I'm in Comprehensive Comics: Start Enrolling in Tōtsuki Academy

Chapter 49 Accommodation training is coming, Ye Mu's guilt (please subscribe~)

Time is passing little by little, and the Donburi Research Society kept it for the time being because Erina wasn't interested and didn't have time to deal with it, and the members all ran back when they saw that it was temporarily safe.

Because of this, Yukihira Sōma did not eat halberd with Mito Ikumi, but the same thing is, this guy still did not join the rice bowl research club.

Erina still ran over to eat when she had time, and went to practice together at night, not to mention Xiaolin Rentian and the others who would stick to each other when they had time.

Occasionally I have a phone conversation with Fujiwara Toumi, Momoko Kirori and the two of them will occasionally make video calls, but Erina and the others still don't understand what they say. It's never stopped.

On Saturday and weekend, Tian Yu Zhan Zhan and Po Island Saeko should be the happiest time of the week. It can be said that all the free time is with Ye Mu, so there is no negative buf-f of insomnia.

I usually make a video call with Inui Hinako, but it's usually in the morning or at night. Inui Hinako can't just come over because he wants to open a shop. Ye Mu only said that he only had time to go to the fog house to eat Inui Hinako - not so resentful .

Days were spent leisurely like this, Ye Mu did not have the consciousness that Eishi Tsukasa was about to die of exhaustion. Instead, he took a look at Eishi Tsukasa with snacks before, and saw Eishi Tsukasa's moved appearance, Ye Mu also Rarely felt guilty for about a second.

At this time, Ye Mu was sitting on a sofa and said with a sigh of relief: "Mr. Chapelle, do you have to look like some black group?

Chappelle said in a deep voice: "I asked you to come to the conference room this Friday last Friday. Do you know the reason?"

Ye Mu nodded and said: "Probably know, because I also experienced it last year, the accommodation training is coming soon, but why didn't you say it last week?

Chappelle sighed with relief and said helplessly: "Because you don't know many graduates in total, the meeting last week was just to discuss what graduates to look for."9

Ye Mu twitched the corners of his mouth and said, "I really don't know this very well. When I came last time, Mr. Chappelle, you told me to come to the meeting on Friday, and by the way, let me talk about my thoughts and so on, solved it?

Chapelle nodded and said: "Yes, it's probably solved. We have started to contact graduates. The location is still Tōtsuki Resort. The commander said, you want to be a judge. 99

Ye Mu nodded and said: "That's right, after all, I also said that I still care about the 92nd class."

"Okay, you can just follow along. However, since you are here, you should already have some suggestions."

Ye Mu thought for a while and said: "My suggestion is actually a day in advance. It's enough to say it more than a day in advance, Mr. Chapelle, it's up to you, after all, this time I'm just an ordinary judge. 35

Chappelle said with a sigh of relief: "Okay, then the accommodation training this time is tentatively scheduled for six days and five nights, and the itinerary plan will be confirmed with the Ligong side and finally printed out.

Ye Mu was stunned for a moment and tilted his head and said, "But, no matter what, the whole thing is the same, it's just changing the time, right?"

"That's right, in addition, let me tell you, you need to go to Tōtsuki one day in advance, firstly, to familiarize yourself with the graduates, and secondly, the examiners need to check in early.

"Okay, then you don't need to arrange a car for me, I'll just go by myself."

"Well, that's ok. After printing it, it will be sent. The time is still the old time, but you remember to leave one day in advance. Your name is already on the list on Dojima Gin's side. 35

Ye Mu nodded and said, "Understood, right, I almost forgot to say it.

Chapelle squinted his eyes, always feeling that based on his understanding of this kid, 80% of them are not reliable words.

Ye Mu said with a serious face: "That is to say, the items that were prohibited from being carried on the previous list, do teachers and examiners still need to impose any restrictions?"

Chappelle froze for a moment and said, "The examiner doesn't have any restrictions, what do you want to bring?

"It's nothing, just bring a computer and bring some drinks by yourself.

"Well, this is up to you, okay, then let's talk about the next thing, including the inspection issue this time..."

...... ask for flowers ......

Ye Mu just listened quietly, taking a sip of tea from time to time. I have to say that it is Tōtsuki. The quality of the tea the teachers drank when they got together for a meeting was really good.

However, Ye Mu also knew how long the group of teachers and the director discussed during the dormitory training. Even if there were schedules and precautions, they still discussed for a long time.

It was already dark by the time I got back to Tsukiyama House. If he hadn't left all the documents to Eishi Tsukasa, he would probably have to work overtime.

Xiaolin Rentan said curiously: "Eh? Husband, where have you been? I went to your office today after processing the documents and didn't see you.

Ji Zhiguo Ningning nodded and said, "Well, after a long time, they said they didn't see you playing basketball, they thought you were back."

Ye Mu sat on the sofa with a sigh of relief and said helplessly: "It seems that the profession of a teacher is also very hard. I went to a meeting just now. 99

Akakubo Tao came over and said with some doubts: "Mu, where did you go for the meeting, why doesn't Xiao Taozi know?

Xiao Lin Rentan and Ji Zhiguo Ning Ning also wore aprons and walked over, Ye Mu shook his head and said, "It's about the accommodation training meeting, didn't you know that I'm going to be an examiner? Today is the last discussion. meeting."

"The next meeting will be two or three days before the start of the accommodation training. Is that girl Erina coming today?"

Xiaolin Rentan shook his head and said, "She tried it today, but she said that she won't come today, and will go to Saeko's house for dinner tomorrow.

"Well, you don't need to tell Erina beforehand. Suddenly, she has to stay up all night to study cooking. Her strength is no problem. Do any of you want to go?

"Well... I'll talk about this later, wash your hands and eat first, we copied and improved the rice ball you made before, let's see which one works better.

"I'm looking forward to it. 35

"Of course~"

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