I'm in Comprehensive Comics: Start Enrolling in Tōtsuki Academy

Chapter 311 Excited Fujiwara Toyoshi, his name is Ye Mu (please subscribe~)

Tian Yu Zhan Zhan and Po Island Saeko had already left, not from Tōtsuki, but after strolling around for another afternoon, and then went to the Elite Ten area for dinner.

"Yes!" x2

Looking at the poison island Saeko in front of her, Tian Yu Zhan Zhan smacked her lips and didn't say a word, but she is not a really obedient person...

Fujiwara Toyomi was stunned for a moment, then nodded and said: "It's really amazing, Grandpa Nakiri would be very happy to have such a student, Chika, keep talking, or just say that? 55

Fujiwara Toumi swallowed his saliva and said, "The surname is Ye, the name is Ye Mu, it's from the heaven, it's not a big family... Do you know who is in his family?"9

Fujiwara Toumi said with a sigh of relief: "Well, Moe Ye, you can leave a message to your friend and let her find out if there are any related photos, and let her send a group photo and so on."

Fujiwara Fengmi nodded and said, "Well, it's inevitable, what's wrong? Didn't you say it?

"Um...well, what else do you know?

Fujiwara Toumi nodded and said, "In this case...I know..."


"That girl's shop, Erina."

The two looked at each other quietly, and after a long time, Tian Yu Zhan Zhan said softly: "Are you so sure that you will succeed? Or do you want me to beat him down if you lose, and you can solve it directly? Or do you want to grab the certificate directly? "

Fujiwara Fengmi was stunned for a moment and turned his head to see his two younger sisters running over. Fujiwara Fengmi heaved a sigh of relief and said, "You two pay attention to the influence, don't run and jump like this in public. 99

"That's the best!

Although not a lot, but they also eat more than the average girl, and the aura of the two, Eishi Tsukasa is afraid that there will be a shadow. As for Erina's store, he did not recommend going, because you don't need to guess to know that it is full.

At the same time, Kitagawa Haimeng had already gone back to work. By the way, her appetite successfully scared Fujiwara Chihua and the others. It's not unreasonable to have a good figure.

Moe Fujiwara raised her hand and said, "For me, for me, the thing is like this (thousands of words are omitted here), Sister Fengshi, it's amazing! 35

"No.. I have a hunch that I won't fail!"

Fujiwara Toyoshi smiled and said, "How powerful?"

Fujiwara Fengmi was stunned for a moment, and Fujiwara Qianhua tilted her head and said, "A very familiar name, I always feel like I've heard it somewhere. Do you have an impression of my sister? Eh? What's wrong with you, sister?"

Poison Island 15 Saeko said with a serious face: "Zhan Zhan, I hope you can accompany me that day.

"Oh... Interesting, I'll ask for the last time, if I can solve it for you."

"I don't know, Meng Ye doesn't seem to know either."

Fujiwara Fengmi shook his head and didn't speak. The three of them had just walked two steps when they heard Fujiwara Moe Ye whispering: "It seems that Senior Ye said something today...Old man?"

"Ye Mu..."

Moe Fujiwara smiled and said, "Sister Fengshi, why are you here so late today?"

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"No, no, I said yes, but when I was chatting today, I asked about Tōtsuki's recent situation, and Grandpa Nakiri told me about the strongest transfer student in history."9

"Sister Fengshi! 55

The restaurant chosen by the two people is the fruit of Kukuchi Garden, which is also recommended by Ye Mu. After all, it is unrealistic for these two people to go to the restaurant of Eishi Tsukasa to eat enough. I saw these two people in the fog house before. The amount of food added up.

Tian Yu Zhan Zhan sneered and said: "This is a challenge? Saeko, you can think clearly for me, if this is a challenge, I will not show mercy.


"If I succeed, I can deal with you together with Ye Jun, and it should be interesting to fail. 35

"There's something going on at school, but I've already booked a hotel, let's go. 35

"Which one?

Chihua Fujiwara thought for a moment and said, "Sister, do you know what his name is?"

Fujiwara Fengmi's whole body was stiff, and he said quickly: "Old man?! Moe Ye! What else do you know?! 35

"The strongest ever?

"Sister Fengshi... Pay attention to your quality in public..."

"Good. 35

"Yes, yes! Senior Ye is very powerful! I met Haimeng today, and the people are also very good!"

Minami Kotori and the others had also left, but a new face came in. Just like the hair color of Chika Fujiwara and Moeha Fujiwara, a beautiful girl who was dressed in fashion and in good shape walked in.

"I don't know...but...I'm quite happy."

Tian Yu Zhan Zhan squinted his eyes and said, "No one knows what will happen then..."

"Well...that's all, the rest may have to ask Haimeng, she added Senior Ye's friend, there may be some photos in the news, but... Haimeng is now in I work part-time and can't reply.

"Eh?! It feels like something is wrong... uh... A transfer student from China, Grandpa Nakiri didn't ask about the background, but I bought the school magazine, and the school magazine said it wasn't a big family, just a little bit of money at home. , and then what Meng Ye said. 99

Both of them looked surprised, but they didn't seem to know each other very well. Fujiwara Fengmi tilted his head and said, "Well, it's really lively. There are so many people at night. Did you visit Grandpa Nakiri today?"

"Sister, what's the matter? You feel weird..."

Tian Yu Zhan Zhan sat on the chair with his arms folded and said with a very calm expression: "So, Saeko, should you be nervous now, or should you be excited?

"I.... I want to express this feeling myself! But...

Fujiwara Chika turned her head and saw Fujiwara Toyomi's stunned look, and Fujiwara Toyumi said quickly: "Quick, tell me where his name came from, and some other information.


"520 is also... Then do you know where he is now?"

Chika Fujiwara shook her head and said, "School magazine, definitely won't ask so thoroughly.

"I've gone, the words have been passed on, and if I want to pass them on, I will remember them, but, sister, after the news with Grandpa Nakiri today, I must have something else to talk about, right?

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