I'm in Comprehensive Comics: Start Enrolling in Tōtsuki Academy

Chapter 52 Erina's fairy answer, Erina is autistic (please subscribe~)

The whole Tōtsuki is in a boiling state now, practice practice, go shopping for the surname Li to bring, it can be said that all the free time has been arranged.

Three days can be said to pass very quickly. This is a very magical phenomenon. When you don't feel a crisis, or you are nervous, and you don't need to pay much attention to time, time often passes very slowly. slow.

And when you are nervous or excited to play, time will pass very quickly.

Today is the day before departure, Xiaolin Rentan stood in front of the door and said with a sigh of relief: "Husband, we will try our best to finish our work to find you as soon as possible. 35

"No matter how busy you are, don't forget to eat and rest on time, especially Xiao Tao and Ning Ning. Xiao Tao, your consultant has a lot of work, so don't stay up late, and Ning Ning, don't reduce your meal time because you are too busy with work." 5

"Hmm! Got it!" x2

Ji Zhiguo Ning Ning pushed on his glasses and said, "Mu, we have packed your luggage, we are sure there is nothing missing. 35

Ye Mu smiled and said, "It's a lot easier. When I see you guys taking out the suitcases, I feel like I don't need to prepare anymore. Okay, then I'll go first."

"Hmm! No secret drinking! If we knew you'd be dead!"

Ye Mu knocked Xiaolin Rentan on the head and then turned to leave. Xiaolin Rentan and the others sighed and turned back to Yueyan House until they could not see Ye Mu.

Xiaolin Rentan said with a sigh of relief: "Hey...you say, are we digging a hole for ourselves?"

Ji Zhiguo Ningning said helplessly: "But there are indeed a lot of documents, and the most important thing is... Isn't this also providing opportunities for Sister Rixiang and Erina?

Akakubo Momo rolled her dead fish eyes and pulled at Butch's face and said, "Ah...if these two slow-moving fellows, Sister Hyugako and Erinian, still don't make any progress this time with such a good chance, Xiao Taozi must spit them out~々."

Xiaolin Rentan said with a smile: "What, it's not okay to complain, it should be ridicule!"

Ji Zhiguo Ningning froze for a moment and said, "Wait a minute, before the two of you enlightened me, were you also in this state?"


Kobayashi Rentan and Akakubo Tao both looked sideways, pursed their lips and did not speak, Ji Zhiguo Ningning's eyes jumped and said, "You two are just looking for fun!"

"Ningning! Listen to our sophistry!"

"Gentian! It's an explanation! It's not a quibble! You little idiot!"

"Then you two explain."

"Um... Butch, tell me." 5

"Miss Peach...""


While the three of them were making a fuss, they saw the door of the Yueyan House opened, Erina walked in very skillfully, looked at the three people who were making a fuss and said with some doubts: "Sister Longdan, it turns out that you will be like this too. Are you kidding?"

Kobayashi Rentan coughed lightly and said, "No, no, then again, Erina, why are you and Hisako here? Tomorrow is a dormitory training session, so why don't you go back to prepare?"

Hisako said softly, "Our luggage is ready, Erina-sama has postponed the only tasting this afternoon.

Erina nodded and said: "Yeah! Yes, after all, I have to live and train, the only chance to challenge Mu's record, but.... If you can't see Mu for six days, it's a bit unaccustomed to watch it. read.

"By the way, you must have something delicious enough to eat before you leave, so you must be here, Mu?"

After the three of Kobayashi Rentan looked at each other, Akakubo Momo looked strangely at Erina and said, "Eri Nian, you are really in a hurry.

"Eh? What's the matter? Did Mu go out? It's okay, I have time today.

Xiao Lin sneered and said: "That...husband, he did go out, but he went to other places to do errands, and he has not been there for a few days.

Erina's expectant expression immediately froze, and Hisako hurriedly said, "Sir Erina! Are you alright!

Erina swallowed her saliva and said, "Wh...when did you leave?! I came here for breakfast in the morning! I didn't hear about it!

Xiaolin Rentan turned his head and said, "I just walked for more than ten minutes..."

"What?! More than ten minutes?!

Erina immediately shut herself off, while Hisako said with a panicked face: "Sir Erina! Are you alright! 35

"I'm not good... I'm just so unlucky?! I knew that the morning trial would have been postponed! Sister Longdan, why didn't you tell me!"

Xiaolin Rentan coughed lightly and said, "Well, we didn't know for a while, you didn't say in the morning that you were trying it today, so I didn't tell you. "

"I...then when will he come back?""

Ji Zhiguo Ningning coughed lightly and said, "Erina, you can rest assured on this point, because Mu said he would go to the accommodation and training, so he would definitely go.

"Okay, I originally planned to come to Mu to recharge the battery and have dinner...

Xiaolin Rentian leaned over and hooked Erina's neck and said, "Hey, don't be so depressed, my husband will go directly to the Li Palace at that time, and we will go there when we have time. It's not easy to have dinner, three Elite Tens are for you. Isn't it enough to make dinner?"

Erina breathed a sigh of relief and said, "Okay, then let me cook too, Hisako, help. 35


Xiaolin Rentan suddenly thought of something and said with a smile (from Zhao's): "Erina, if you and your husband are alone, or if you go on a trip together, what are you going to do?"

Erina froze for a moment and said, "Huh? Then go out for a walk."

Kobayashi Rentian didn't say anything, just patted Erina on the shoulder and walked straight to the kitchen.

"Huh? What does Sister Longdan mean?"

Akane Kubo Tao nodded and said, "Eri Nian, you are still cute, you are awesome."

"Eh? Sister Ningning, what do you mean?

Ji Zhiguo Ningning sighed and turned around and went to the kitchen without saying anything, Erina scratched her head and said with some doubts, "Hisako, shouldn't you go out for a walk?

"I do not know.....

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