I'm in Comprehensive Comics: Start Enrolling in Tōtsuki Academy

Chapter 285 The legendary household vegetable pick, she should be normal (please subscribe~)

Facts have proved that one more person is indeed one more strength, but it is still useless. After all, Resilience Enhancement 2.0 is not a joke with you.

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Huji Caizai said suddenly: "Oh! That's the case! Hello, I'm used to living here, the second place in the autumn audition! It's amazing! It looks like a good student!

Hu Jicai nodded and walked in with a big bag and a small package before he said with a smile, "Where are the three of them?"

Before Huji Cai picked up her words, she saw Ye Mu walking out of the gym wearing casual clothes. Huji Cai picked up for a moment, and Akiko Bo Tao hurriedly pulled Ji Zhiguo Ning Ning to the side... .

Ji Zhiguo Ningning was stunned for a moment, what is this question? Does this question have any meaning? But when Ji Zhiguo Ningning turned his head, he froze, Hu Cicaizhai obviously had a hint of danger in his eyes .

"Sister Longdan and Sister Xiaotao, one is baking egg tarts, and the other seems to be weeding in the backyard, um..."

Ji Zhiguo Ningning was stunned for a moment, she couldn't accept it! Is this really a strange perversion?! She couldn't accept it! She couldn't believe it!

"Huh? No, Ning Ning looks like a very good child! Right?"

Hu Ji Cai Zhe sat on the sofa and said with a sigh of relief: "These are the snacks and some miscellaneous items that the gentian and the others asked me to help with, uh... can I ask you to Ning Ning?

"Oh, Ning Ning, what do you want to buy in the future? You can just send me a message on Friday, ah, just in time for breakfast, so good!"

"I woke up early today.

"Miss Huji...

Ji Zhiguo Ningning also got better and better relationship with Akira Rentan and Kobayashi Gentian. Ji Zhiguo Ningning finally knew how nourishing the life of Kobayashi Rentan and Akira Kobayashi was day by day.

After being stunned for two seconds, Hu Jicai immediately rolled over from the sofa and rushed at Ye Mu and shouted, "Jun Ye! I finally see you again!"

"Oh! I know what Ye Jun said, you should exercise in the gym in the morning, right?"

"Miss Tao, what's wrong?"

Ji Zhiguo Ningning swallowed his saliva and said, "Well, Sister Huci is still pretty good.

Ji Zhiguo Ningning saw that Hu Cicaizhai was still rubbing Ye Mu's shoulder with his face. Ji Zhiguo Ningning seemed to know why Hu Cicaizhai was such a strange guy.

"Don't talk too much, just watch it, and Mu will solve it."

"I just want to come and have breakfast with Ye Jun! That kind of feeling...that kind of feeling of eating at the same table with Ye Jun! Ahaha, Cai Sijiu is reserved.

Ji Zhiguo Ningning still couldn't believe that this was a strange guy, after all, she was too normal now, just as she was thinking about it, she saw Akane Kubo Tao walking out of the baking room and then said cautiously: "Household Second sister, why did you come so early?"

He dragged Hu Ji Cai Zhai to the sofa without saying a word. When Hu Ji Cai Zhai was still muttering about getting married, his mouth was covered with tape.

"It seems so, I'm not quite sure, Sister Hu, these are..."

"I'm Ning Ning of Ji Zhiguo, who just moved here. The second place in the autumn election is an Elite Ten, and I'm very familiar with Sister Longdan and Sister Xiaotao, so I moved here.

Looking at the blonde beauty in Lolita in front of her, Ji Zhiguo Ningning blinked, she couldn't accept it, this beauty is Huji Caizai?! Is that the strange guy? "490"! Sister! Can we Do something worthy of your beauty image?!

Ye Mu was about to speak when he saw Hu Ji Cai pick a serious face and said, "Jun Ye, don't talk, kiss me!

Ji Zhiguo Ning Ning breathed a sigh of relief and said softly, "You are Miss Huci."


"It's me, who are you? It looks very temperamental and gentle, and I have to see that Jiu is a good student.

"Huh? Isn't this Yueyan House? No, I'm more familiar here than in my own home. Who are you?

Akakubo Tao shook her head and said, "I don't understand, but just look at it. By the way, Sister Huci will be punished in a while."

"Hehe...why get up so early? Of course to be able to have breakfast! You thought I'd say that?! Ha! Of course not! 99


"Alright, let's go to the restaurant first."

"Yo! Sister Hu, you are here."

Looking at Huji Caizai, who had turned into a normal person again, Ningning of Ji Zhiguo suddenly felt so terrifying. Do we have to make our warm daily life the same as some horror games? There must be a terrifying monster. Does the NPC appear?

Ye Mu moved to one side, Hu Ji Cai Zhai was empty but still hugged Ye Mu's arm and shouted: "Ye Jun! Cai Zhai has not seen Ye Jun for a long time! Cai Zhai replenishes Ye Jun's energy well!

Ji Zhiguo Ningning looked at Hu Ji Cai Cai and took out a fruit knife out of nowhere, while slicing the apples in the fruit bowl, while staring straight at her.

"Hey... Ning Ning, can we eat?

"Gentian, I got up so early, but..."

"No, no, since I live here, it's my own. Just call me the second sister."

Looking down and seeing that his hand was also tied by a rope from nowhere, Xiaolin Rentan tilted his head and said: "Oh, it seems that what I said before is effective, this time it is not tied into a worm. 4.3”

But no matter what, Ningning of Ji Zhiguo is still willing to believe that Hu Ci Cai Cai is a normal person, because just now, when Ji Zhi Guo Ning Ning saw Hu Ci Cai Cai for the first time, she clearly felt a sense of maturity. Careful feeling....

"Why do you wake up earlier?"

"Huh? 35

Akokubo Tao rolled her eyes and said, "Second Sister Hu, you will scare Ningning like this.

"Right! Na! Apples for you.""

"Okay, Sister Hu, please come in.

"Good!" x3

Today was a Saturday, and Hu Ji Cai Cai ran over as usual. This time, the person who opened the door was Ji Zhiguo Ning Ning, who was wearing casual home clothes and was cooking breakfast.

Ji Zhiguo Ningning said blankly, "What kind of change speed is this?"

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