I'm in Comprehensive Comics: Start Enrolling in Tōtsuki Academy

Chapter 204: True Love Fan of 8 Years, Ye Mu's Reply (Subscribe~)

At this time, Akane Kubo Tao and Kobayashi Rentan were all staring blankly at the phone that was completely stuck in the message interface. If it wasn't for the mute, they would have heard an ensemble of reminder sounds.

Xiaolin Gentian said dumbly: "My God, husband, are you a net celebrity?! Why so much news!"

Akakubo Tao said with bright eyes: "Mu is amazing!

Ye Mu sighed and said, "I don't know, ah... well, it's enough to be stuck for five minutes..."

Both of them moved up, and Mei Mu was staring at the phone, eager to see what videos her husband had posted.

Akakubo Tao said in surprise: "A total of ten videos have been released, and each one has a limit for comments and likes! It will be replaced with a plus sign later..."

"Oh! It turned out to be a video of piano performance, eh, hubby, look, the last time to like was today, and there are still people watching these videos, so hot?!

Ye Mu nodded and said: "Well, I remembered that for a while, I would post some videos of practicing the piano on the platform, but it seemed that it was too annoying, so it was useless. 55

Akakubo Tao smiled and said: "Everyone else wants to be hot and can't be hot, so it's better to Mu you, because it's too hot and you can't stand it anymore, but ah, Mu was so cute when she was young!"

Xiaolin Rentan said with a smile: "Yes, I was very cute when I was young, and suddenly I thought of my own children in the future, I'm not bad, and my husband is also very handsome, this gene will definitely be worthless in the future-!

"Mmmmmmm! One-must be cute! 35

Ye Mu smiled and said, "It's a long way to go, but it's the truth, Xiao Tao, what are you going to do?"

"Little Taozi should pay attention to Mu's account, and then take a look at it if you have nothing to do! Huh? It's not Mu's name, no wonder I couldn't find it before, this is... um?! Wait! This name!

"Huh? What's wrong?"

"Ye Ye Mu...Isn't this the child piano actress?! 39


Ye Mu said with a smile: "Really? There is such a name..."

"Mu! That child piano star is you?! But why Ye Zimu?!

Ye Mu tilted his head and said, "It's nothing, I just feel like this can be less troublesome. Can you understand that you just said a stage name casually?"

"Oh.... I really didn't expect it... Mu, there are so many private messages looking for you..."

"Well... let's see, this kid is really cute. I don't know how to practice the piano skills. It's amazing."

'Hope to join our entertainment company...

"Ugh.... The private messages from several years ago were like this, and recently I have asked what's wrong, husband, there are a lot of fans!

"Huh? Gentian, Mu, look, this person..."

Ye Mu glanced at it before saying suspiciously, "Then what?"

"Mu! Look at her medal level! It's full! This will take a long time! This is a true fan!

"Eh? Really, my husband, a true fan! I just sent a private message... This year is the eighth year you've been following, and the ninth year that you stopped posting.

"I believe you are still here, the piano music is very good, and I look forward to the day when you come back again!"

Akakubo smacked his lips and said: "Mu, the sin is heavy, this is a fan for eight years, wow! I sent a private letter for eight years!

Ye Mu was also stunned for a moment, just holding the phone and watching silently, the two of them also watched silently, from various questions, the remarks at that time were still a bit naive.

Later, the language has matured a lot, and from the beginning of asking this and that, it has become the same as now looking forward to the news of the comeback.

After reading the news for a long time, I was sending a message every day for a year, and then I sent a message a week or a month, and now, it happened that she sent a message.

Akakubo Tao said softly: "Mu, in a sense, she has known you since childhood.

Ye Mu nodded and said, "Indeed...let's reply with a message..."

"But, what's the answer?


Ye Mu thought for a while before replying to a message and wrote: "Thank you, I haven't logged in to my account before. I didn't give up on the piano, but I didn't post any more updates. Thank you for your concern."

"There is a high probability that I will not make a comeback, because I am currently studying at Tōtsuki, and I may post some updates on the platform in my spare time after graduation. Thank you for your support.

Xiaolin Rentan said with a smile: "This little fan will probably be very excited now! However, she probably wouldn't have imagined that the talented piano child star would come to be the cook!"

"Pfft... Mu would indeed do such a thing. 35

Ye Mu smiled and shook his head before saying softly: "Okay, it's already very late, don't you have a meeting today? Hurry up and rest."

"Oh! x2

"Little peach, the night light I bought is beautiful.

"Well, it's alright.

"I just think it's beautiful! Sleep and sleep! Husband.

"Huh? 35

"Let me rest my arm! Hee hee...


"Humph! I can't sleep without my pillow! Good night!"

When it was quiet on this side, in a room on the other side, a blond girl had already fallen asleep, but she had no idea that her childhood idol who had left a message for eight years had sent her a message back.

However, in the dream, she saw the competition she saw when she was a child again, the young man sitting in front of the piano, the calm and graceful, she dreamed again.

Perhaps it is because of this that she is still a solid true love fan after eight years. In her dreams, he never left, and she is still the talented child piano star.

In the early morning, when the sun is about to recover, in the darkness of the last period of time before dawn, under the silence, I don't know how many people who sleep peacefully dream of what they want to dream, and the people who want to dream...

Just fall asleep like this, when morning comes, no one knows whether they will receive the desired gift...

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