I'm in Comprehensive Comics: Start Enrolling in Tōtsuki Academy

Chapter 262: Shinomiya Kaguya’S Transformation, Hayasaka Ai’S Whisper (Please Subscribe~)

As for Kitagawa Ummu, she really didn't go anywhere. This guy went directly to find Inui Hinako, although she just went to see Miyazono Kaoru before that.

"So, Hai Meng, do you plan to stay here until get off work in the evening?"

"That's not true. The main reason is that I am more relaxed with you, Hinata-san. I will go home in a while. Hinata-san, you get off work very late, and I have to go home for dinner."

Inui Hinako poked Kitagawa Uimuo's head and said angrily: "You damn girl, how about the deep sisterly love you promised? Nothing is more important than a dinner, right?"

"The main reason is that this was done by Mu, and I am also very curious about the current status of Sister Kaguya and Sister Xiaoai.

"That's true...but if Xiao Ai succeeds, it would be really great. After all, this would mean that the work

Kitagawa Umu also reacted immediately. In this case, only Hiratsuka Shizuka, Alice and Fujiwara Chika are left. In this case... there is no pressure at all!

"Hmm... Hinata-sama, don't you have to go and do your work?"

"It's okay. There aren't many customers right now, so the sous chef can take care of it. Speaking of which...Hai Meng, what are you looking at?"

"Dictionary, electronic dictionary, I'm learning Chinese."

"It's good. I don't have much time to learn Chinese. I would have studied it earlier if I had known."

"Learn slowly, it's super difficult. I'm still learning Pinyin! Why is ang pronounced "ang"?"

"Right! I've always been curious about this! Adding a g directly changes from an to ang! How strange! I can't pronounce this sound no matter how I pronounce it!"


Time passed so quickly, and it was not until near dusk that Kobayashi Ritsou finished his day's work, Erina finished her food tasting, and Sentata Ori and others were all getting ready to go home from get off work.

"Well...don't go..."

At this time, Hayasaka Ai and Ye Mu, who were huddled in Ye Mu's arms and chatting quietly, suddenly heard a murmur in their sleep. They turned their heads and saw Shinomiya Kaguya frowning slightly, holding her tightly with both hands. Ye Mu's arm, it seems that this dream is not a pleasant dream worth remembering.

"Master Ye Mu, the eldest lady... must be having a nightmare..."

Ye Mu nodded and stretched out his hand to gently rub Kaguya Shinomiya's head. Kaguya Shinomiya also slowly calmed down, and soon she slowly opened her eyes.

When seeing Hayasaka Ai and Ye Mu, Shinomiya Kaguya was stunned for a moment, and then she thought of what happened, and buried her face in Ye Mu's arms without saying a word.

Ye Mu gently rubbed Shinomiya Kaguya's long hair and said with a smile: "Are you having a nightmare?"

"Well...I dreamed..."

"Since it's a dream, dreams are usually reversed, so you don't need to think too much about it."

Shinomiya Kaguya raised her head and looked at Ye Mu and said: "Mu... I only have you... Even if you don't like me one day, don't leave me, okay?"

Hayasaka Ai also had some complicated emotions. The joyful mood that had become Mrs. Ye was temporarily suppressed. Ye Mu flicked Shinomiya Kaguya's forehead, and Shinomiya Kaguya pursed her lips and still looked straight at it. Ye Mu.

"Do you think it's easy to find a senior executive?"

Shinomiya Kaguya was stunned for a moment and then smiled, hugged Ye Mu and said with a smile: "Well, of course it will be difficult to find! But... I thought it would be after marriage, but I didn't expect it.


"But I don't regret it at all, but... Hayasaka! Is this what you meant by what you said before?!"

Hayasaka Ai hugged Ye Mu and said with an innocent face: "Miss, what are you talking about? To be honest, I am still surprised. Miss, what did you do? Sir Ye Mu, we are all your wife, We can’t favor one over the other, can you tell me what happened?”

"Ah! Mu! Don't say it! Hiss... Hayasaka! That expression on your face! You laughed! You did it on purpose!"

"Huh? What? I'm just happy, and I'm also very relieved that Miss you finally said what's in your heart. Miss, what did you think of?"


…Please give me flowers…

Ye Mu glanced at Hayasaka Ai, and Hayasaka Ai blinked innocently, then leaned over and kissed Ye Mu's cheek and said softly: "Master Ye Mu, what I want to say has been told to you before."

"Huh? Hayasaka, what did you say?"

"Miss, you are already asleep, so it is normal for you to say you don't know. Also, Lord Ye Mu, remember to keep it a secret for me.

Shinomiya Kaguya puffed up her face, then moved to Ye Mu's ear and looked at Hayasaka Ai, then lowered her head and whispered something, while Ye Mu glanced at Shinomiya Kaguya strangely.

Shinomiya Kaguya was like a victorious rooster. He snorted proudly and then hugged Ye Mu quietly.


What Shinomiya Kaguya didn't know was that the main meaning of what Hayasaka Ai said to him was: "I will try my best to help the family in the future. I hope the family will be harmonious and the ten families can always be together."

And Shinomiya Kaguya said: "I am very grateful to Hayasaka, and we will live a good life together in the future.

Ye Mu looked at Shinomiya Kaguya and Hayasaka Ai, who said exactly the same thing, and just smiled and said: "Okay, I will keep it a secret for you, so now it's time to prepare dinner, Kaguya, Xiao Ai, You are..……"

"Mu, go ahead. Let's clean up and help you later."

"All right."

After Ye Mu left, Shinomiya Kaguya covered her face and whispered: "Why do I have this feeling of peace of mind and rapid heartbeat..."

"Miss, you'd better go and clean up quickly, otherwise Rongdan and the others will definitely make a joke when they come back."

"Oh! Yes, yes! Morning... Hayasaka..."


Shinomiya Kaguya turned away and whispered: "Thank you... We will work hard for our family together in the future..."

"Yes, Miss Yin!"

"Hmm... Hayasaka, please help me, I can't stand..."

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