I'm in Comprehensive Comics: Start Enrolling in Tōtsuki Academy

Chapter 364 Erina feels blood loss, infrastructure master and servant (please subscribe~)

Erina never thought that she had a rare free day and planned to go out to buy something, who would have missed 100 million! Blood loss! Big loss!

Erina thought for a moment and said, "It's not a report, that is to say, after the Elite Ten rankings of Senior Ye and Senior Sister Ji Zhiguo are obtained, how will the offices of these two people be arranged?

"Huh? Grandpa, what's the matter?"

"Okay, Hisako, you don't have to do anything. It's estimated that you just add some things. You can put them in order."

"Ask...ask me?!"

"Oh...." Nakiri Senzaemon said and stood up and walked upstairs, while the secret art hurriedly held the document and bowed slightly to Erina before catching up. Erina crossed her arms and said with some doubts: "It's so strange, it's so strange that grandpa came back from the annual meeting. Hisako said with some doubts: "Mr. Erina, what happened to the annual meeting?"

Nakiri Senzaemon coughed lightly and said, "Erina, the old man asked you, what do you think of this kid Ye Mu?"

"Huh?" Please subscribe! Please collect! Please comment! Please comment! All please!!!!!!!!!!

Nakiri Senzaemon looked at Erina's stunned look, and the blow made Nakiri Senzaemon secretly delighted, and it seemed that it was going well.

"Aren't you curious about the big country like the Celestial Dynasty?

"Grandpa, don't you remember? 35

"Huh? You two..."

"Eh? Grandpa, you're not..."

Hisako's eyes jumped, infrastructure master and servant, infrastructure Erina and infrastructure secretary, she thought about it, her head hurts, but there is no way, her own master Erina wants to build a kitchen, it still has to be demolished, and it's done.

"I'm talking about details, not his evaluation as a cook, but his evaluation.

...for flowers...

Looking at the doubtful eyes of Hisako and Erina, Nakiri Senzaemon coughed lightly and said, "Well, I still remember the length of the conversation. 99

"It's a loss..."

Erina gritted her teeth and said, "Senior Ye- what did you say?

Hisako looked at the way his young lady was talking while gritting her teeth, it was so miserable...

You can buy things anytime, but Ye Mu comes to her house, this is something she usually doesn't have the chance to think about!

Erina nodded, not knowing why. Since the annual meeting, Nakiri Senzaemon has been in a good mood. When asked, he said that he found the whereabouts of an old friend whom he hadn't seen for many years, and he negotiated a business deal and added a few more items. good thing.

"Oh! Well, by the way, Grandpa, I remembered something. 35

"The old man knows, that's all, go ahead, the old man will go back to the office in a while, and dinner has already been arranged."

"Huh? You have work to report?

Erina was stunned for a moment, then nodded and said, "Well, Senior Ye and I chat every day, what did you say specifically?"

Nakiri Senzaemon thought for a moment and said, "Let's leave this to you, isn't Hisako always in charge of these things?""

"I'm not very clear about this either. In short, it's all sorts of weirdness. Forget it, let's leave it alone, I can't think of it, sigh..."

Just wait for the time to come, Nakiri Senzaemon thinks so, but he regrets it after a while. Of course, this is still another story.

"Eh? It's true that I have some thoughts about going for a walk, but..."


Sure enough! Lost!

"Wouldn't it be better to inherit normally?"

What did you talk about? Did you talk about yourself? There must be. After all, you talked about how to train for the next session. I am the strongest in the 92nd session, the Elite Ten in the third year of junior high school, and the tongue of God! The only one who is familiar with Ye Mu must be talking about her.


"Sir Erina! What's wrong with you?! Are you feeling unwell? Do you want to take medicine or..."

Erina didn't ask in detail. Her old friend she hadn't seen for many years, Erina has been here since she was a child, and Nakiri Senzaemon's old friend she hadn't seen for a long time, so she probably wasn't born, so she didn't know what to ask.

"He may tell you this, you can ask, but it's better not to know."

Erina thought for a moment and said, "Senior Ye.... There's nothing wrong with it, except for the black belly, it's fine.

"That said, but Senior Ye's character will definitely not be able to work honestly. Senior Sister Ji Zhiguo and Senior Sister Xiaolin are together, and it is estimated that they will often go to their dormitory to work.


"What the old man means is, you two are really the same and succinct. 35


"Hmm... I feel that Senior Ye and the others may make some changes, so I'm wondering if I should prepare. 35

Erina froze again, just kidding, it's too difficult to ask herself, when she added friends before, she struggled for a long time whether to send the application or not, so if she asked Ye Mu directly...

"Let's talk about it when we have a chance, Grandpa, what did you talk about?"


"By the way, Erina. Erina froze for a moment and said curiously, "Grandpa, do you have anything else to do?"

Looking at Erina whose eyes were overflowing with anticipation, Nakiri Senzaemon sighed and said, "I don't remember, you can ask him yourself if you have time."

"If that's the case, do you want to send some of the documents to Yue Yan's house?

Erina was stunned for a moment, then blushed and quickly shook her head and said, "Grandpa! Senior Ye and I are..."

Nakiri Senzaemon said in a deep voice: "That kid gave you some comments and opinions. Overall, it's a very good one, and it's a very good comment, and he also seems to know you very well. It seems that you usually talk a lot. .

Erina came back from her autism and looked at Nakiri Senzaemon with some doubts, Nakiri Senzaemon said with a smile: "In addition to chatting with that kid today about training for the next session, I also talked about you~ this girl. ."

Nakiri Senzaemon thought for a moment and said, "It makes sense, so you ask what the office does?35

What a loss! What a loss!

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