I'm in Comprehensive Comics: Start Enrolling in Tōtsuki Academy

Chapter 148: Calls 1 after another, delayed Kendo competition (please subscribe~)

Xiaolin Rentan was completely stupid at this time. She didn't know why she had just discussed cooking with a little girl who tried to steal her husband from her. Occupational disease almost got her into trouble.

Fortunately, Erina was still able to do it. After chatting for a long time, she took the initiative to hang up, but she just hung up after leaving a remark similar to Akakubo Momo.

Kobayashi Rentan pursed his lips. He didn't usually pay much attention to it. Now, if I look at it now, why are all of them so suspicious?

Xiaolin Rentan coughed lightly and said, "That... Mu... Little Erina and you seem to have a good relationship... Is it my illusion?'

After thinking about it for a while, Ye Mu shook his head and said: "Probably it's okay, after all, this girl is still very interesting.

"Interesting? What kind of evaluation is this?"

"Probably... eh? It's..."

Xiaolin Rentan squinted her eyes. She saw that the caller was Ji Zhiguo. If her memory is correct, this girl's level is higher than Erina.

363 In the room at this time, Ji Zhiguo Ningning was sitting in a hotel room wearing a nightdress. She had already gone on a trip. Although they did not go far without Ye Mu, for her, this was still her. It was the first time I traveled like this since I was a kid.

That's right, it was the first time because for her, traveling was nothing of interest. Just when other children were thinking about traveling, Ningning of Ji Zhiguo on the other side chose to study buckwheat. face or study some calligraphy and painting.

He spent his childhood peacefully, especially if he wanted to have transcendence goals. Because of this, Ji Zhiguo Ningning never knew what kind of vacation a girl should have.

It may be scary enough to say that she has never been from her home city since she was a child. It is worth mentioning that her home is in Tokyo, which means that she is not very far from Tōtsuki. (Her family is really in Tokyo...)

Now come out and take a look, Ji Zhiguo Ningning still finds it quite interesting, although she is also a little overwhelmed.

Ji Zhiguo Ning Ning was originally visiting the store, but when he was eating, he suddenly saw the news posted by Ye Mu, paid the bill and ran back to the hotel, and then he looked like he was now.

Ji Zhiguo Ningning was still in the same situation as the other day, and there was no response to the message, that's why this call was made.

While thinking about it, the phone was connected, and Ye Mu's warm and magnetic voice came: "Ji Zhiguo, haven't you rested yet?

"No....no! I was visiting the store just now, and I made a phone call when I saw Ye Jun's news... Ye Jun! You guys came out of the rainforest?!"

"Well, it's been out for a while, visiting the store? Ji Zhiguo, have you gone on a trip?"

"Well.... I went to other places to have a look, and I did have some gains. I plan to continue walking until I go back to Tokyo without Tōtsuki.

Ye Mu said with a smile: "Isn't this very good, it feels good to get out of that small frame and look around. 99

"Well, Ye Jun, how are you? You're not injured, you're not in any danger, you're not sick, you're not..."

Ye Mu sighed and said: "I feel like I can answer this a few times, don't worry, we're fine, it's just that our legs are a little sore, after all we've walked for so many days. 35

"Oh, that's fine.... Ye Jun, when are you going to return to Tōtsuki?"

"My word... I'm planning to go to see the Kendo competition some time before the end of the summer vacation. 35

"Kendo? But shouldn't the kendo competition (bfed) already start?"

Ye Mu shook his head and said, "It seems to be coming for some reason...it was delayed for a while.

"Oh... Ye Jun, where are you now? Why is it so noisy?

"We were on the speedboat and went to Gangbu by boat. It is estimated that we will start to go back after a while."

"That's it... I checked that Gangbu is much better than Gangjin, so you don't have to worry about it. Then Ye Jun, you can rest well. I won't disturb it first, and we'll talk about it tomorrow."

"Okay, you go to rest early, good physical strength is a good foundation for travel, good night.

"OK, good night...."

After hanging up the phone, Ji Zhiguo Ning Ning threw himself on the pillow and said in a muffled voice, "It's great that Ye Jun is all right... Have a nice summer vacation..."

Unlike Ji Zhiguo Ningning, who was relieved, Xiaolin Rentan's mood is now very subtle, and she now feels as if things have become strange.

"Mu, isn't this Ji Zhiguo very powerful?"

"There's a lot of potential. Once the suppressed ones are released, it's not that simple. It's exactly what I thought..."

Who is it?!

Xiaolin Rentan's mentality has collapsed, who are these guys! She knows Akokubo Tao, and Ji Zhiguo Ningning also knows very well, and Erina, why is there another one now!

"Huh? For a long time? For a long time, I will follow the rules?"

"Well, it's him, it looks like this guy is visiting the night market of the Celestial Dynasty.

“Night market?! Is it fun?”

"Compared to other countries, the night in China is really much safer, and it will be very lively. General shops will be open until late, and some shops can reach almost 24 hours, and employees will work in rotation.

Xiaolin Rentan said with bright eyes: "Wow! This is fun! Mu! You must be visiting the night market often, right?"

"It's alright, there are too many people in the night market, but this is the atmosphere of shopping, hello, how long have I been? 35

"Yo! Ye Mu! Guess where I am?

"night market.""

"How did you know?! Forget it.... I still won't tell you, the Chinese, but it's too lively! Hey, you guy came out of the rainforest?"


Xiaolin Rentan just held Ye Mu's arm and watched Ye Mu chatting, tilting his head from time to time as if thinking of something, and gradually Xiaolin Rentan also threw himself in, and was full of curiosity about some things in the Celestial Dynasty.

PS: Prepare to go back to Tōtsuki.

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