I'm in Comprehensive Comics: Start Enrolling in Tōtsuki Academy

Chapter 26 Ye Mu's sense of oppression, Tōtsuki's special existence (please subscribe~)

Everything was as he had imagined, except this time, Tadokoro Megumi was a little firmer than the original.

Chapelle said in a deep voice, "Why did you come here? Are you not here?"

"Mr. Chappelle, I'm not here, but I didn't say when I was away.""

"Huh? You are really mysterious enough, tell me, what are you doing here?"5

"Let's see if there are any good seedlings, after all, didn't Mr. Chapelle take me and Ningning in the first lesson?"

Chappelle was stunned for a moment, then closed his eyes and stopped talking, while Ye Mu watched quietly, and after a while he picked up the phone and played leisurely, otherwise the atmosphere was very strange.

The main lecturer closed his eyes and closed his eyes, and the man who suddenly appeared was playing with his mobile phone with his head down. What's the situation?

Just as Ye Mu thought, as long as he and Chappelle didn't notice, two passers-by used small tricks here, but Ye Mu didn't say anything, just memorized it silently.

After several twists and turns, the students' cooking has also entered the final stage one after another. One by one, the works of 15 students have been brought to the table one after another. There are few A's in total, basically all of them are E, and the main ones. The reason, naturally, was because Ye Mu was on the side.

"The next group will review our dishes! 35

Ye Mu raised his mouth and glanced at Chappelle, who also nodded secretly, both of them knew very well that someone had used small tricks on Yukihira Sōma and the others just now.

Chapelle touched the beef with a fork before frowning and said: "The beef is soft enough, it seems to be elastic enough to open the fork, and the sauce has completely penetrated into the beef..."

Ye Mu glanced at it and smiled and said, "Well, the ability to adapt to changes is not bad, and the taste has improved a little."

Yukihira Sōma shed a few drops of cold sweat on his forehead, this guy can't tell at a glance, Tadokoro Megumi also swallowed, this person looks very powerful.

After tasting it, Chapelle's pupils widened sharply, Ye Mu's mouth curled up and said, "I can imagine that using honey is really good, but the time is a little short, and overall it's not bad. "

"I use the protease in honey to soften the meat, and the amount of honey is okay, but the sauce is a little weaker. Overall, it's a good work."

Yukihira Sōma and Tadokoro Megumi both swallowed their saliva. Did this person really tell it at a glance? It's too powerful. The key is to see the amount of honey just by looking at the meat?

Chappelle also showed a smile, and the students were all startled, but the lecturer who couldn't laugh actually laughed?! Did you laugh after tasting the dishes of the transfer student?!

"It turned out to be honey, which is an excellent taste experience. Unfortunately, I can only give the highest rating of A. There is no doubt that you have passed."

Yukihira Sōma still looked at Ye Mu with a meaningful expression, while Tadokoro Megumi still didn't recover, she couldn't believe that she got an A rating, she didn't even know what A looked like.

Chapelle said in a deep voice: "So, your knowledge reserve is not bad, and you also know how to use honey to resolve your crisis this time, which is very good. 35

Ye Mu just always looked calm, as if he didn't see anything, and the two people on the other side who were doing small tricks swallowed their saliva, because they could feel Ye Mu's vagueness. Glancing at them both.

However, because the two people were stunned, they said that the sauce was boiled, and if they missed, they added too much salt, so it was a matter of course that they got an E rating.

Ye Mu said with a smile, "It's better for the two of you to be a little more mature. If you were so naive, you might be eliminated after a few E's. 35

Both of them were covered in cold sweat on their foreheads, and they always felt as if they were being threatened.

"So, Mr. Chapelle, I'll leave first and see you later.

Chapelle said in a deep voice, "You two, you can leave after the assessment is over."

Tadokoro Megumi bowed and ran away, Yukihira Sōma didn't say anything, but Yukihira Sōma just went out and an envelope appeared in front of him.

"Huh? Why is it you again?"

Ye Mu said with a smile: "Suddenly I remembered that I forgot to give this to you, um, for you.

Yukihira Sōma took it and said with some doubts: "What is this? 99

"Do you want to sleep on the street? This is your dormitory, and there are maps in it, as well as some Tōtsuki related maps or something.

"Oh! This is too important, thank you, then again, who the hell are you, and why do you feel so privileged?

Ye Mu thought about it for a while and said, "I am a transfer student who is a little bit strong."

"Oh! Isn't that a coincidence?! No wonder you are here to preside over the transfer student assessment. 35

Ye Mu smiled and nodded and said, "Yes, it's a little bit emotional. I came to class today because my first class was also Mr. Chapelle's cooking. 35

"Oh! That's really amazing, it's very fateful! By the way, aren't you going to class? Where do you go to get school uniforms?"

"693 huh? I'm not in class. By the way, it seems that you won't get the school uniforms for transfer students if you don't pick them up. However, don't you think it's easier not to wear school uniforms?"

"Oh! That's it, right, a special existence, right?"

"Um.... that's about it, right, you can go to the school cafeteria to eat at noon, it's cheap, and the taste is not bad, you can pick up the textbook in the afternoon, or two days later.'39

"OK! Anything else to watch out for?"

Ye Mu thought about it for a while and then suddenly thought of something and said with a smile, "Yes, Tōtsuki is a mixed gender, did you know?"

"Huh?! Hang in there?!

"Don't think too much, one person has one room, so when you go back to the dormitory at night, if you want to take a bath, first ask the dormitory whether it is for boys or girls, and knock before going to the bath. Ask the door. 39

Yukihira Sōma nodded suddenly and said: "Oh! So it is! This is a very important reminder, thank you!"

"It's okay, it's okay, you can study the rest slowly by yourself, I'll go to work first, goodbye by fate~"

"it is good!""

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