I'm in Comprehensive Comics: Start Enrolling in Tōtsuki Academy

Chapter 362 Looking for the commander in chief's Ye Mu, the secret among girls (Subscription re


As soon as Ye Mu walked to the place to take the luggage, he saw a figure rushing towards him, Ye Mu smiled and said, "Xiao Tao, why are you here?"

Akakubo Tao raised her head and said softly, "Because Xiao Taozi has been waiting here for you to come back since she got off the plane. 35

"It's been a long wait."

"Little Taozi just arrived not long ago, it's what Sister Su said."

Ye Mu froze for a moment and said, "What the hell did this guy say?"

Akakubo Tao smiled and said, "Hee hee...Secret, this is a topic among our girls."

"I really didn't take her as a girl, after all, that guy... Forget it, let's not talk about this, how did Sister Su tell you?

Akane Kubo Tao thought for a moment and said, "Well...Sister Su said that you will not make us wait for a long time, and you will not take up your friends' time to do some sensational farewells or the like, everyone is often far away. Running, this is also a common thing, this kid will definitely choose a very early flight.

"Then I complained about how everyone could get up so early, and then sent us the latest flight time. Xiao Taozi happened to have a flight that was 15 minutes away, so she said she was waiting for the bath here, Sister Su said. That's right, Mu, you really came back very early."

Ye Mu sighed and said, "I really convinced that guy. 35

"Huh? Why do you say that?

"Sister Su, that guy...but it's very early to get up.

"Eh?! Really?! 35

"That guy... Forget it, Xiao Tao, how was your winter vacation?"

Akane Kubo Tao hugged Ye Mu's arm and said, "It's not good at all. The quality of sleep is very poor. Mom also said that Xiao Taozi has become a night owl, but Xiao Taozi just can't sleep."

Ye Mu rubbed Akane Kubo Tao's head and said with a smile, "Other than that? New Year's or something like that~々. 35

"Well... this, this is actually okay, it's the same as in previous years, but this year, they found out that Xiao Taozi has a lover, and then they asked this and that, but they came to express their blessings.

"That's pretty cool, let's go, let's go back first...hehe..."

Akakubo Momo was stunned for a moment, then saw Ye Mu pick it up from the ground beside the suitcase, butchi handed it to Akakubo Momo and said with a smile, "But it's troublesome for Butchi to wash."

Akakubo Tao was stunned for a moment, then took it over and smiled and said, "Not at all! Mu, there is an exam next semester. Your written exam is fine, right?"

Ye Mu tilted his head and said, "Writing test? Just use Ning Ning's notes, it's not difficult.

"Ning Ning is really working hard."

When the two people came back, Ji Zhiguo Ningning and Xiaolin Longdan still didn't return to the Yueyan House, they were still standing at the door waiting, and when they saw the two people coming, they immediately stuck.

Naturally, various exchanges are inevitable, Ye Mu sighed and said: "Okay, let's go back to the dormitory first. 35

"Good!" x3

"Wow! That's right! When I came back yesterday, I felt that something was wrong with Yueyan House. Now it's right, everyone is complete!"

Ye Mu froze for a moment and said, "Huh? Gentian, did you come back yesterday?"

"Yeah, it's boring to be at home, so I came earlier, stop, Ning Ning has already told me, so stop the related topic!"

Ji Zhiguo Ningning sighed and said, "Sister Longdan, I just said something, you might as well give me a call or come to sit at home. 35

"Hey, let's talk about it when I have a chance, this is not the point now! Husband! How is your winter vacation?! It's not used to celebrate New Year's Day alone!

Ye Mu sighed and said: "Actually, it's okay, Sister Su and the others are basically busy on New Year's Day, but I have a lot of free time.

Xiaolin Rentan sighed and said, "Really, husband, these friends of yours have such a good relationship, but they seem to be busy.

Ye Mu thought for a moment and said, "They? They are not usually busy...

"So, by the way, husband, what did you eat on New Year's Day? Rice cakes?!

Ye Mu was stunned for a moment and said, "No, the dumplings are here, what's wrong?

Before Ye Mu finished speaking, he saw Xiaolin Rentan and the three of them covered their faces. Why didn't they play cards according to the routine?! What about the oil corners? What about the dumplings? What about the rice cakes?! .

Xiaolin Rentan covered his face and said, "I thought you would eat rice cakes, my husband, so I also eat rice cakes, how are they dumplings! You are not..."

"Huh? Because the dumplings here are basically fried dumplings, or as appetizers, I kind of miss them, and there's nothing wrong with eating dumplings on New Year's Day."


Ye Mu shook his head with a smile and said, "You guys, no matter what you eat, isn't it enough that the meaning is good?"

"That can be the same! Uh... it's different anyway!"

Ye Mu thought for a moment and said, "It doesn't seem like there is any difference, okay, don't lose your temper, and ask you guys something. 39

"Huh?" x3

"The commander-in-chief should also work during the winter vacation."

Akakubo Momo was stunned for a moment, then thought for a moment and said, "Hmm... Little Momoko remembers that she seems to be working, but basically it looks like she is working from home. Tōtsuki is only the teacher who is on duty, right, Rentan. .

Xiaolin Rentan nodded and said: "Yes, I heard Senior Uehara once said that if you want to find the commander-in-chief, you should call him and see if there is time, and then go to the house to find him (Li Zhao's) ."9

Ye Mu nodded and said, "Got it. 99

"Husband, what do you have to do with the commander-in-chief?"

"It was just a little chat, and suddenly I thought of something I wanted to solve.

"Huh? School thing?"

"Yes, you can go together if you have time, it's not a big deal.

Xiaolin Rentan waved his hand and said, "We can all listen to it casually, it's definitely not a big deal, you'd better go by yourself, the two of us still have to work.

"Where's Ning Ning?"

"Mu.... Sister Longdan took me to handle the work together, saying that she wanted to get acquainted with it in advance..."

"Uh... gentian, you really..."

"Ah! I'm hungry! Cook!"

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