I'm in Comprehensive Comics: Start Enrolling in Tōtsuki Academy

Chapter 342 Erina's new challenge, face that kid (please subscribe~)

At this time, Erina was puzzled, because Nakiri Senzaemon had said this to her once, and the last time was the unprecedented challenge.

"Huh? Senior Ye is very good, and his strength is also very strong. In general, he is very good in all aspects, but he is too black.

Nakiri Senzaemon said in a deep voice: "Erina, you have broken the record and became the youngest existence of Tōtsuki becoming an Elite Ten, an Elite Ten in the third year of junior high school. 35

"So, I don't plan to hide it, and I won't hide that duel. When the next freshman enters the school, I will directly tell this matter, including the kid who took over the first seat.

Erina nodded before continuing to eat. Nakiri Senzaemon suddenly thought of something and said casually, "Erina, what do you think of that kid Ye Mu?"

Erina said with a sigh of relief, "I know, I'll think about it, but..."

Alice dropped her suitcase, leaned over and said suspiciously, "Mom, what are you doing? 39

Alice breathed a sigh of relief and said, "Really, Mom, you are really working hard, but Mom, the New Year is coming soon!"

"Yes, but I don't know what this kid will do at all, so Erina, before him or after him, is a test, you remember what the kid said at the beginning.

"Don't you have anything to do with not being on my side?!"


"Also, don't worry about that girl for now, you will meet what you should meet."

"That's what I said, but the relationship between Erina and classmate Ye seems to be very good, it should be a great progress.

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"Because I will be a freshman in high school next year! Then I can take the Elite Ten position after various assessments and step on Erina under my feet! Hahaha!

"Oh, by the way, I almost forgot to say, Alice has always wanted to see Senior Ye, but she misses it every time, Grandpa, what do you think she is going to do? 35

Alice nodded and said, "Yes, yes, Mom, you should have called me! 99

Nakiri Senzaemon waved his hand and said, "That doesn't matter. If he comes, he will come on stage himself. If he doesn't come, he will have what he prepares to say to be read for him."

Nakiri Senzaemon froze for a moment before sighing and said, "She's probably just curious, and she doesn't know that Leonora has that kid's contact information?"

"That's right, this kid is very optimistic about you this year, so, as he broke the record, the strongest student in the next high school freshman, the representative of the freshman, the tongue of God, you know what your speech means. What~々?"

"Huh?! Why?! Mom! I'm your daughter!

"Even with that Ye... eh? Mom, how do you know about Senior Ye?"

"Of course! Mother! You will be on my side! 35

Nakiri Senzaemon said casually: "Your task is very simple, that is, this time your written test score should also be excellent, and then you will speak on the stage as the representative of the new high school."

"Well, the old man knows. Nian

"Humph! Um... Mom, what are you going to have for dinner? Let's go to the restaurant!"

Erina nodded and said, "In this case, those freshmen will boil."

"I'm practicing Chinese, I can pass the exam, I still have talent! 95

"I don't know, I don't know visually, and Alice doesn't usually call Aunt Leonora very often."

"I don't know at all! And I haven't found the complete video of the finals, and the school (Li Lihao) publication is only a text description!

Erina tilted her head and said, "I forgot what time it was. When I was chatting with Senior Ye, Senior Ye said something... He may have to go back to the Heavenly Dynasty to investigate during spring vacation, summer vacation, and winter vacation. Therefore, according to Ye The character of the senior, maybe I don't know if I can be there that day.

Although Erina looked puzzled, she didn't think much about it at the time, and Nakiri Senzaemon didn't say anything, and the two of them chatting a few times over dinner was not so cold.

Leonora sighed and said, "You still want to beat Erina. 99

Leonora thought for a moment and said, "Except for the relationship, I'm more optimistic about that girl Erina."

Erina was stunned for two seconds before she said in surprise: "Grandpa! You don't want Senior Ye to speak on the stage!

Erina swallowed her saliva, and Nakiri Senzaemon said in a deep voice: "It means that you will face the polishing of Ye Mu in the future, and this... It is not an exaggeration to say that it is a challenge. ."

"I'm on your side in favor of you.

Leonora froze for a moment and said, "Huh? No full video?

"You hadn't finished class when I got there, and ah, it's useless if you saw it. A lot of things happened that day, and I didn't have time to chat with you."

"Oh... um?! Mom! Why didn't you tell me! 99

Leonora tilted his head and said, "Huh? Don't you know? I'm the final judge of the autumn election."

"I thought you knew.

"New Year's Eve? There's no difference, isn't it better to be the same as in previous years?"


"Yes, after all, it might be used by others to study and learn the recipe.

"So, what is my mission?"

"Yes, yes, but well, it's been an unusual year anyway!"

Erina nodded and said, "I see, so, Grandpa, the task you said was actually the new student representative speaking this time, right?"

"Mom! I'm back! 35

"On the other hand, Ye Mu also broke the record and became Tōtsuki's first high school student to directly inherit the first seat.

This time, what is it?

"There is, but in the database, I can't get it...


"Secret ~ Attack"

"No no no, the question is, where are you going to speak. 39

"What happened? 35

"Wo... eh? Alice? You're back.

Nakiri Erina froze for a moment and said, "Isn't this a very simple thing?"

"Well, the old man wants this effect. Since this kid wants to play, the old man should warm it up first. 99

Leonora froze for a moment and said, "Huh? How do you say it?"

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