I'm in Comprehensive Comics: Start Enrolling in Tōtsuki Academy

Chapter 255 Shinomiya Kaguya’S Focus, Tsunozaki Taki’S Phone Call (Please Subscribe~)

Kawashima Rei helped Ji Zhiguo Ningning with such enthusiasm. Ji Zhiguo Ningning was also a little weird about this. Even if the purpose was clear, she was very courageous. After all, she was still standing here. The idea is so clear, there is something.

However, Ji Zhiguo Ning Ning didn't say anything, it was just a normal construction site.

When Ryoko Sakaki came back with Ai Hayasaka on the other side, Ai Hayasaka felt an emotion called relief inexplicably. At this time, Kaguya Shinomiya stood behind Ye Mu and pressed her shoulders. Both of them looked at Looking at the computer screen, they look like an old married couple.

"Master Ye Mu, we are back. We have reviewed it. There are no important documents. Basically, only these three are important."

"Well...it looks like you can get off work early, Ryoko, you..."

"I'm going to help Sister Ningning later. Senior Ye, don't you want to talk to Sister Xiaoai and the others?"

"That's right... That's it, Ryoko, you guys should take a rest first. Kaguya, you can go take a rest too."

"Oh...then remember to drink the tea, otherwise it will get cold."


After Shinomiya Kaguya ran to the side, the three girls just sat on the sofa and looked at Ye Mu, who was holding his forehead with one hand and holding a document in the other.

"Hey, Miss, were you massaging Mr. Ye just now?"

"Yeah! Hayasaka! I just talked about a lot of things with Mu!"

Hayasaka Ai was stunned for a moment and said, "Miss, what did you talk about?"

"There are a lot of things, including things from childhood, and what majors I plan to study in the future. Hayasaka, I noticed... Mu's shoulders are so broad. It doesn't look like you are thin at all."

"Is that so?"

Shinomiya Kaguya nodded and gestured and said: "Yes, I feel that my hands are just right, and they are still a little small... And after I grasp them firmly, I don't need much strength. Well... I should go back." Increase your fitness training, Hayasaka! You have to work hard too!"

Hayasaka Ai nodded, it was indeed noteworthy news. Just kidding, isn't it just to relieve his husband's fatigue when he learns massage? But if he can't squeeze it, how can he relieve his fatigue?

Ryoko Sakaki nodded and said, "That's true. Senior Ye's shoulders are really broad... I could tell from the emperor's shoulder circumference when I was wearing clothes before. It's a completely unexpected value."

"Is that so... Hayasaka, thank you..."

Hayasaka Ai was stunned for a moment and said with some confusion: "Miss, why did you thank me suddenly?"

Shinomiya Kaguya turned her head and glanced at Ye Mu, then raised the corner of her mouth and said softly: "If it weren't for you, I don't know where I am now, and I wouldn't have my own happiness. 27

"Miss, I am also helping myself."

"But I still have to thank you. I couldn't think of such a way... Now that I think about it, Erina specifically chatted with me that day, probably hoping that Mu could help. It really turned around and came back again. .”

"Miss, what exactly did you and Erina talk about that day?"

"Well... we'll keep it a secret for now. Let's talk about it in the afternoon. Hayasaka, what are the preparations you mentioned before?"

"Let's keep it a secret for now."

Shinomiya Kaguya puffed up her face but said nothing, while Sakaki Ryoko was a little embarrassed. She knew Hayasaka Ai's thoughts very clearly. This guy just wanted to trick Kaguya, and then he followed suit. After all, Hayasaka Ai was not Human maid, this is a fairy maid.

"Hmm?! Hayasaka Hayasaka...."

"What's wrong?"

"Isn't it right to make tea? Why doesn't Mu drink it..."

"Miss, don't worry too much, it's just because of the state that Master Ye Mu is currently engaged in.


Seeing Shinomiya Kaguya who responded but still turned her head to stare at the tea cup from time to time, Hayasaka Ai and Sakaki Ryoko had only one thought in their minds: "This child is so innocent..."

At the same time, in the F restaurant on the other side, Fuyumi Mizuhara is in a very good mood today, which is visible to the naked eye. Although she beats her waist from time to time, she looks good and is in a particularly good mood.

"Chef, what's going on? Are you so happy? What did you do yesterday?"

"Pick up my husband.

"Huh?! He's back."

"Hmm...huh? Chef, your phone number."

Fuyumi Mizuhara was stunned for a moment. The only people who could call her directly were her family members, or her schoolmates. Ye Mu was in charge of the autumn election, so Ye Mu personally came to invite the judges.

"Huh? Why is this girl... hello? Taki, what's wrong? Is something wrong?"

Tsunozaki Taki on the other side of the phone blushed and pursed his lips and said: "Um...Suwon-senpai...isn't the summer vacation almost over? The autumn election is coming soon, so I want to ask you, when When you have time, didn't you ask me to find you?

Fuyumi Mizuhara was stunned for a moment and the corners of her mouth raised slightly. Good guy, she is more proactive than she thought. It seems that this girl is not single.

"Then next month... Okay, on the third day, you can come to my store. You can come anytime. Anyway, if you come, it means you won't be opening the store that day, so you can chat. "

Tsunozaki Taki's heart skipped a beat, and he marked an important event (Zhao Wang Zhao) on the calendar of his mobile phone, and then said to the mobile phone: "Okay, I understand, by the way, Suwon-senpai, the autumn election is looking for judges this time. ..”

"We'll wait until you get here to discuss this matter. Do you have anything else? If not, I'll hang up first. After processing the last pizza, I'll take a lunch break."

"Ah, then I won't disturb you for now. I'll see you in Suwon a few days ago."


After hanging up the phone, Fuyumi Mizuhara couldn't hide the smile in her eyes. On the third day of next month, as long as Tsunozaki Taki comes, she will be sure to win over Tsunozaki Taki. After all, she trusts her husband very much. Charm.

What's more... isn't she still here?

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