I'm in Comprehensive Comics: Start Enrolling in Tōtsuki Academy

Chapter 2 Fujiwara's confession, Ye Mu: I've been waiting for a long time (please subscrib

Fujiwara Fengmi looked at Ye Mu and thought about it for a while before he said with a sigh of relief, "This matter will start with Grandpa Ye."

"When Grandpa Ye still appeared in the competition, the position of God of Cooking never slipped out of his hands. He is also a very proud person. In order to find opponents, he has traveled all over the world, and there are still many apprentices and friends."

"Besides, Ye Jun, you should know some other backgrounds of Grandpa Ye.

"Well, of course I know this, because the old man has been obsessed with martial arts since he was a child.

"Well, Grandpa Ye has also handled many great banquet chefs, but because of his strength and personality, he will never allow others to approach the kitchen and handle all the cooking alone.

Ye Mu just listened to it with a very casual look, and Fujiwara Fengmi said softly, "Because of Grandpa Ye's identity and strength, it is said that Grandpa Ye and my grandfather and great-grandfather know each other."

"When they were young, they once talked about one thing in a chat. 99

"If you start a family and start a business in the future, what name should you name your child, what my grandfather said was the name Dadi.

"Solid and Bearing."

"Grandpa Ye also said that at the time, and Grandpa Ye got the name.... Ye Mu, like a bath in the spring breeze, a bath in glory, reaching the top, bathing in glory."

Ye Mu nodded, he had heard the old man say this, but he only knew the meaning of his name, Fujiwara Toyomi said softly: "The last few people decided that if they are sons, they will become brothers, and if they are daughters, they will be sisters. If it's a man and a woman... um... just what you think, Ye Jun.

Ye Mu was stunned for a moment, and Fujiwara Toumi nodded and said, "Grandpa Ye has no heirs, and Qiluoli also told us about Ye Jun's life experience. Grandpa passed on this name, and it is me according to my generation~々."

"My grandfather, father and mother told me about this since I was a child, so I always thought that I was someone who had a fiancé, so I never fell in love, and my family would not agree.

"I originally wanted to graduate from graduate school, but if there is no news, forget it. I didn't expect you to appear, Ye Jun. This is destined."

"Ye Jun, you don't have to worry about your heart, because I have a name in my heart since I was a child. At that time, it was just a vague expectation. I imagined what it would be like. After listening to Grandpa Ye, I always feel that my fiance must be handsome and powerful. .99

"When I really saw Ye Jun and listened to what Qi Luoli told me about Ye Jun, I just felt that it was great to have such a fiancé. My expectations since childhood were not unrewarded."

Fujiwara Fengmi said in a deep voice: "So, please don't have any concerns about Jun Ye, I don't reject it, or I'm looking forward to this marriage! It's better to say that the other party is Jun Ye, which is really good! In general, Please take care in the future!

"Ye Jun accepted my Valentine's Day gift and chocolate, I'm still very happy, because Ye Jun you don't reject it either, so... Ye Jun..."

Ye Mu's eyes twitched, sister, do you remember that you are black-bellied, so innocent he suddenly doesn't know what to say.

However, this attitude.

Ye Mu said with a sigh of relief: "Okay, I see, I wasn't particularly resistant at first, after all, Rendian and the others also said, Fengshi, your relationship has continued since childhood until now."

"Time is the best witness, and time has not consumed this emotion. Emotions are consumables. After years of precipitation, this emotion already has a strong weight.

"So, I can't say things like rejection, and I don't hate it, even though it's the first time we meet, but I will try my best not to be ashamed of this feeling.

"According to Dongying's words... Please take care of me? It should be said that, after all, it was a bit of a headache for Valentine's Day."

Fujiwara Fengmi was stunned for two seconds, and then said with bright eyes: "Well! Please take care of me! I... I believe in Ye Jun! I have been since I was a child!"

Qi Luoli tilted her head and said: "Ah, Xiao Mu, you are really direct, but I thought you would say this in your heavenly way.

Fujiwara Fengmi was stunned for a moment and said, "The way of the Celestial Dynasty? What is it?"

"It can't be said to be the way of the Celestial Dynasty, it should be said to be the way of Xiaomu? Xiaomu mode? Pfft...35

Ye Mu sighed and said, "." You're really expecting too much because it's almost the third year of high school.

"Of course, ah, sister Feng Shi really wants to know, it's so cute.

Ye Mu glanced at Fujiwara Toumi, seeing the unconcealed expectation in this girl's eyes, Ye Mu smiled and said: 35 It's really unexpected and somewhat easy to understand.

Fujiwara Fengmi blushed and said in a low voice, "That.... I always feel that.... Xiaomu mode should be a very powerful line. I want to hear it..."

"Uh.... this is just Chi Luoli's bad taste...

"Ye Jun, I really want to know!"

Ye Mu looked at Fujiwara Fengmi, who looked at him firmly as he spoke, and sighed, then turned his head and tilted his head with a smile and said warmly, "Sorry, it's been a long wait for so many years.

Igarashi also opened his eyes slightly, which was really incredible. Fujiwara Fengmi was stunned for two seconds before staring at Ye Mu in disbelief.

These (Wang's) words made her heart beat faster than all the previous ones, especially Ye Mu's gentle smile, she felt that she couldn't stand it.

Qi Luoli smiled and said: "Pfft... It really is a foul word that Xiao Mu can say, I really can't stand it, right, Sister Fengshi... ah... ah... ."

Before Qi Luoli finished speaking, she saw Fujiwara Fengmi hug Ye Mu directly, Ye Mu froze for a moment and said, "Fengshi, you..."

"No, no wait!

Qi Luoli tilted her head and said: "Ah, it seems that things are going much smoother than I thought, Sister Lilixiang, send a message to Rendian and the others.


. "

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