I'm in Comprehensive Comics: Start Enrolling in Tōtsuki Academy

Chapter 185: The frigh10ed Mujiujiyuanguo, the drama begins (please subscribe~)

When Lily Xiang, Kirori and Igarashi arrived, they were greeted by Kikuchi Garden Fruit. Her task was not to stand on the stage, after all, she was the second seat.

She just came to greet the judges, and then she can do whatever she needs to do. What's more, even Uehara is here, and Uehara might not know where to go to investigate after handling the matter here.

"Ah, she's a very cute girl."

The corners of his eyes twitched at the sight of the three girls in front of Mu Jiuzhiyuanguo, and he was a little flustered. These three people looked so strange.

Although the girl in the lead with the double-ring braided braids is very beautiful and has a good figure, her makeup looks like a coquettish charm. She has never seen a blue lipstick that can control it.

The first condition is that the skin is very white, very white, and the second is that the "four-one-zero" must have really delicate facial features. This is not the key, the key is that Qi Luoli's eyes are like an abyss, deep and full. Attractive, but really noticed, there must be an invisible pressure.

As for Lilixiang, she doesn't know what she looks like, she has a very good figure, and she also has a good temperament when standing and walking, but she wears a mask, and it is a very strange smiley mask.

As for the last Igarashi, this person looks quite normal, but.... to be with these two abnormal looking people, so normal, it always feels abnormal.

When Qiluoli finished saying this, Mu Jiuzhiyuanguo's heart also jumped, and she always felt as if she had seen some very dangerous beautiful snake.

Cheroli said with a smile: "Hmm.... Which Elite Ten seat are you in?"

"I'm the second seat of the Elite Ten, Kikuchienko, may I ask you to be Miss Momoguo.

Cheroli smiled and said, "That's right, it's me, but... forget it, it doesn't matter, so how should we go to the venue now?"

"Your audit site is at venue B, and someone will take you there.

"Okay, but..."

As Qi Luoli said that, she lightly stroked the cheek of Kikuchi Yuanguo with one hand, still smiling and said: "It still looks very cute, it feels like a milk pudding, it should be very It's delicious..."

"Huh?! Yummy?! 35

"Pfft...that's cute, that's all. 35

Seeing the flustered Mujiujiyuanguo, Qiluoli laughed outright, and then walked straight forward. Mujiujiyuanguo was also relieved, and she almost thought she was going to be eaten just now.

Uehara came over and said suspiciously, "Mujikichi, what's the matter?"

"It's nothing, it's just that three very strange girls came here just now, and one of them is scary..."

"Three? You wouldn't be talking about that Peach Kirori..."

Kukuchi Yuanguo nodded quickly and said, "Mmmmm! It's her! It's scary... There is a feeling of a high-ranking person... There's a lot of pressure."

Uehara sighed and said: "Then you are quite unlucky, she is the student council president of the private Baihuawang, the actual ruler of the private Baihuawang, and it is said that she is the head of a big family..."

"Ah?! Private Hundred Flower King?! Good... so dangerous..."

That's right, but depending on the situation, it's not as cold-blooded and ruthless as the legends say, maybe the rumors are too much. 99

"Oh... by the way, I'm all done here, Uehara, how about you?"

Uehara waved his hand and said, "I just came here to see if I can help because I'm done, and if I'm fine, I'll leave.

"Huh? Go? Where are you going?"

"Go to research, get on the plane three hours later, chat back, I'll be back during the race.

"You're really outrageous, but if that's the case... Then I'll go out and do something..."

"I always feel like you, Mu Jiuzhi, seem to be very interested in work as a consultant.

Mu Jiuzhiyuanguo's eyes jumped and he said with a smile: "Ahaha.... It's nothing, I just want to hone my cooking skills and increase my contacts.

"Oh! That's true, contacts are very important! Okay! Then I'll leave! See you in a few days!

"Hmm 35


Seeing Uehara leaving, Kikuchiyuan sighed with relief. It was true that she was taken aback just now. She doesn't want to show her purpose now, she has to work quietly and amaze everyone!

When the examiners on this side entered, the students on the other side also came to the moon and sky. Among them were the audience and some outstanding students who were selected among the sixty contestants...

Ye Mu was still a staunch player who didn't wear school uniforms. He was wearing casual clothes and just stood there and waited silently. This indifferent look with headphones made the students around him convince.

It took Ye Mu a semester to use his strength to firmly secure the title of the strongest transfer student in high school and the strongest transfer student in history.

With his personality and way of doing things, he has firmly established his position as the focus of the super popular new campus. It can be said that there are still people who hate Ye Mu for no reason because of envy, jealousy and hatred.

But there are more people who admire and admire Ye Mu, Isshiki Satoshi leaned over and said with a smile: "Yo! Ye Jun! It seems that you are not worried at all.

Ye Mu closed his eyes while listening to the song and said softly, "It's okay, after all, I plan to work hard."

After a long time, I said angrily: "Hey, you bastard, you are enough, every time I see you pretending to be weak, I really want to hit you!

"You guy, Ye Jun asks you to beat Ye Jun with one hand, Ye Jun knows martial arts.

For a long time, the corner of my mouth twitched, the one who demolished the platform must be...

"Hey! Ji Zhiguo! You bastard! Hurry up and join Ye Mu's support club!"

Ji Zhiguo Ningning's face flushed, he pushed up his glasses and said softly, "You've been smothered in the head by chili peppers."

"You bastard!"

Kazuki Xiangzi tilted his head and said, "Ye Jun, Ye Jun, which venue are you in?

"A, I remember...for a long time, Ji Zhiguo and I were in the same venue."

Ji Zhiguo Ningning nodded, while Jiu I Zhaoji said with a smile, "Yo! Ye Mu! Let's have a look this time!""

"You are not Ye Jun's opponent.

"Actually, you secretly joined the support club long ago!"


Ji Zhiguo, Ning Ning was about to retaliate when he saw that the sky suddenly darkened, everyone knew that the main drama was about to begin...

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