I'm in Comprehensive Comics: Start Enrolling in Tōtsuki Academy

Chapter 253: Nakamura Ji Was Slapped In The Face, Lantabi Discovered The Blind Spot (Please Subscrib

Lantabi didn't know what was going on yet, but she knew that the WGO required distance from this person and his organization, so it was best for her to be quiet.

Kraqi said in a deep voice: "Of course I still remember you. After all, among the food institutions in this city, apart from WGO, your institution is the most famous."

"It's an exaggeration, but that's fine. Miss Clara, I have a business deal I want to make recently..."

Nakamura Thisi is full of confidence. Firstly, he believes in his own charm and strength. Secondly, he has some connections with WGO. Thirdly... he doesn't believe that everyone doesn't like making money.

But the next moment, Nakamura Ji's face turned dark, because Clara on the other side of the phone said casually: "Business? Go to Mr. Mana to discuss business. What's the use of telling me?""-=="

"I will talk about it, but not now. Isn't this because I think Miss Clark is a very good executive? And presumably, Miss Clark won't think about the extra money for a few sports cars. Isn’t it a bad thing to pay for two more villas?”

Clara smacked her lips, feeling that this person was so disgusting. Clara said in a deep voice: "No one hates money, and no one feels that they have enough money."

"This is the best thing. At eight o'clock tonight, I will be waiting for Miss Kraki at the newly selected three-star restaurant. Of course, if you have any trusted friends, you can also bring them. Everyone has money. earn.

Dekra raised her eyebrows. The only friends of Clara Qi who can be friends with Clara are high-level executive officers. There are only three first-class executive officers. The two of them plus An, An is the mentor of the two of them. from.

Then there is Lantabi, who is usually doted on like a younger sister. To put it bluntly, she is a rare beautiful girl. When looking for friends, isn’t it necessary to find these executives with aloof status?

If Nakiri Mana doesn't come forward, the three first-class executives are the ceiling of WGO, very core existences. Moreover, why does it feel wrong to let a beautiful woman go to meet him at night?

Kraqi said in a deep voice: "Did you make a mistake? Why should I go?"

"Hmm? Miss Clara, you..."

"I didn't hang up the phone directly because I wanted to see what you could say, but I didn't expect it to be like this. It's really boring and annoying."

"It seems that you have finally been released. Not to mention that you are now a guy who is reminded to stay away from WGO. Simply put, do you think anyone who you have offended still dares to contact you?"

"And yes, no one hates money, but it's better not to make money like this. By the way, there's no need to call again. I don't want the man I like to misunderstand. By the way, the rest of the money is The few people you think of will come to the same conclusion. In addition, you can invite the ladies out for dinner in the evening."

"It really makes people feel very insecure. If I call you again, I will sue you for harassment."

After saying that, she hung up the phone. Decla pursed her lips and said, "Cla Qi, does this guy seem to be planning to fight back?"

"Who knows, but if I fight with Mr. Ye, this guy is too far behind. He has no room for resistance at all. Moreover, at eight o'clock in the evening, he asked a girl out alone and said that he could bring friends. It's not like he didn't know that I Who are my friends? They are so purposeful and disgusting."

Dekra sighed and said: "It's true, this guy may be able to do something in his current situation. It's really annoying. Lantabi, you girl just hang up when you get his call. ”

"I didn't like him at first! And I don't want to have my salary deducted..."

"You are really honest, but this is the best. Judging from the appearance of this guy, he definitely has no intention of being honest. Master Mana's previous warning was indeed correct. This guy is now in a very bad situation. It’s really uncertain what we will do.”

Kraqi thought for a moment and said: "Compared with those, what I am more concerned about now is... If this guy's current situation is very bad, it means that his current power here still has all these years of hard work. It can be said that he is infinitely close to returning to the starting point. Even if it is not, it is enough to keep him busy...

"That's right."

"So, what he wants to do at this time is definitely not in this country. His goal should be in other countries! And it is definitely a plan that requires a lot of support!"

Dekla said in a deep voice: "It makes sense, Nakamura Ji...he dare not stretch out his hand in the Celestial Dynasty, not to mention that his background is nothing in the Celestial Dynasty, and he can't make any waves. He is from Japan in the country. ..


Lantabi felt as if he knew a lot of incredible things. He swallowed and whispered: "Um... if I remember correctly, isn't that Mr. Ye in Japan?"

After saying this, both of them fell silent. One word rang in the hearts of the three of them, Tōtsuki. If Japan is most closely related to cooking, then Tōtsuki is a truly world-famous cooking school.

Ye Mu planned this guy's imprisonment because he offended Ye Mu, and a person like Ye Mu worked in Tōtsuki. They were originally curious about this matter, but now it seems that Ye Mu is forcing him to come. Tōtsuki! And it was a last-ditch fight, and he came back from a desperate state.

Dekra swallowed her saliva and said: "Karachi, why do I feel that if this Nakamura Thistle really goes to Tōtsuki, it will be very miserable?"

"It seems that Mr. Ye has been planning this for a long time. Then the purpose of Mr. Ye coming here in 3.4 is not to give him the final kick.

"It's very possible... He is really a mysterious, scary and charming man."

"So, we must catch Mr. Ye! Lantabi, what are you thinking about?"

Rantabi scratched his head and said, "Why does it feel like something is wrong..."

"How to say?"

"If Mr. Ye knew all this and knew your identity, Kelaqi, then would he have thought that this guy would contact us after he came out?"


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