I'm in Comprehensive Comics: Start Enrolling in Tōtsuki Academy

Chapter 259 Shinomiya Kaguya’S Brainstorming, Hayasaka Ai Succeeded (Please Subscribe~)

It can be said that Ye Mu was half pushed and half pulled by Hayasaka Ai to Shinomiya Kaguya's room. He was pushed into the room before he could say anything, and then Hayasaka Ai ran to nowhere.

Ye Mu was stunned for a moment and said: "Huh? What's going on with Xiao Ai...Huh? Kaguya, what are you..."

Before Ye Mu could react, he saw Shinomiya Kaguya sitting by the bed holding a big pillow, looking as if he was guarding against something.

Shinomiya Kaguya said with a red face: "That... that... Mu, you come here first.

"Okay, but Kaguya, you are..."

After struggling for a while, Shinomiya Kaguya was suddenly stunned. Ye Mu was not wearing home clothes, not home clothes! If it had been before, she wouldn't have felt anything.

But now, this is no longer the case! When Ye Mu was chatting with him at home, he was not wearing home clothes!

In other words, Ye Mu did not consider that this was his own home, so he was not prepared to talk to himself at home! It must be like this! His husband was so serious when chatting with him! He was so serious when chatting at his own home!

What does this mean? This is commonplace chatting! The husband and wife chatted about commonplace things between 26 and 26 years old, so seriously. It only shows that my husband does not feel relaxed when he is with me! He does not even feel like a family!

Shinomiya Kaguya immediately thought of the various cases and analyzes in the report, and immediately lost her shyness. She leaned over and stared at Ye Mu and said: "Mu! We need to have a good chat! No! Let's talk. !”

"Huh? Aren't you here to talk in the first place?"

Shinomiya Kaguya shook his fist, and sure enough! Ye Mu is here to talk, not to chat! This is the essential difference!

Shinomiya Kaguya breathed a sigh of relief and said, "Mu, what do you think of me?"

"Eh? What do you think of you... you are... a very smart person who may not be easy to get along with on the outside, but is kind on the inside, very simple in nature, strong but also very lonely and proud. people...."

Shinomiya Kaguya puffed up her face. In this case, she would not be able to raise an army to accuse her. Shinomiya Kaguya said in a deep voice: "Mu, do you think I am a person who has no life and is not interested in romance? ABg... ."

Ye Mu rubbed Shinomiya Kaguya's head and said with a smile: "Why do you think so? It's true that life needs romance, but life is not just about romance. What life needs more is stability and calmness, some thoughtfulness. The world is too small."


"It's nothing, but, Kaguya, why do you feel that you are acting weird today? Did Xiao Ai say something to you?"

"No... Mu, I just suddenly felt that I joined so suddenly, and I don't seem to know anything, and I don't know how to take care of others, is it..."

"No one is born with anything, they all need to be learned. What's more, Kaguya, you want to learn how to take care of someone. This is a good thing. It means that you have begun to want and have started ordinary life. Human life, the life of a free ordinary person."

"Mu... I really doubt that I am just like in my dream. My mother passed away not long after I was born. I have never felt any care and warmth in a family like that. Only Hayasaka is the only one." people."

"But it's different now. I also have my own family, a family with a person I like. I have never thought about or dared to think about such a thing. For me, it's love, family, Romance, these are as illusory as fairy tales."

"But now that I suddenly got it, it makes me feel very unreal... I may not be able to be as clingy or as decisive in anything as Ringtong and the others in a short period of time. .

"But I will learn slowly!"

Ye Mu said with some confusion: "Although it makes me happy that Kaguya said this, but...why do you suddenly feel like this?"

Shinomiya Kaguya puffed up her face and shouted: "Because Mu, you didn't find it interesting when you were with me!"


"It must be! Ever since we were in the office! Mu, you never drank the tea I poured! You didn't drink it until it was almost cold!"

"Um...it's just because I was too absorbed in reading the report. Aren't you the same, Kaguya?"

"Well...Then why are you so formal at home? I originally planned to prepare well! Sure enough! It's because..."


Shinomiya Kaguya threw the pillow aside and said angrily: "I tried my best to create a family chatting environment! As a result... Mu, I...

Ye Mu's eyes twitched and she said: "Um... I guess, did Xiao Ai make you wear this?"

"Yes! But this is also of my own free will! And Mu, you are my fiancé! Is there anything not allowed?! Or is it because I don't have as good a figure as Ring Dan and the others?! You don't even look at me!"

As he spoke, Shinomiya Kaguya leaned closer to 407 Ye Mu, holding Ye Mu's face with both hands in front of him. In addition to shyness, there was also a touch of panic and worry in his eyes. Shinomiya Kaguya was very afraid that he would be the same as the person in that report. Just like a family, it makes me very sad just thinking about it.

"Um...what did Xiao Ai show you?"

"None of this is important! What's important is! Mu! Look at me carefully!"

"Um...then what?"


Shinomiya Kaguya suddenly realized what to do next! She didn't know! The most important thing was that she suddenly realized her current state, so she threw herself into Ye Mu's arms and held Ye Mu's face with both hands.


Seeing Shinomiya Kaguya's confused look, Ye Mu smiled and said: "Maybe this answer will make you feel more at ease than any other answer..."

"Eh? Well..."

Ai Hayasaka at the door silently turned off the call button on her phone, and raised the corners of her mouth slightly. It looked like her eldest daughter was really cute.

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