I'm in Comprehensive Comics: Start Enrolling in Tōtsuki Academy

Chapter 279 Terrible elimination ratio, who are you?! (Subscribe~)

When Ji Zhiguo Ningning and Ye Mu returned to Tōtsuki, it was already afternoon. Looking at the door of Tōtsuki, Ji Zhiguo Ningning could be said to have a complicated mood in various senses.

"Sure, but then again, I didn't see Sister Longdan and Sister Xiaotao, they are both busy. 99

After Xiaolin Rentan put down the strawberry, he said with a smile: "It's not easy! It's finally over! It's too difficult!

Akakubo Tao also said with a look of surprise: "It's really Ning Ning! Wow! Ning Ning! You are just like a different person, your temperament has changed!


"Xiao Taozi seems to have heard the persecution.

"Why don't you say it! We're both making up for sleep, so why are you asking me!"

Xiaolin Rentan was stunned for a moment and leaned over to take a closer look before saying with a look of horror: "My God! Ning Ning! Is that Ning Ning?!

None of them left any visible grades, and they were all eliminated. On-the-spot training, this exam was designed to eliminate a large number of new students before they entered the second year.

Just as the two of them were chatting, they suddenly heard the sound of a door opening. The two of them looked at each other and both put down their things and ran out of the kitchen.

Ye Mu put down the suitcase and said with a sigh of relief: "I'm back at last, Longdan, Xiaotao, I'll tell you something later."

"it is good."

"well enough...."

"What's the matter?" x2

Ye Mu froze for a moment and said, "Really, you two stayed up late?

"Who are you?! x2

Akakubo Tao tilted her head and said, "Ning Ning, your glasses have also been changed, and the black-rimmed glasses look a bit strong.

Ji Zhiguo's Ningning's eyes twitched for a moment before he coughed lightly and said, "Sister Longdan, Sister Xiaotao, you don't know me.

Xiaolin Rentan wore an apron and waved his hand with a spatula, "How is that possible, I will persecute...do I need help from my own people?"

Akakubo Tao also nodded and said: "Well, that's right, Xiao Taozi finally has the motivation to work today, and she will handle the work soon, Rentan, you too. 39

Ye Mu thought about it for a while and said, "The two of them? If there is no accident, are they waiting at the Yueyan House, Ning Ning, shall we go have dinner together?"

"Well... well, I haven't been to the Moon Smoke House either..."

Akakubo Tao rolled the eyes of the dead fish and said, "Gendan, if Mu and Ningning also become Elite Ten, do you want to throw it to them? 35

"it is good!

"Huh?" x2

Xiaolin Rentan said in surprise: "This is not bad, it is super good, I have completely changed a person! I feel that I have changed from a nerdy look to an elegant mature woman, my temperament has changed, super charming."

"As for Ning Ning's move to Yueyan House, I think there should be some other solutions.


Ye Mu was thrown into his arms as soon as he walked in, Ye Mu said with a smile, "So excited?"

"Um....I just look, look..."

Xiaolin Gentian squinted his eyes and said: "To be honest, I have already thought of several ways to do this, come on, let's eat first.

But the next moment....

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"Who?" x2

"No, it's just that you are not affecting the quality of sleep... Xiao Taozi fell asleep in class two days ago.

Ji Zhiguo Ningning smiled and nodded and said: "Well, it's me, Mu said that a little change in the image will make it much better, and then he took me to change the look, it's not bad.

"Uh...it seems like...that's not because I'm lying on the table and I'm panicking.""

Xiaolin Rentan thought for a while and said, "Almost, but I also lost some to others."

Akakubo Momo was holding the bowl while whipping cream and said angrily: "Gentian, if you steal the fruit from the little peach to make the cake, your bento will be vegetarian in the future. Luo

"Because Little Peach is holding Butch, and Gentian is holding the pillow! Can it be the same?!


"The mind is very complicated. 39

・・・・Seeking flowers・・・


Xiaolin Rentan nodded and said, "Sure! You haven't been here for the past few days, we both didn't sleep well, we didn't feel in the mood to eat, and we didn't have the energy for work and class. Look, there are red blood in my eyes!

"It's okay, the original glasses don't seem to match..."

Ye Mu tilted his head and said, "Do you have to say it at the door? Ning Ning is the first time to come to Yueyan House."

"You heard wrong."

By the time you reach the second grade, you can already be considered a good student. Tōtsuki doesn't have any activities such as dormitory training, and only relies on grades to eliminate students. Therefore, those who can survive the first year of high school have a high probability of successfully graduating. , as long as you don't kill yourself...

"Little peach heard right! You just said it!"

Ye Mu shook his head with a smile and said, "You two, don't talk about this, let's meet someone for you."

"Oh! Yes, yes, Ningning, come in.

Ji Zhiguo Ningning sighed when she saw the Yueyan House, as expected of the Elite Ten's residence, and now she finally came to the Yueyan House, and as soon as she entered the house, Ji Zhiguo Ningning accepted it.

After returning to school, she was going to go back to her dormitory, so she couldn't be with Ye Mu from morning to night, and life lost a lot of fun. Ye Mu took her to have a good time these days.

The two of them came back late. After all, those who could survive the field training had already rushed back to school impatiently, as if they didn't believe they could survive until the school.

Names flashed quickly in their minds, but in the end they felt that the last possibility was Ji Zhiguo Ningning, after all, the two of them must have been together from morning to night.

They are also students, but the treatment of Elite Ten is different. This is a villa, just with the title of dormitory. Akiko Bo Tao said softly: "Ning Ning, you came just in time, it's time for dinner, Xiao Taozi made a cake and ate it. After dinner, let's take you to the Moon Smoke House." 5

What Ye Mu didn't know was that when he returned to school this time, there were only a few hundred people left in the beginning, but in an instant there were only a hundred or so left.

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