I'm in Comprehensive Comics: Start Enrolling in Tōtsuki Academy

Chapter 31 Then you are mine, Inui Hinako: You win (please subscribe~)

Inui Hinako froze, the photo taken by Ye Mu was on the Elite Ten ranking board, and the first place was a name, the name of the Celestial Dynasty, Ye Mu.

When Inui Hinako saw the name, the whole person froze. Inui Hinako's brain is empty now, and his heart is also confused.

At this moment, all her memories from entering Tōtsuki to the present came to mind in an instant.

When I saw him on the plane, from curiosity at the beginning, to joking, and then to the usual communication, Inui Hinako's life has a lot of fun, and it can be regarded as an injection of fresh blood. .

Inui Hinako knew very well that in the few short hours Ye Mu spent with her, the feeling of relaxation, the happy state of mind was real, and the rapid heartbeat when she was touched was real.

Inui Hinako is also becoming more and more aware that the more he can feel the truth, the more he can feel the reality.

Although she has always been pretending to be tender and has a good mentality, but every time she has more blood and more real joy in her life, she will feel the existence of reality in the future.

Everyone has a beautiful life and life like a fairy tale in their hearts, but this is reality, it is impossible to be like a fairy tale.

A Prince Charming that he likes and likes himself, a rich life, carefree and carefree every day, doing what he likes freely and easily, traveling, partying, and living a diverse and rich daily life.

Enjoying the admiration and envy of everyone, family, friendship, and love are all smooth, have a healthy family, a family of three in harmony, watching children grow up and become talents, can be young and beautiful forever...

Wait, wait, there are too many such ideals, but often the reality is cruel, and it will smash you back to reality with a hammer.

Maybe I will fight at night for overtime pay, I may want to go on a trip and I will be tired and paralyzed at the end of the holiday. I can only watch videos for a day, and I feel a little dazed at times when I have a meal together.

All kinds of things, I can clearly feel that I am slowly not so young, and I will see more and more realistic problems.

Inui Hinako is also very clear, compared to those illusory, expecting, repeating, dazed, thinking carefully, he repeats the same thing every day, although it is what he loves, but his life has become more and more It's more and more like a tape being rewound over and over again.

Even if it's just a little different in life, as long as it's not a bad thing, it's enough to excite yourself for many days.

And now, this change has appeared in front of his eyes, within reach, and he really feels the love that is heartwarming.

In the new life, she will go to an unknown environment in the future, and she will still do what she likes. She is very excited now.

But she was still a little flustered and at a loss, because all this happened so suddenly, even if she had been preparing for more than five months and nearly six months, she was still nervous.

Suddenly, love, life, future, everything changed, like a pebble dropped on the calm lake, she still felt some panic.

She feels now.... Fairy tale? Or reality? Or.... She can't figure it out herself.

But she is very clear that her current defense is only one blow, just one last blow, she will wake up from the fairy tale she has always conceived, just to see if she wants to meet the unknown outside the fairy tale. The new reality, just to see if she wanted to resist one last time.

But, obviously, Ye Mu didn't have any idea of ​​showing mercy. The final hammer, the purpose of his visit today, was what Inui Hinako was waiting for.

Ye Mu smiled and said, "Sister Gan, according to the agreement, I'm here to get my spoils."

Inui Hinako was stunned for a moment and then turned to look at the handsome face in front of him, yes, what troubled him, made his heart beat, disturbed, and looked forward to was this face that quietly appeared in his heart.

Inui Hinako just stared at Ye Mu in such a trance, and slowly stretched out his hand to this face, Ye Mu didn't say anything but just looked at her with a smile.

Temperature, touch, Inui Hinako felt, warm, and real....

Ye Mu put away the phone, grabbed Inui Hinako's hand with one hand, and Inui Hinako was shaking all over, Ye Mu said with a smile: "Temperature, you won't lie, senior sister, are you ready?

"Ready for what?"

Ye Mu said warmly: "Get ready to start a new life, get ready to end your years of single life, get ready to open the door of the fog house, get out of this small world, start the life you want, the life you expect, get ready Good....delivery to me.

Inui Hinako stared blankly at Ye Mu and smiled after a long time. She knew very well that Ye Mu's appearance was the last straw she was looking forward to, the last hammer she was looking forward to. Now she only needs a little bit from the past and The courage to come out of this small world.

Inui Hinako caressed Ye Mu's cheek and said warmly, "Are you really planning?"

Ye 693 Mo smiled and said, "It should be said that you are ready? The inspection period has been a whole year.

Inui Hinako was stunned for a moment during the inspection period. This was a sentence she left to Ye Mu when she was upset. Now it seems...

Inui Hinako smiled and said softly, "You've really been hitting on me?"

"It's the material of a great employee after all.""

"Pfft... it's been a year... it's been a year since my heart beat..."

Ye Mu just smiled, and Inui Hinako said with a sigh of relief, "You won...."

"Then you are mine..."

"You... um..."

It's April again, the night is quiet, the cherry blossoms are in full bloom, and the fog house is closed, just like the field training, just like when the two were drinking that day, there were only two people, real, drunk, and knew each other's minds, but Neither said.

Today is the same again, no alcohol, but still intoxicating, far better than the slight intoxication of alcohol, this time I still know each other's heart, but... This kiss scene is like this new year, a new beginning. ..

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