I'm in Comprehensive Comics: Start Enrolling in Tōtsuki Academy

Chapter 236 The most difficult challenge in history begins to review, the aroma is coming (please su

Time passed so slowly, and it didn't take long for a boy with slightly dark skin to come out. He was also an Elite Ten, and an Elite Ten in the third year of high school was good at Indian food.

Dojima Gin was stunned for a moment when he was about to speak, because a strong and more intense aroma floated out, and the Elite Ten of the previous Indian meal said in a deep voice: "This...this is...the taste of curry! What the hell is this? Who did it?!

"Heh...you'll know soon...it looks like it's ready, so, get ready, examiners! 35

Xiaolin Rentan waved his hand and said: "It's alright, I forgot to soak the morels yesterday, otherwise, I'll cook another dish that can be lazy, ho! Little Erina, your Teppanyaki is luxurious enough.


"The duel? Roar? Interesting... Grandpa, all the ten Elite Tens have come together, and they have come up with their own slay-level cuisine, which is still the field they are best at. There is no fairness in this duel. 99


Akakubo Tao said calmly and softly: "Eri Nian, Xiao Taozi suddenly finds that you are so dumb and cute. 15"

Everyone was surprised, and they suddenly felt as if they were really formidable opponents.

In Tōtsuki, Elite Ten is the highest status, they only listen to the commander-in-chief, the teachers must listen to them, and in a sense, the commander-in-chief can't control the ten of them.

Uehara said with a smile: "Even if this is the case, the taste is rich enough. Then again, Commander, you should also talk about who is going to fight us."

They were followed by Tomoko Kikuchi, Uehara, Tosuke Megishima, Eishi Tsukasa, Rentan Kobayashi, Momo Akakubo, and another Elite Ten who was good at cooking Thai food.

The footsteps stopped...

"Probably, then don't look for it, just go back later, um... Sabayon dessert, Xiao Taozi, it's too serious."

Nakiri Senzaemon said in a deep voice: "Who.... you will know this soon, and given the current situation, you may lose or maybe lose.

Everyone only smelled the aroma before they saw Nakiri Erina walking over with a plate with a hot aroma, and Kikuchi Yuanko tilted her head and said, "Huh? This is the taste of teppanyaki. 35

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If it wasn't for being somewhat curious and the status of Nakiri Xian Zuowei who came to judge in person, the two of them would have turned away long ago.

That's right, up to now, they still feel that their opponents are ten people.

"However, that's only five people. Even with Kasumigi-senpai, there are still four vacancies. It's a waste of time for a pointless competition, especially if you come up with a sure-kill-level meal, grandpa... ..”

Everyone sat in their seats with a curious look on their faces. When a footstep sounded, everyone turned their heads and looked over.

"Compared to Xiao Taozi, it's really rare that you directly bring out the matsutake mushrooms for gentian. This beef steak looks delicious. 35

That's right, Japanese-style teppanyaki is already one of the highest level of courtesy in Dongying. Erina brought out the teppanyaki, which shows how serious this girl is.

"Huh?!" xn

Kobayashi Rentan and Akakubo Momo are still very unhappy, come here to waste time, how long do you stay away from Ye Mu, it's a big loss!

"The autumn election has ended. The top eight are up to Senior Eizan. There are only five candidates with the strength of Elite Ten. The top four have the strength of Elite Ten, especially Senior Ye."

"What?" x3

Nakiri Senzaemon said in a deep voice: "Yes, your cooking represents your current highest strength, which is your standard, so from now on, the most difficult challenge in the history of Tōtsuki will be reviewed."

"No....no way....this rich sweet smell...what kind of dessert is this!"

Xiaolin Rentan said with a smile: "Little Erina, I can't tell, you still have a good sense of justice."

Mu Jiuzhi Yuanguo was also stunned and said, "Commander, who are those people who want to fight us?"

No one else objected, Kobayashi Rentan and Akakubo Tao had complained just now, and they didn't give face to the three people in front of them at all.

Kobayashi Rentan said with a smile: "Huh! It's incredible! Teppanyaki! This level has risen!"

"Actually, it's not particularly top-notch ingredients, just middling.

Eishi Tsukasa was a little surprised and said: "Apart from Ye Xuedi, there are so many outstanding students?! These aromas are too strong!

Erina said in surprise: "Huh? Why are you still here? Haven't you been assessed yet?

"Gendan, Mu didn't reply to the news, are you still taking a walk with Ningning?

Everyone was stunned for a moment. Just as they were thinking about it, they smelled a strong aroma. Everyone raised their eyebrows.

"Salmon meat.

Eishi Tsukasa glanced at it and said softly, "Octopus, abalone, oxeye, shrimp, oyster, that fish is..."

Uehara leaned on the chair and said casually: "Find a place to sit by yourself, you can see it now, this is not an assessment at all, this is a duel."

Usually at this time, both of them were already watching TV with Ye Mu, watching TV while eating snacks, and chatting with their mobile phones from time to time, but now they are wasting time here.

Everyone was stunned, what the hell was going on, just as they were thinking about it, they heard footsteps and the sound of the dining car moving. Everyone swallowed and looked at the door with some anticipation.

Erina put down the cooking and found a seat before she said softly: "I just simply feel that the current school in this lineup can't have ten equals to challenge.

Erina froze for a moment and said, "Huh? Grandpa, what do you mean? Don't a lot of people play against us? 39

Tosuke Megishima said in a deep voice: "This is the taste of ramen soup...and it is a very thick and spicy soup, this is not Japanese ramen.

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