I'm in Comprehensive Comics: Start Enrolling in Tōtsuki Academy

Chapter 251 Four Special Rules, Hayasaka Ai’S Opportunity (Please Subscribe~)

"So, Sister Kaguya, you should..."

Before Ryoko Sakaki could finish her words, she heard the sound of hurried footsteps. Shinomiya Kaguya and others turned their heads, and a panting girl appeared in front of everyone.

Because the door was open, the visitor was stunned for a moment and then hurriedly ran to the side. Shinomiya Kaguya and others were all confused. What was going on? Why did they come over and take a look at the person before disappearing? Woolen cloth?

On the other hand, he hid by the wall and quickly arranged his clothes, wiped the sweat from his forehead, fixed his hair, and then took out a bottle of simple perfume from his bag and sprayed it on himself a few times.

After tidying up, the girl came over again like a lady and knocked on the door. Shinomiya Kaguya and others raised their eyebrows, good guy, little sister, I really belong to you.

Ryoko Sakaki said helplessly: "Kawashima-san, please come here first, Senior Ye is processing a document."

"Oh oh oh!"

Kawashima Rei walked to Kami Ryoko softly and whispered: "Sakaki-san, why did Senior Ye come to me?"

"I'm going to help Sister Ningning deal with the venue for the autumn election later. You're going to get a document to process it later and post it on the bulletin board. Then I'm going to the venue 327."

"Oh...So, Hōjō-san and Mito-san, you two are also here to help?"

"Well, I'm here to help. Miyoko is Senior Ye's new secret hand."

Kawashima Rei chuckled twice, and even Shinomiya Kaguya felt the strong sour taste. Good guy, you really don't hide your purpose at all, but such girls are generally not bad people. They believe in love. No matter how scheming a woman is, how bad can she be.

Ye Mu frowned slightly after looking at it for a while. This expression made Shinomiya Kaguya and the others stunned for a moment. With her husband's expression, could this document have nothing to do with the autumn election?

After a moment of silence, Ye Mu picked up his cell phone and found a number to call. While typing quickly with one hand on the keyboard, he said in Chinese: "I will send you an email later. Take a look."

After hanging up the phone, Ye Mucai sighed with relief, put down the phone and said, "Kawashima-san, long time no see, how was your summer vacation?"

"Very good! Mr. Ye, when did you say you were recruiting (cgbc) secretaries? I've been preparing for it for a long time!"

"This matter... I originally planned to talk about it at the beginning of school, but Miyoko happened to go to Hinata's shop, and then I mentioned it by the way. After all, she is a very suitable candidate, isn't she?"

"Hmm...that means you really haven't started to choose yet?"

"Yes, during the summer vacation, you must go out for a while, right? Now that everyone is in place, let's make some arrangements."



"This is the supply list of all the ingredients. You and Miyoko will go back and verify it clearly, and then it will be shipped one after another starting from the day before the autumn election. Remember, it will be shipped one after another.

Mito Ikumi glanced at Hōjō Miyoko. Hōjō Miyoko just shrugged and said nothing. Mito Ikumi nodded and said: "Okay! I understand, but what classification standard are you referring to, Mr. Ye?"

"Randomly, just follow the contact information above and randomly call these suppliers. Just tell them the time and they will all be in place before seven o'clock in the evening."

Ryoko Sakaki raised an eyebrow. She always felt that Ye Mu's previous statement that there were no special rules for the qualifiers was definitely a lie. Isn't this different now?!

"Then, this is the plan prepared by Ning Ning. After you two verify it, you can go and help Ning Ning. Of course, it is not necessary to complete all these before today. "The ingredients must be in place the day before the autumn election. "


"Then Kawashima-san, this is the start time of the autumn election, as well as the distribution of all students' venues. At the same time, there is something that needs to be said. Let me tell you on the school forum that there are four special rules for this autumn election. I hope all students and players will be ready.”

"Four special rules? Senior Ye, what are they? Do they need to be posted together?"

"It's not necessary. It's too early. Just go and do it. After you do it, you can go and help Ning Ning."


After Mito Ikumi and others left, Shinomiya Kaguya on the other side said with some confusion: "Mu, the special rules feel like you are planning something and special things, but the autumn election is the autumn election, it is just a selection. It won’t be anything special.”

Ryoko Sakaki's eyes twitched and she said: "I don't want to go through a residential training in my life. During the residential training, Senior Ye's final test was really nerve-wracking. If I were less lucky, I might have been kicked out. Fired."

"Ah? Is it so outrageous? I don't know what the test questions are now. I didn't ask Erina when I went to see them before."

After Ryoko Sakaki said something, Hayasaka Ai and Shinomiya Kaguya both had their eyes twitching. Good guy, he is indeed his husband. He can even think of such outrageous test questions. No wonder there are fewer people in Tōtsuki this year than in previous years. It’s not without reason. Yes, she thought it was because the good students in this class were too good, so there were more students who didn't do well, but now it seems that's not the case at all!

Ye Mu said helplessly: "Luck itself is also a part of strength. What's more, Liangzi, your strength can only mean that your results are not as good as last, but it is still difficult to eliminate you."

"Then what kind of test questions are you looking at? If you get the death test question, there's really nothing you can do about it, really..."

"Okay, there's not much to do now. Liangzi went to see if there are any important documents and brought them over first, then change places in two hours.


"Ryoko, let me go with you."

"Eh? Little sister Ai?"

"After all, Lord Ye Mu's fiancée is originally a maid. If you want to come to the office frequently to help in the future, you need to get familiar with her. That's it. Miss, you can stay here for now."

"Eh? Oh!"

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