I'm in Comprehensive Comics: Start Enrolling in Tōtsuki Academy

Chapter 237: The Scene Of Alice’S Wish, HōJō Miyoko Has A Complicated Mood (Please Subscribe~)

This was the first time Hōjō Miyoko knew about this. For a moment, she didn't know what to do.

Ryoko Sakaki sighed and said: "This is not mandatory. You can decide according to your own ideas. But Miyoko, have you contacted Kawashima-san? When will she come back?"

Hōjō Miyoko thought for a moment and said: "I said I would be back in the next two days. It should be tonight's flight or tomorrow afternoon's flight. I'm not sure which day it is. I didn't ask.

Do you have enough time?"

"Of course it's in time. It's no problem to come back more than two days in advance. It's mainly for the layout of the scene and the appearance of the host. As for the other things, I don't know yet. To be honest, I'm a little envious of you Miyoko."

Hōjō Miyoko was stunned for a moment and said: "Envy me? Why?"

"Because this autumn election has special rules. Currently, I, Alice, and Hisako, the three of us can be said to have been nominated a lot. I don't know what strange test rules are waiting for you. Just feel free to compare. Peace of mind.”

"Is there anything else?"

Alice sighed and said: "Of course, otherwise why do you think we have been studying a curry for the preliminary round for so long? It's not just because Senior Ye is watching, and Sister Xia Ya and Sister Zhihui are the judges."

"I don't know when the rules will be applied. Senior Ye said that they won't be used in the qualifiers, but Senior Ye's character is so sinister that no one can believe it."

Hōjō Miyoko sighed and said: "I don't even know what kind of emotions I should have to be reasonable right now. Ryoko, are you ready?"

Hearing this, Ryoko Sakaki's eyes quickly lost their luster, and she looked silent. Hōjō Miyoko seemed to know the answer, and suddenly felt a little glad that she was a latecomer. The novice protection was really good.

"Ryoko, the dish you are going to prepare looks so strange. Is it really made from curry?"

"To be honest, I'm not sure if it's curry, but I'm sure it tastes like curry."

"There's no such thing as cooking. I'm really impressed by you... but it looks quite interesting. Alice, aren't you going to practice?"

While eating the fruit, Alice said casually: "Practice? What should I practice? Cooking? There is no molecular cooking machine here, and I have experimented with my cooking, and it has reached expectations. Then I will find a way to improve the spices." Just make a breakthrough."

"Is that so? But you used molecular cuisine in the qualifiers for the autumn election."

"The main reason is that the rules have changed. In order to avoid being cheated by Senior Ye, I had to start taking it seriously from the qualifiers. If I had tried to see if I could challenge a certain Elite Ten, I wouldn't have had to go to such trouble."

"But, isn't it because Erina was able to establish the Shokugeki because she has the Tongue of God?"

"So, I said if, not definitely, Miyoko, what kind of food have you prepared? There is no curry in the Chinese food."

Hōjō Miyoko thought for a while and said: "Indeed, not at least not classically. I plan to make a mutton dish. I feel that the taste of curry is already very strong. If I add mutton... it would be better to have a more explosive effect."

"That sounds good, Miyoko. You've been at home during this time, and Sister Tumei and the others have been teasing you a lot."

Hearing this, even Hōjō Miyoko, a girl, had a sore nose. She had worked too hard. She knew too much at home and probably had no way out. At home, her father and mother thought that she and Ye The seniors are already a couple, and folic acid has been arranged, so there is no turning back.

There are also various things that are so difficult for her, and she feels like she pities herself.

Seemingly noticing Hōjō Miyoko's difficulty, Sakaki Ryoko sighed and said, "Miyoko, don't worry, I think you'll be fine when the autumn election starts.


"Because the target is about to change. Among other things, Kadozaki-senpai and Kikuchi-senpai are coming, so they will definitely not be busy with you. There is also Jing-san. The most important thing is that Alice's confession has been It's the countdown stage, and Kaoru-senpai and the others are still there, so you don't have to worry too much.

"That's okay... But then again, Alice, aren't you counting down the time to confess your love? Why are you still so calm? Have you already thought about it?"


"Ah? Think about it? Think about what? Confess your feelings? Of course..."

"there is none left...."

Hōjō Miyoko looked at Alice who looked helpless but still blushing and didn't know what to say. Suddenly she felt that all the first-year students in Tōtsuki, except Erina and Hisako, were a little bitter.

Ryoko Sakaki said helplessly: "Alice, you really need to hurry up. Although the result is the same as what Minister Leonora said, the romantic confession you longed for is gone."

"I know, but I really have no chance...Sister Qianhua also has a headache about this matter, so I still have to think about it."


"Don't think about it anymore. If you continue to think about it, maybe Senior Ye will be called abroad during the autumn election with just a phone call. When he comes back, Minister Leonora will be there, and there will be nothing you can do."

Hōjō Miyoko's words made Ryoko Sakaki nod. This is completely possible. Alice naturally thought of it, but she still had no chance. There must be a reason to suddenly go out to Ye Mu. Otherwise, she could just say it at home? That's still romantic. Wouldn't it be more straightforward to just tell Ye Mu that she was also his fiancée?

"The reason why I didn't ask Senior Ye to go out with me alone, Ryoko, Miyoko, you two can help me think of a way. I really don't know what reason to ask Senior Ye to go out with me."

"The reason... is to be romantic. I'm not good at this, so I'd better ask Ryoko..."

"Me? If I knew, I wouldn't be here now...Huh? Alice, I never asked you. You always said it was romantic. What kind of romantic confession venue do you want?"

"That's right, how can others know if you don't tell me."

Alice thought for a moment and said: "The place I want to express my love should be..."

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