I'm in Comprehensive Comics: Start Enrolling in Tōtsuki Academy

Chapter 37 and Eishi Tsukasa's halberd, a sloppy bet (please subscribe~)

Mito Ikumi froze, what the hell? Who? Ye Mu? Although she is one of Erina's basic part-time assistants, she is not Hisako after all, Erina will not take her around, naturally she has never seen Ye Mu of.

Mito Ikumi glanced blankly at Hisako, Hisako sighed and said, "Sir Ye Mu, most of the junior high school students have not seen you, please forgive me."

"Isn't this normal? 33

Mito Ikumi came back to his senses and said quickly: "Hello, Senior Ye, I'm rude just now, I'm Mito Ikumi.

"Okay, okay, I know, but I didn't expect to see you so early. 99

Mito Ikumi said nervously, "Senior Ye, did you come to see the game of Mr. Erina on purpose?"

"Well, that girl specially asked me to come, so come and see."

"Senior Ye is just like the legend, and has a very good relationship with Erina-sama. 35

Ye Mu was stunned for a moment, then smiled and said, "Well, the relationship is pretty good."

Hisako turned his head slightly, can the relationship be bad, they are all in the same family, Ye Mu suddenly thought of something and said with some doubts: "The current leader of the Rice Bowl Research Club is Konishi Kanichi.

"Yes! Senior Ye, how did you know?""

"I just thought about what happened last semester, just formed a team together, you can do whatever you want, don't worry too much.

Mito Ikumi nodded vaguely. Ye Mu meant the Research Institute of Donburi at all times, but he definitely couldn't ask.

"Ah, Erina won, this is...Isn't this the dish I just ate a few days ago?"

"Really, Mr. Erina said it was delicious at the time, so he went back to study it, Mr. Ye Mu, do you want to go to the office now?"

Ye Mu shook his head and said, "No, there's no need, just wait here for a while, I made an appointment with Senior Si~々."

"Eh?! Lord Ye Mu, what are you looking for Senior Si for? Office?"

Ye Mu smiled and said, "Eat the halberd.


"Huh?!" x2

Mito Ikumi and Hisako were both startled, what the hell?! It's too long! The leader of the Elite Ten and Eishi Tsukasa, the second seat of the Elite Ten, eat halberds?! In this case, they should go to the moon and the sky! And why is there no news?

Hisako hurriedly said: "Master Ye Mu! Why didn't you receive the news? Do you want to prepare the car immediately and then go to Yuetian?

Mito Ikumi also nodded and said, "That's right, between the moon and the sky is a venue specially prepared for the Elite Ten to eat halberds."

Ye Mu shook his head and said, "No, I'm here. Senior Si said he'll come after breakfast."

"Um..." x2

"What's wrong?"

"Lord Ye Mu, why do you feel a little strange, but what are the conditions for eating halberd and the review between you and Senior Si, Lord Ye Mu?"

Before Ye Mu could speak, Hisako said thoughtfully, "Could it be the position of the head of the Elite Ten?"

Ye Mu sighed and said: "Of course not, Senior Si didn't even want the first seat, his bet with me was... I lost, I helped him study three dishes together, he lost Help me with half the file.

Hisako and Mito Ikumi's eyes twitched. Is the halberd-eating showdown between you guys so close to the people? It's a little bit bloody! Take the seat and sink the boat! Eishi Tsukasa is also somewhat unwilling to the seat!

Ye Mu smiled and said: "After reaching the position of the Elite Ten, one's vision will not be limited to such trivial matters, and the confrontation between the Elite Tens is nothing more than a dispute, or mutual practice, and then some It's just a misfortune, it's not as complicated as you think.

"The current halberd, eating halberd simply to get something, is a bit cloudy, and it will become clear when you sit in the Elite Ten position.

Mito Ikumi has a face I don't understand, but looks at Ye Mu with a very powerful expression, while Hisako doesn't feel right. She is also by Erina's side, and she is more familiar with Ye Mu.

How do you feel that these two people, one is because of cooking madness, and the other is simply wanting to be lazy and finding a reason?

"So, has the audit been found?

"Huh? I was looking for one originally, just for meaning, I didn't expect classmate Mito to come too, just right. 35

"Just right? What's right? Eh?! Ye....Senior Ye! You don't want me to be the judge!

Hisako was also stunned, this guy won't be so lucky!

Ye Mu nodded and said, "." That's right, I was originally planning to find a meaning, and if you count Hisako, there are only two people, so I don't count Hisako, Mito, you came just right. "5

"Master Ye Mu! You mean, I.... I can be a judge?! Really?! Really?! Am I not qualified..."

Mito Ikumi also had a look of disbelief, and Ye Mu said casually: "It's a very simple thing, and you don't need to say some specific comments, just decide which one tastes better.

Hisako was about to speak when he saw the door opened, Erina walked in and said with a smile, "Mu, I won... um? Mito? Why are you here?"

After Mito Ikumi hurriedly explained the situation, Erina nodded thoughtfully and said: "I see, I will look back, Mu! The crayfish dumplings I ate before were delicious, so I need to improve it a little bit. , it really works wonders.

"Although I said that, but E (Zhao Liao Zhao) Rina, when you go back to fitness, let's strengthen your strength training a little bit.


"Kneading dough, it's not that simple."

Erina nodded and said, "I can also feel a little lacking, okay, I see, but Mu, what were you talking about?"

"I'm going to have a meal with Senior Secretary Si in a while. If he loses, he will handle the documents for me. If I lose, I will assist him in his cooking research. Originally, I was planning to find a reviewer. If I see Mito coming, I'll just join in. Three people are fine.


PS: In the fever debuff, the state is a bit damaged, which affects the thinking a bit. After all, it has to be opened in all directions... try to ensure seven shifts.... Forgive me.

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