I'm in Comprehensive Comics: Start Enrolling in Tōtsuki Academy

Chapter 357 The reason for Qiluoli is that Lily is not a peach Lily (please subscribe~)

While the two people here were chatting, the five of Qiluoli also arrived at the shrine. There were still a lot of people, but not as many as before.

Lily Xiang blushed and said softly without turning her head, "Thank you...Thank you."

"Good boy~ Let's pray first, it's our time~"

"Xiao Mu? That... Qi Luoli, Xiao Mu is..."

Zi Anyan was stunned for a moment and said, "Lilixiang classmate looks very cute.

Everyone nodded in understanding, but Qiluoli turned her head and gently stroked Lilixiang's face and said with a smile, "So, Sister Lilyxiang, it would be great to have no peach and Lilyxiang." .

Fujiwara Chika was stunned for a moment, and then said excitedly: "Sister! Really?! I remember that what my father asked you for was... marriage!

Also, when you say this, can you change your expression a little bit, what's the matter with your calm look?! It's true!

"You haven't started yet, and I've been in love since I was a child, and now have a definite relationship, a definite time, and a marriage? For me, superfluous, Daji is taken for granted, Pingji is the same as now, and Xiaoji is also a good thing, guess what? , what probability do I have to get the murderer?"

The corners of Fujiwara's eyes jumped, even if Fujiwara's IQ was low, she still felt a full of malice, Kiroli? Cute?

"It will be settled slowly in that moment."

"it is good."


(Li Zhao's) Qiluoli tilted her head and said: "I just simply solve my own problems, I am Taozhao Qiluoli, and Lilyxiang, my sister, Lilyxiang is still Lilyxiang, and It's not Peach Lily, she will represent Lily and Cheroli, understand?"

Zi Anyan was also a little surprised, but after leaving the banquet hall, Zi Anyan suddenly became a lot more serious, but her aura was full, and she already looked like a flower of high mountains.

Chika Fujiwara said curiously: "So, I didn't hear the word cute.

Qi Luoli smiled and said: "Huh? Marriage? Family? Sister Fengshi, we are not the same.

"Ah, I accidentally said something, but how do you feel?"

"Well...but, I feel that the writing on this paper is very good."

Fujiwara Tomomi said softly: "Well, Moe asked for a lottery for me because of my father's request, and it turned out to be good luck..."

Lilixiang breathed a sigh of relief, and then slowly took off the mask, a cheek as delicate as Cheroli, the makeup looked very cute, and had a very pure feeling.

"Eh? Don't you ask for a marriage or a family? 35

Qi Luoli said with a smile: "Sister Fengshi, it seems that you have received some good news. 99

"Forget it, let's look forward to it a little bit, Lilixiang-san, wearing a mask is disrespectful to the gods~々.

Fujiwara Chika said with a smile: "Lilixiang is like this, she becomes a completely different person after taking off the mask, or Lilyxiang is more cute.

Qi Luoli said in surprise: "Ah, this request for a signature is really incredible, I feel that I should go and see it.

"As for my own family, it's not necessary, because I was already in it, so it would be better if Sister Lilixiang came to choose. In this case, no matter what kind of marriage and family, I didn't need to choose."

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"If you look at it this way, the sentence should be, the cute little girl who likes to play tricks, ah, she is spoiled."

Chihua Fujiwara smiled and said, "Isn't that very good? Eh? But sister, did you have a marriage contract since childhood?"


"Um.... ah, Meng Ye sent the contents of the paper, which means... the marriage contract signed since childhood, the love is smooth, the family is harmonious, the husband and wife are in love..."

"Huh? My love.


"Okay! Ah, it's our turn, Qiluoli, Lilyxiang, what do you want?"

Cheroli tilted her head and said, "Eh? Am I not cute?"

Many people are planning to travel the next day or start work, so they have no chance to come. Fujiwara Toyosu hung up the phone and covered his face directly.

Qi Luoli tilted her head and said: "Yes, because Xiao Mu has been very mature since he was a child, but he is a senior black belly. I think Xiao Mu is the cutest, so to say black belly means cute.

"Say it's... a mischievous black-bellied girl.

Fujiwara Toyoshi said with a look of surprise: "He's still a black belly..."

"Then did he directly say that you are cute?"5

"Will you have a good luck? I believe in your luck, because you are my sister, and you represent Qiluoli and Lilixiang, double luck..."

"Voice and tone changed?!"


Qi Luoli said with a serious face: "Xiao Mu said I was very cute.

Several people glanced at Fujiwara Chika who was holding a mobile phone and giggling. Can this girl really have love? Really or not...

Cheroli thought for a moment and said, "Me? I just pray that I can finish my work and finally have a good time."

"Family... uh... I am the head of the Baigh clan, and many people in the Baigh clan are dissatisfied with me. If I get lucky, I will laugh out of joy, but I also feel that there is no challenge. , that is of course.


"Thousand Flowers..."

"Hmm.... It feels very interesting, very real, a little interested.

Zi Anyan and Fujiwara Chika both twitched at the corners of their mouths. My dear, you must be very good at math, and you really understand how to use equivalent substitution, but this is not how you exchange it.

That's right! This is what you looked like when you were young! What the hell is cute!

Cheroli was stunned for a moment and said, "Huh? I'm a little bit suspicious of the accuracy of this request for a signature.

"That's right, is it really possible for Qianhua to have love? It's true or false."


"Sister! Moe Ye... oh, you sent it to me, uh... school is flat, love is great... Okay! Love is great!

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