I'm in Comprehensive Comics: Start Enrolling in Tōtsuki Academy

Chapter 33 The fame of the boyish Inui Hinako, Ye Mu (please subscribe~)

Inui Hinako was sitting on the sofa at this time, changed into pajamas, and watched a movie on TV with a pillow, but his mind was completely off the TV.

After watching it for a while, he smirked, buried his face in the pillow and said with a smile: "I'm off the list, I hate it! I hate it! What are you talking about getting married! How shy!"

"Hey...I'm really looking forward to it...Star meal? Well, it's challenging, the heaven is good! You can have fun! Oh!

"Eh... Why did he say he was going to move when his head was hot, wouldn't it make him feel frivolous, but... Everyone said that he was going to get married, so it's not wrong to move there, right? He won't do anything..."

"What should I do! What should I do! Hmm.... Forget it, anyway, there are Rentan and the others, they still have to open a store, and they still have to be in Tōtsuki, so they shouldn't be there often, and they can cultivate feelings, um... I think so. pretty good.

"Yeah! It's absolutely safe to have gentian and the others anyway!" (Kobayashi gentian: Huh? That's right!)

Years later, according to Inui Hinako's recollection, what I shouldn't have believed back then was Rentan Kobayashi and the others, who killed people.

After a long time, Inui Hinako breathed a sigh of relief, shook his feet and said, "As expected, happiness that can be seen and touched is better, um, what will the future life be like in 693? I really look forward to it.. ."

"Hehe... Now I can take a good look at that Tsunozaki Taki of Tsundere!"

(The following is Inui Hinako's one-man show)

"Cough cough... School girl, still opening a shop, how's business going recently?"

"Hey, it's definitely better than you.

"Oh, that's it, then congratulations to you, business is so good, unlike senior sister, I'm already getting married.


"That's right, and, ah, senior's fiance, you really want what you want, and the people are also very good. In the future, we will cooperate to open a store in the heaven with the goal of star food. I really envy the senior. You can do it yourself. It’s so good to run a shop alone.”

"It's not like Senior Sister, I will become the boss's wife in the future. Sigh, the boss's life in the store is gone forever."

"呲....you bastard! Too bullying! Woohoo...hahaha! Wait, you washboard dwarf! Hahaha!"

Inui Hinako is obviously (bfed) thinking about it to herself, she laughed out loud, her heart was over, she started a new life, looking forward to a new life, the old life in the past was completely abandoned by her, childish character resumed.

After thinking about it for a while, Inui Hinako tilted his head and said, "But, why did you want me to go to the dormitory for training? Although I would definitely go if he went, but why is that black-bellied smile? ?"

"Hmm... It's so strange, forget it, I still don't want it, eh? Who's news... sister group... so suddenly?! Rentan, this damn girl!"

Just when Inui Hinako and Kashima Saeko were chatting in the group, the Polar Star Dorm on the other side was also very lively.

Yukihira Sōma joined Polar Star Dorm very smoothly as in the original book. Even the check-in requires such an assessment, which makes Yukihira Sōma look forward to it.

And because Yukihira Sōma asked about the bath time in Mrs. Wenxu's dormitory, she said that there was no special accident.

When Yukihira Sōma was thinking about life after taking a bath, she was called away by Isshiki Satoshi, of course, using the ceiling like in the original book.

So, at this time, everyone at Polar Star Dorm held a welcome party in Marui Zenji's room.

"Hey! Come back before Miss Wenxu starts bragging about the history of Elite Ten!

"Got it!" x2

Yukihira Sōma squinted his eyes, and those two figures flashed in his mind, Ye Mu and Nakiri Erina, Nakiri Erina seems to be the Elite Ten, so what about Ye Mu?

Yukihira Sōma said with a sigh of relief, "What the hell is Elite Ten?"

Everyone was stunned for a moment. After several shirks, Marui Zenji made a brief introduction about the Elite Ten. Yukihira Sōma was also slightly surprised.

While thinking about it, Isshiki Satoshi stretched out his hand and said with a smile: "Welcome to Polar Star Dorm, I'm the second grade Ishiki, you can call me Ishiki-senpai!"

"it is good!

"I'm really happy, I have another partner who shares my youth, and there is nothing more gratifying than this!"

"Okay, everyone! Under the same roof, eating the same pot of rice! I moved to the dormitory just because of this, okay! Let's sing the splendid dormitory life together!"

Looking at Isshiki Satoshi who suddenly became strange, Yukihira Sōma also twitched the corners of his eyes, so strange, this person...

But despite what they said, everyone cheered, and the guys like Polar Star Dorm got excited.

When we were chatting happily, I saw Yoshino Yuuki raised a glass and shouted: "Ah! Senior Ye's words today are really exciting!"

Sakaki Ryoko sighed and said, "Yuji, you're starting again."

Yukihira Sōma was stunned and said, "Senior Ye?"

Isshiki Satoshi said with a smile: "About Ye Jun, you will know this later, after all, it's weirder for students in this school to not know Ye Jun than not to know the teacher.

"Huh? So outrageous?!""

"Of course, then again, Yuji, haven't you used the gift that Ye Jun gave you?"

Yoshino Yuuki said with a displeased expression: "Isshiki-senpai! How can you use it! This is a souvenir! It will never be used! It must be treasured!

Sakaki Ryoko said with a sigh of relief: "You can keep the box, it's a famous brand, and the maintenance effect is very good.

"Eh?! That's right! Ryoko! Why didn't you say it earlier!"

"I said it, but you didn't listen. Why is Xiaohui useless?"

"I haven't run out of it yet..."

"It's like your style, but then again, there's not enough food, so prepare some.

"Good!" xn

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