking for a hairband, and then the hairband was always in her pocket. Sister Lilixiang also pretended to come to help find it, and Mengzi was responsible for locking the door after everyone arrived! I didn't respond. come over!"

Fuyumi Mizuhara and others who were making a video call silently glanced at Senta Natsuya and the others who were holding their rice bowls and looking hard. Senta Natsuya also said with some embarrassment: "Well... this fish is well cooked. Eat, Miyoko, and make progress.

Miyoko's eyes twitched. She didn't make the fish, but Inui Hinako made it. However, Hōjō Miyoko said that she absolutely couldn't explain it. As she was talking, she suddenly saw Kaguya Hinamiya with a cute look on her face and said: "Huh? This Didn't Sister Hinata do it?"

Hōjō Miyoko froze on the spot. As soon as the rice bowl was put down, she leaned on the back of the chair with her chopsticks. Her eyes lost their luster. If one day something unexpected happened to her that was not planned, Shinomiya Kaguya would definitely have this idea. Not open relationship.

"Um... what Sister Xia Ya said... I took care of this fish! It's very good! It's clean!"

"Oh! I see... the fish is indeed difficult to deal with."

Hōjō Miyoko had tried his best to save himself, but when he raised his head, he still saw the thoughtful eyes of Sentata Natsume and Sentata Ori.

Ouch, it's over, Shinomiya Kaguya is definitely going to be unlucky. As the one whose name was mentioned, he will probably be buried with him. He is a secretary, and he hasn't started formal work yet, and he hasn't started any training with Ye Mu yet. As for the opportunities for love, are they already so bumpy?

Hiratsuka Shizuka, who was watching the whole process, said that fortunately she was not so miserable, otherwise, she would be the one who lost the highlight.

"Hey, Huji, Huji... stop eating! Listen to me!"

"Ah? What's the matter? I'm going to starve to death today. I was already late and didn't have time to have breakfast. Lunch is not delicious yet.

"It's indeed quite unpalatable. That's not the issue. I just want to ask you, girl Xun, did you fail the exam?"

"No, she got good grades. What's wrong?"

Shizuka Hiratsuka tilted her head and said, "I remember that too. I saw her at school today. She got excellent test scores. Why did she come to school?"

"Yeah, um...could it be that I forgot some homework at school?"

"She's not that careless..."

"Who knows, after that girl was fine, she became much more lively. I don't know what she was thinking, Mu! When will you come back! Look, look! The dark circles under her eyes can hardly be covered!"

Qian Tu, Xia Ya and the others also nodded. Ye Mu thought for a moment and said: "Within fifteen days, more than ten days, there will be about twelve or three days."

Qianhe Zhie sighed and said: "My dear, I said today that I would take a plane to see you next week, but my sister didn't let me go."

Fuyumi Mizuhara glanced at Sentata Ori and said softly: "You can go, but I don't know what will happen when you come back.

"Uh... So I just said that I want to find my dear! Don't worry, Fuyumi! We are good sisters for life! We will never abandon you!"

"Well, that's true."

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