I'm in Comprehensive Comics: Start Enrolling in Tōtsuki Academy

Chapter 368: Poison Island Saeko is about to attack, but is beheaded by Tianyu in the pit (please su

At the same time, Ginza on the other side is also very lively at this time. After all, as one of the most prosperous pedestrian streets and shopping centers, there are always more people.


"So, then..."

"Huh?! Can you decide if you cut it?! 99

Finally, there is a very troubling thing. In her list, there are only a few people in total, and it is rare to have one more person. She is sorry for herself if she doesn't look at it.

Dushima Saeko's face turned red but he didn't deny it, so he nodded and said softly: "Well, Zan Zhan, this day has finally come.

Tian Yu Zhan Zhan's eyes jumped and he said softly, "You told me."

Tian Yu Zhan Zhan glanced at Po Island Saeko, then nodded and said: "You need so much time, you don't have much to say, so... Saeko, what are you going to do?

"I'm not dreaming! Didn't you always want to learn from Ye Jun?! If I succeed, I will definitely deal with you with all my strength! I must subdue you and become a docile and virtuous wife. !

"Are you fighting me?"

"Huh? I asked, what would you say?

No, I have to beat the following Ye Mu first. Saeko Toshishima was still a very simple guy in her eyes, and she was brought down. When she wins, she has to teach these two talents well. .

Dushima Saeko also blushed and said quickly: "What are you thinking! How could I give you a Valentine's Day gift! I bought a gift for you as well, and then I will cut you off and give it to Ye Jun! 35

Naturally, Tian Yu Zhan Zhan couldn't tell what happened after watching Ye Mu's dynamic all night, she didn't want to lose face?

Saeko Dushima shook his head and said, "I'm not nervous at all, because I can feel that Ye Jun doesn't hate me, and even... even has feelings for me, I can succeed! I will definitely succeed!"

Tian Yu Zhan Zhan's eyes flashed a bit of weirdness, his best friend... No way, after that, if he grabs Ye Mu, should he still keep her? If he stays, will he be very dangerous?

Tian Yu Zhan Zhan was stunned for a moment and felt bad, Tian Yu Zhan Zhan said doubtfully, "What do you want to say?"

Tian Yu Zhan cut a piece of steak and said softly: "In Xiuzhiyuan, you can just go and do what I said."5

"It always feels like you want to let me take action to drive those guys away.

"Have a meal."

"Have a meal!

"So, when are you going to talk to (bfed) him tomorrow?

Poison Island Saeko turned his head slightly and said softly, "Just to allow enough time to fight with Zan Zhan you.

"No, Zhan Zhan, you have to accompany me! Otherwise I'll be really nervous...  

"Huh? Okay, you don't have to go to class tomorrow.

Tian Yu raised his brows and said, "Me? Give him a Valentine's Day gift? Why?"

"Zhan Zhan, aren't you curious about what I have prepared for you?"

"You think, whether you lose or win, aren't you single? Even if you win, you can't say nothing and don't give it away. It's embarrassing to ask for chocolate but not chocolate, or to ask for gifts but not gifts. what."

Dushima Saeko squinted his eyes and said, "Are you so sure that neither Ye Jun nor I can beat you?"

"Because...because...because if I succeed, I can immediately deal with the 570 slash!"

"Well, tomorrow afternoon... I want to take a leave of absence..."

"I'm not you!"

Tian Yu Zhan Zhan tilted his head and said: "I thought I would only take action if you failed. Since you are so confident, I didn't plan to take action when you succeeded, or I don't have this idea at the moment, now... ...Saiko..."

Tian Yu Zhan Zhan squinted her eyes and always felt that Saeko Dushima was tricking herself, but she still felt that it was very reasonable. For a while, Tian Yu Zhanzhan looked at Saeko Dushima with a gentle smile, and felt that this best friend, as if she should It's about to be beat.

"Oh... by the way, I have something to tell you. 35

"No, I only told you that Ye Jun can play the guitar, when did you say that he can play the piano?"

"Chop, it always feels like you're a little...

As for why she watched the news, the reason was very simple. First, she wanted to see what the man that Saeko Yushima liked was usually like. Second, she also said that, except that she couldn't beat her, Ye Mu satisfied all her love for the other half. The idea of ​​​​this evaluation is determined after watching the dynamic.

Tian Yu Zhan Zhan did not answer this question, but said with a very casual look on his face: "This day has finally come, Saeko.


Dushima Saeko was stunned for a moment and said, "Zhan Zhan, how do you know that Ye Jun can play the piano?

Poison Island Saeko said softly: "Since Zhan Zhan will come to fight against Ye Jun sooner or later, instead of letting Zhan Zhan destroy your normal life trajectory, it is better to solve Zhan Zhan directly! Solve it early, and I can teach you sooner! "

Tian Yu Zhan Zhan was stunned for a moment, then grinned and said, "Deal with me? Saeko... Until today, have you still not woken up from your sweet dream?

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When it was time for lunch, in a restaurant at this time, Saeko Dushima put down a paper bag and said with a sigh of relief: "I finally bought it, thank you, Zhan Zhan."

"It's inevitable, how strong is a person who is skilled in cooking, even if he has practiced martial arts since he was a child? What's more, he is still practicing piano, and his skills are a little more expensive.

"Buy a present? You gave me a present on Valentine's Day?"

"It doesn't matter, 冴子, think clearly, it's you who can't wait to give your dominance, no problem, just to solve the marriage urging at home, apart from being weaker than me, I have a very good evaluation of this guy, but in the future You can teach me more about martial arts."

Tian Yu Zhan Zhan squinted his eyes and said indifferently: "You confess, I stand in the middle, what do you think? 99

Beautiful! As expected, Tian Yu Zhan Zhan said softly, "Zi, you..."

"Hey... naive, alright, Valentine's Day... hehe... Saeko, I suddenly wonder if you're playing tricks."9

"Zhan Zhan, I also bought a present for you.

"Use meter?"

"So, are you nervous?"

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