I'm in Comprehensive Comics: Start Enrolling in Tōtsuki Academy

Chapter 324 Ye Mu, Yukihira Jōichirō's interest in doing things (please subscribe~)

Akakubo Momo immediately thought of the Seiichiro Seiichiro's shop mentioned earlier, while Ji Zhiguo Ningning had a puzzled look on her face.

"It would be interesting to have another transfer student.


Xiaolin Rentian nodded and said, "Senior is right, but we must be on the side of our men, right? But we, we won't do bad things either."


When the four of them arrived at the store, Yukihira Sōma froze for a moment before saying with a smile, "Yo! Welcome! See you again~ Here we go."

"It feels like you are here to make trouble, but you are really outrageous, four Elite Ten, you can get two more votes and Tōtsuki will change hands at any time."

After eating, Yukihira Sōma went to brush the pot, and after brushing the pot... um... he went to do his homework... fortunately, the small amount can be ignored.

Akakubo Tao also said with a look of surprise: "It's really hard to imagine that Senior Caibo would come to such a place to open a store. 99


Ji Zhiguo's Ningning and Akira Kubo's face blushed, Ye Mu said with a smile, "I'm a little bit more charismatic, I feel like this kid needs to brush the pot today.

That kind of fragrant but not greasy feeling, the kind that looks very oily but doesn't feel greasy at all when you eat it, just has a unique aroma and thickness of the sauce.

"Huh? For example, God's Tongue? For example, the cousin of God's Tongue, for example... It's too much to say, what's the matter? Is there nothing you want to do?"

"There is this reason, and part of the reason is because of Tōtsuki's school festival, today is the weekend, there should be a lot of people going."

Ye Mu smiled and said, "So, senior, don't you have any ideas? The 92nd class, the 92nd class has a lot of interesting people."

All three nodded, the aroma of Chinese food is unique, and the aroma of Western food comes from spices and butter cheese.

"Huh? You kid, are you planning to do something after basically holding half of Tōtsuki's power? You're black-hearted."

Ji Zhiguo Ningning and Ye Mu said the same, after moving in, Xiaolin Rentan and Akakubo Tao forcefully added rice, so if you don't eat it, don't eat less.

Yukihira Jōichirō tilted his head and said, "If that's the case... Then again, do you have a title for this kid?"

Ye Mu said with a smile: "Well, this isn't very important, right? However, what do you think of the four Elite Ten who came to visit the store?"

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"so so."

“Elite Ten?”

"I'm really convinced you kid, eh? Who are these two? They're not still your kid's girlfriends, are they?"

Yukihira Jōichirō tilted his head and said, "How about you?

"Huh?! The Shura who was in the same class as Dojima-senpai?"


Ye Mu said with a smile, "Well, indeed, I should have lost to Chef Yukihira again recently-.""

"Caibo? Senior?


After the father and son left, Ye Mu smiled and shook his head and said, "It's quite interesting, right, Gentian."


"Yes, it's him, but don't be surprised, and don't reveal that you know him, just eat normally.

Yukihira Jōichirō jumped the corner of his eyes and said, "It's not difficult, but it's time-consuming, I wonder if you're here to make trouble.

"Ji Zhiguo Ningning, Senior Caibo, hello. 35

"Huh? Huh, it's you again, what are you going to eat this time?"

"Huh! It's amazing, then which seat should you take?"

Ye Mu smiled and shook his head to find a seat and said, "Alright, let's call Chef Yukihira.

"Eh? You two are fighting each other's wits, why am I unlucky?"

"Maybe. 35

"Okay, you guys just wait, really, the little devils are really more difficult to deal with now.


"I learned it from you?! 39x2

"Speaking of which, how about the small whitebait with strawberry jam from before? It's unpalatable.


"If you have this number of people, let's have Celestial dishes, boiled beef, fish-flavored shredded pork, three fresh foods, and finally a tofu soup. No problem, Chef Yukihira. 99

"it is good!"

Akakubo Momo and the three all rolled their eyes, before Seiichiro waved his head and said, "That's the number one?"

"Pfft... No, no, I just came to eat, didn't you see that I ordered three dishes for dinner?""

...for flowers ·

Xiaolin Rentan put his hands on his face and said with a smile: "Indeed, but there aren't many people today, is it because it's past the meal time?

Ye Mu said with a smile: "I'm not going to do it yet, and I'm not interested in Tōtsuki, but I'll still do something a little bit. After all, there are many arrogant boys in the 92nd class, so it should be interesting." 5

The fragrance of Chinese food comes from that unique fragrance, the fragrance of all ingredients mixed with seasonings, and the thickness of that fragrance is not comparable to any ordinary cuisine.

Ye Mu put one hand on the back of the chair and said casually, "Isn't this giving you three new dishes to learn?"

It can be said that the three dishes are all first-class dishes, and Seiichiro Caibo handled it better, and Ji Zhiguo Ningning ate a little more.

The spicy and fresh boiled beef, the unique aroma and taste of the fish-flavored shredded pork, the three fresh ones are peppers, eggplants, and potatoes, but they have a unique taste and taste when combined together.

Kobayashi Rentan hooked Ji Zhiguo Ning Ning's neck with a smile and said, "Ning Ning, let me tell you, the old Tōtsuki Shura Caibo Seiichiro opened a restaurant here.

Caibo Seiichiro said casually: "So, what is the grade of your kid in the autumn election?

When the four of them arrived at the town, Ji Zhiguo Ning Ning jumped out of the corner of his eyes and said, "Mu, are you sure you didn't come to the wrong place?"

"I improved it and added mayonnaise to marinate it."

"Hoohoo! This is amazing..."

"You cut the tofu first."

"Well, I thought you would be more concerned about the identities of Xiaotao and Ningning."

Yukihira Jōichirō waved his hand and said, "My surname is Yukihira now, but your girl should be the next Elite Ten, right?

"Indeed, Father! Time to begin!

Akakubo Tao said softly: "Now the eighth seat of Elite Ten, Akakubo Tao, Caibo-senpai, hello.

"Hey, what a shame!

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