I'm in Comprehensive Comics: Start Enrolling in Tōtsuki Academy

Chapter 5 Spring Break begins, Yukihira Jōichirō wants to do something (please subscribe~)

The matter of Mu Jiuzhi Yuanguo came to an end. Ye Mu mainly went to see this interesting senior. As soon as Ye Mu came back, he was called by Xiaolin Rentan and the others to go shopping.

Ji Zhiguo, Ningning and Akira Kubo were very excited. They had never traveled all over the world like this before, especially if they were going home with their lover. It wasn't a dormitory, it was really their own home. Personally get excited.

Erina pulled Hisako over early the next morning. Saeko Toujima and Zhan Zhan Tianyu had already arrived. If they couldn't be there at night, they would at least have breakfast together.

Qi Luoli and the others still didn't come, and Fujiwara Toyoumi said that he was on his way to the airport.

Akanekubo Tao said with some doubts: "Kangko is okay, Zanjian you and Erinian, shouldn't "June 47" be busy?

Erina breathed a sigh of relief and said, "I'm definitely busy. I only have six servings to try today, and I still have time to exercise and deal with documents, but I moved one to tomorrow. No matter what, I have to send Mu and Sister Longdan to you. ."

Tian Yu Zhan Zhan also said softly: "It is spring break now, there is no set time to arrive, I will go back after sending you off, when will you come back?

Erina put down her chopsticks and thought for a while, and said, "Basically, Sister Ningning has to deal with it. Sister Longdan, you said that you are coming back together. It should be in a few days. Basically, the Elite Ten will be ranked in two or three days. It's time to come back, after all, there's still a job handover or something."

Ji Zhiguo Ningning sighed and said, "What a headache, Erina, you should be the representative of the freshman."

"Of course! If I can't get a freshman representative, I won't have the face to see you."

Ye Mu smiled and said, "It's not that serious. You should be a freshman representative, Erina, you've been busy this spring break."

"Eh? It feels like you know something, Mu, what happened?"

Ye Mu didn't say anything but just ate breakfast, Erina pursed her lips and tilted her head to think for a while, but she couldn't come up with a reason, so she had to continue to eat breakfast, the dishes of the four Elite Ten, Erina was quite happy.

After a few people went to the airport, Fujiwara Fengmi directly greeted them, and again urged and looked forward to coming back soon. Erina and the others all contributed a scene of kissing goodbye.

Fujiwara's first kiss era ended after tangled for a while, and Erina and the others snickered because of the flushed face.

When the four of Ye Mu left, Erina and the others greeted each other and dispersed.

Meanwhile, in the Yukihira set meal house on the other side, Yukihira Jōichirō yawned and said, "Sōma, what have you been up to lately?

Yukihira Sōma froze for a moment and said, "Huh? What can I do during spring break, it's nothing more than shopping, cooking, shopping, cooking, that's about it.

Yukihira Jōichirō twitched the corners of his mouth and said, "Hey, Sōma, if you say that there is a school that specializes in cooking, and each student is very strong, at least on the same level as you, what do you think?

Yukihira Sōma raised an eyebrow and said, "Dad, you are talking in your sleep, there are so many great young chefs, and even if there are, I will not lose."

"Hooho? So confident?"

"Of course, I only know how to study in school, how can I compare to a cook like me who has actually met customers?"

Yukihira Jōichirō raised the corner of his mouth and said, "Well, it's kind of interesting, but maybe it's possible, eh, what day do you normally start school?"

"Ah? April 2nd, April 1st report, what's wrong? Don't worry, it won't be delayed, I'll buy the vegetables when I come back after the report."

Yukihira Jōichirō nodded and said, "Well, okay, you can continue with the kimchi, and I'll take a shower. 35


After Yukihira Jōichirō returned to his room, he took the mobile phone around and thought about it before choosing a number to call out.

"Yo, long time no see, Commander."

"Hahaha, just listen to the sound and know that you are still the same as before.

"Of course I have something to do with you, I'm here to ask you when the transfer student will be assessed.

"End of March? Give a specific time. 99

"Sure, I understand.

After hanging up the phone, Yukihira Jōichirō said with a sigh of relief: "I don't know how this kid will make these little devils grow up, I'm really looking forward to...

"But in this case, you should go out for a walk. These little devils are really difficult to deal with."

Xiaolin Rentan and the three of them were looking forward to it. Celestial Dynasty, there are many places that people yearn for. Ji Zhiguo Ningning said with some doubts, "Mu, is it coming soon?"

Ye Mu nodded and said: "Well, it's not long, it's almost three hours, and it's very nervous to see you guys like this.

Akakubo Tao nodded and said, "I must be very nervous, because I have never been to the Celestial Dynasty."

"The time is limited this time, so I chose this place, the main point is to familiarize you with the environment of the Celestial Dynasty, as well as some eating habits, work and rest habits, etc., and then go to the capital during the summer vacation. 35

"Firstly, there is more to watch, and secondly.... Now there is no need to talk about these things. Let's deal with these things first, but unfortunately, Sister Su and the others may not have time this time. 35

Xiaolin Gentian took a breath and said, "It's all people who have their own business, not just playing, I'm more concerned about another big thing.


"I won't tell you now, I'll tell you when I get off the plane, oh! Why do I feel that 4.3 is about to land?"

"It's been three hours of flight now, and it is reasonable to say that it's almost too soon. Are you all ready? It's still winter vacation at this time."9

"Oh!" x3

A few dozen minutes later, when it was notified that the plane was about to land, the three of them all looked out the window neatly. In an instant, the bustling city made their eyes bright, and they were indeed a top power.

"Husband! It's time to ask this question!"

"Huh? 55

"what's for dinner?!"

"Pfft..." x3

PS: Of course, I won't write about spring break, and the 92nd class will start directly.

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