I'm in Comprehensive Comics: Start Enrolling in Tōtsuki Academy

Chapter 257: Ryoko Sakaki’S Commission, Mito Ikumi’S Frankness (Please Subscribe~)

Everyone in Ikumi Mizuhara was dumbfounded. No, why? Fuyumi Mizuhara was still single when she was doing residential training before! How come such a short time has passed and these two have become a couple!

The most important thing is, Fuyumi Mizuhara’s three-nothing look, controlled by her husband?! How can she be controlled? Unexpected! Unexpected at all!

Ryoko Sakaki sighed and said: "To be honest, you wouldn't think it's normal, but Fuyumi-san is indeed a real man-controller... Kadezaki-senpai just said a brat, and Fuyumi-san was immediately convicted. ."


Ryoko Sakaki waved her hand and said, "Let's talk about this when we have time. Miyoko, do you want to tell Mito why you became a secretary~?"

"Yes...because Mito and I met Hinata-san and the others that day together, and Hinata-san reminded us both, so I-think I should say it."

"Yes, yes, I told you to come and see it before. I remember... If you want to see Senior Ye's practice, you should go for a walk after dinner at night. That's right. I guess it means no wrong."

"Yes, that's what it means. In fact, because I thought of practicing outdoors, I went to see Sister Hinata for confirmation. It happened that I was a candidate for secretary, so she called me home by the way. I saw the video of Senior Ye practicing.


"Yes, very strict standards, and it is precisely because of these standards that I know a lot of things..."

After Hōjō Miyoko and Mito Ikumi talked about it exactly, Ikumi was also a little surprised and said: "After such rigorous training, the insect is actually a weakened version?


"Yes...so I thought about a lot of things and agreed to be a secretary. I also plan to help Senior Ye's restaurant in the future."

"Wait... Kobayashi-senpai, Erina-sama, Arato, Ryoko, Kinokuni-senpai, Akane Kubo-senpai, Gan-senpai, Mizuhara-senpai... and you...##.. .."

"No, you are wrong. There are also Kadozaki-senpai who is being attracted, Kikuchi-senpai who was tricked by Ye-senpai before graduation... as well as Alice and Kabuto-senpai... …”

Mito Ikumi swallowed and said, "Oh my god...this...by the time I graduate, I will be able to gather more than ten Elite Ten-level chefs!"

"So, the goal of this restaurant is to directly aim for the highest star rating. Mito, if you are interested, you can come and have a look.

Mito Ikumi said with some confusion: "But...can I go?"

"There's nothing wrong with that. Liangzi and I are both Senior Chef Ye's assistant chefs. If you come, we will definitely not be able to be the chefs, but there is still no problem in helping the chefs. If you are interested, you and I Senior Ye, let them talk."

Ryoko Sakaki also nodded and said: "Yes, the more powerful chefs in the restaurant, the better. Besides, Mito, you have been helping, so there is no problem."


"Is this true or false... It's summer vacation anyway. If you have nothing to do these days, just come to school often. Take time to talk to Senior Ye tomorrow. He has said before that he doesn't consider you to be a student. Secretary, because you are just helping, there is no need to do anything extra."

Mito Ikumi nodded and said nothing. After a long time, he said strangely: "So, is this why you two came to me?"

"I'm not, I'm just here to help. I can talk to you about this matter by the way. After all, we learned about this together and we have to work together. I don't know about Liangzi. Shouldn't you be following Ning? Is it from Sister Ning?"

Ryoko Sakaki looked around and then whispered: "Mito, be honest, do you want to be a secretary?"

"Huh? Why are you saying this all of a sudden..."

"Don't talk about anything else. What I'm concerned about right now is, do you want to be a secretary? Although you don't have to bother, you don't have to be a secretary, just be the same as a secretary."

Mito Ikumi sighed and said: "At the beginning, when I first learned that Senior Ye was looking for a secretary, I planned to give it a try. Later, Senior Sister Xiaolin casually mentioned this to me once before, and then I There’s nothing left to think about.”

...Please give me flowers...

"Then why do you want to be a secretary?"

Mito Ikumi's face turned red, Hōjō Miyoko's eyes twitched and said: "Hey...are you..."

Ikumi Mito knew that he couldn't hide it, so he said angrily: "Senior Ye is a very nice person, and he is also very powerful. He is good in all aspects, but it is normal to have a crush on him or even fall in love with him."

"Sure enough...no wonder your attitude is different from how you treat others every time you see Senior Ye. So, do you want to come to the restaurant?"

"I always feel like you got the order mixed up..."

"Of course there's no confusion. I asked you if you wanted to come to the restaurant before. I was really trying to win you over. Now it's just for one more reason. I'd like to remind you of something."


"What's the matter? Why do you feel that your visit to China has changed so much...

Ryoko Sakaki sighed and said: "This time I have completely made up my mind to show off my cards... Let's not talk about it for now. Sister Ringtong and the others have said that after getting married, no matter how good the relationship is, don't even think about entering the house. At most, we just live together together..."

"So, why are you telling me this?"

Ryoko Sakaki said angrily: "If you want to come to the restaurant, you must be living together. You said you like it yourself, but if you don't take any action, there will be nothing you can do."

"Senior Ye will be very busy in the second half of this year. September is coming soon, and we will go abroad in October. There are many things to do after that, and I guess I won't have much time to be in school regularly."


"But this is only the first reason why I came to you. The second reason is... Mito, I have something to discuss with you. Miyoko and I have no chance to do it. Kawashima-san is most likely also a secretary. If you can help, after thinking about it, you are the only one left."

"Huh? What are you busy with?"x2

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