I'm in Comprehensive Comics: Start Enrolling in Tōtsuki Academy

Chapter 246: The Game That Appeared, The Plot That Ye Mu Suddenly Thought Of (Please Subscribe~)

Xiaolin Ringtong is so scared when he thinks about how he almost drove Ye Mu away. If he had really driven Ye Mu away in excitement, he would still be single today, and he doesn’t know whether he will get married in the future. Give it to someone

Akane Kubotao also breathed a sigh of relief and said: "At that time, Xiao Taozi had a good impression of Mu, and the first impression was very good, but if Gendan must be driven away, Xiao Taozi had no choice but to do so. But in this case, she really didn't dare What do you think it would be like?”

Erina thought for a moment and said: "In this case... then Sister Gentian, you are really in danger, because in this case, it seems that you and Sister Xiaotao, who are in the best conditions in the end, may be the unluckiest."

Kobayashi Ryodan also breathed a sigh of relief and said: "That's right. I'm scared to think about it now, but fortunately my husband is great. Hey, husband, did you have any resentment at the beginning?"


"Yes, after all, I just came to the dormitory, haven't spent a single night, and may be kicked out without even eating. Don't you feel resentful?"

Ye Mu said casually: "In Reason 347, even though he really left, it made me feel that Tōtsuki might not be as simple as I thought.

"Really...Huh? Wait, husband, what you mean is that you didn't feel that Tōtsuki was difficult at the beginning, right?!"

Ye Mu didn't show any pretense, and nodded frankly, and then said helplessly: "But I can't say that completely. After all, there are still interesting people in Tōtsuki."

Hisako said blankly: "I feel that I have been underestimated, but there seems to be nothing wrong. This is indeed the case for Lord Ye Mu..."

Erina sighed and said: "Sure enough, Mu you were a little bit dismissive of the two opening speeches before, huh? Hai Meng, what are you doing?"

"Ah? I'm watching what Xun-senpai and the others are doing. They also had a very fulfilling summer vacation, Mu! Don't you want to watch?"

"What did they do during the summer vacation?"

Kitagawa Kaimeng immediately rushed over and leaned in Ye Mu's arms, holding the phone and saying: "Mu, look, look, this is from Senior Aoi, she just posted it, she said it was... and she went to grab the newly released one. It's time to play..."

"Indeed... hmm? A game?"

"Huh? What's wrong? Husband, you know you like to play games, right? Didn't you play hackney with her before?"

Ye Mu nodded and said: "That's right, I just suddenly thought of one thing, the game."

Ye Mu gently patted Kitagawa Hai Meng's back and said with a smile: "Hai Meng, I want to ask you something."

"Hey, what's the matter, Mu, just ask me directly."

"At Asuna's house, my uncle should be running an electronic products company, right?"

"Yes, what's wrong?"

Ye Mu gently stroked Kitagawa Haimeng's long hair and raised the corners of his mouth slightly. If so, he seemed to have suddenly found some interesting game, a game in the literal sense.

Kitagawa Kaimeng pursed his lips and said with some confusion: "Mu, do you want to cooperate with uncle?"

"Cooperation? What kind of cooperation can I have with an electronic product company? I just suddenly thought of something. Hai Meng, lend me your mobile phone."


Kitagawa Kaimeng didn't hesitate. She didn't have much in her phone. They were all photos of cosplay, collaborations with her sisters, photos of herself and Ye Mu, photos of Ye Mu, landscape photos, and photos with her father. A photo of Nanami Fuka and Nami.

As for the contacts... they were very few. They were basically family members, class teachers (cgca) and the like. Others also came over to see what Ye Mu wanted to check.

Ye Mu didn't hide anything. He just searched for news on the Internet. Ye Mu directly searched for: "Sword-Art-Online" in the search bar.

The result is a piece of recently released news, saying that there will be such a game that will be released this fall, and then some internal news released by the game.

The corners of Ye Mu's mouth turned up slightly. This smile told Fuyumi Mizuhara and the others that there was definitely a secret to this game! This was what they immediately thought of as pillowmates!

Kobayashi Ryuden said with some doubts: "This is the kind of game that you can play by wearing a helmet or something, and then just lie down on the bed as if you were asleep, right? "It seems pretty awesome. I've seen it before."

Erina also scratched her head and said: "Is this fun? The world view structure seems to be pretty good. Hisako, let's buy it and take a look when it is released.


"What's wrong?"

Hisako tilted his head and said: "It's nothing, just a feeling... A bunch of people are just lying like this, neither talking nor moving. It feels so strange..."

"Indeed... but our family is very busy, so we just find time to play. Mainly speaking, what our family plays most at present is computer games, cards, mahjong and the like. Until now, I You don’t even know how to play mahjong, Fuyumi-sama, how can you do it?”

Fuyumi Mizuhara raised her head and said with confusion: "Huh? Is there anything rare about playing mahjong? Rather, it's strange that you don't know how to play mahjong at all, Erina. Ning Ning can do whatever you did for leisure when you were in school."

Ji Zhiguo Ning Ning's eyes twitched and she said: "Sister Dongmei, can you stop looking for me every time you are looking for a comparison? Am I just like the bottom line?"

"But, Ning Ning, you really didn't seem to have much of a life before. Erina, do you have any leisure activities?"

Erina said with some embarrassment: "Um...reading comics?"

"Then what?"

“While we’re playing cards, we’re going shopping...”

"And then it's gone?"

"No...no more..."

"I can't believe it. If you don't play chess, mahjong, hanafuda, and go to the shrine, there are so many more... Erina, you have no life at all..."

Erina puffed up her face and buried her face in Ye Mu's arms without making a sound. Her life became rich only after she was with Ye Lin!

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