I'm in Comprehensive Comics: Start Enrolling in Tōtsuki Academy

Chapter 227 The stiff judges, the sea monster of the deep sea (please subscribe~)

Everyone at this time swallowed their saliva. Although Ji Zhiguo's Ningning's food was not very fragrant, it could still smell a little bit. With the three people's comments, he was already a little hungry.

"Of course!" x3

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The three of them were stunned for a moment, Ye Mu meant to let them open the steamer by themselves, Leonora said curiously: "Wow, this is really interesting... Then I will... open... On...this...what is this?!

"A sea monster in the deep sea!"x3

The moment Leonora opened the steamer, the whole venue was surrounded by a strong aroma, and Nakiri Senzaemon and Dojima Gin also swallowed and opened the steamer with anticipation.

Finally, there was still a flash of determination in the eyes of the three of them. It was too unreasonable to starve to death with food in front of them. They opened their mouths, bit down, and the next moment...

How about your reform response, what is it that you are so stiff! Brothers are so anxious!

Isn't this guilt?! Such delicious dishes, intoxicated expressions, attractive aromas, great taste when you look at them, and the words of various judges.

But at this time, their eyes all turned to Ye Mu, Kobayashi Rentan and Akakubo Momo were watching, Saito Somei and Erina were watching, the audience was watching, and the three judges were watching.


When I look back, I can't eat it myself! She is the tongue of the gods. If you put such delicious food in front of you, you can only see it and smell it.

The scene at this time was terrifyingly quiet. Everyone looked at the three judges and said that it was impossible if it was not delicious. The fragrance was intoxicating, let alone eating it.

Erina is very clear that the three of them are deeply attracted by this delicious food, and they are intoxicated and unable to extricate themselves, how can they be repaired!

Ji Zhiguo Ningning took a look and then heaved a sigh of relief. It was already obvious that just when Ji Zhiguo Ningning was about to speak, the three of them finally responded.

Ye Mu smiled and said: "Three, before eating, let's ask you a question.

Ye Mu didn't say any more, Nakiri Senzaemon and others also came back to their senses, joking, if such a fragrant dish was wasted because of wasting the best time to eat, then they would not forgive themselves.

Everyone sucked in a breath of cold air. This evaluation is really a bit powerful. The sea monster in the deep sea, everyone knows what a sea monster is, and many people know the story of the sea monster.

As for Leonora, Leonora put his legs together, took a few breaths and then raised his head, the next moment....

The three of Nakiri Senzaemon picked up a siomai, and just by picking it up, the plumpness of the filling and the elasticity of the skin in the shumai were transmitted through the chopsticks.

The sea monster in the deep sea, that intoxicating and addicting deliciousness no longer needs to be said...

"Ms. Leonora, it's not the time to ask questions, by the way, whether this dish or this sauce has a lifespan, so..."

"Sraken..." x3

Good guy, the judges were asked questions in the finals of the autumn election. You are indeed a ruthless person who drinks in the finals and eats fruit in the preliminaries. You are really fierce.

After Ye Mu put down the jug and breathed a sigh of relief, he walked up with three steamers under everyone's astonished eyes, without saying anything about setting the plate.

With a hiss, Nakiri Senzaemon's clothes were torn apart, and Dojima Gin clenched his fists and leaned back on the chair to enjoy himself.

"Huh? Ah, so calm, it seems that she really came with the idea of ​​losing, um, interesting, watch it carefully, oh, she really froze for a long time.

Xiaolin Rentan said with a smile: "He... Maybe he thought it was interesting to study in the first year of high school? Although he is indeed the age of the first year of high school. 35

Akakubo Tao pursed her lips and said, "Rendian, look at that Ji Zhiguo junior..."

"Have you received Christmas gifts, New Year's gifts, birthday gifts, etc.?"

"So, this dish is a Christmas present, please experience the joy of opening presents yourself.

Originally, I came here because I wanted to see what Ye Mu would cook, so I could take the opportunity to learn more. What happened?! What happened?!

Nakiri Senzaemon looked at the steamer in front of him and said with a smile: "You kid, you still like to do something unexpected, hoohoo, traditional steamer, it looks like you can eat the delicious taste of history."

Ye Mu tilted his head and glanced at it before shaking his head with a smile and said, "Huh? It still looks quite appetizing..."

Ye Mu always had a calm expression on his face, as if he was not the initiator of all this, Leonora swallowed and said, "This.... what kind of food is this?! Why does it smell so good?! If it wasn't for the absence of this Fragrant perfume, I suspect you sprayed perfume in the steamer~々.”

He picked up the plate, dipped the siumai in the sauce, and there was a little bit of minced crab meat sticking to the skin, which made the three of them swallow their saliva. They had no idea what it would taste or taste like.

Saito Somei said in a deep voice: "." This junior is really incredible...I really doubt if he is a freshman in high school..."

The whole place was quiet, Nakiri Senzaemon, Dojima Gin and Leonora all stopped talking, and the three of them froze in place.

It was the shaomai. The skin looked like a transparent and lustrous shaomai. There were a few bamboo leaves on the side of the shaomai. It turned out that Ye Mu didn't set the plate, but this plate, which was placed in the steamer from the very beginning.

"Huh?" x3

This dish is just a feeling, elegant and fresh, but this is just a plate, the fragrance of this dish proves that this guy is far from being as good as he looks.

The three of them all waved their hands to let the steam dissipate a little, and finally saw the true face of the cooking.

Leonora asked curiously, "What is it?

The aroma that existed in the first place broke out again, and everyone was indulged in this aroma. The sweet, mellow, and faint umami was raging in the venue like this.

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