I'm in Comprehensive Comics: Start Enrolling in Tōtsuki Academy

The fifty-fourth chapter has nothing to do with the appearance, let alone the discussion with Kojiro

At this time, in the reception hall of the Li Palace, there were already many graduates, and Dojima Gin said with a smile: "Gate, you never expected that Ye Mu's boy would be in the first place."

"What number?" xn

"The first! The first seat! The second year of high school directly inherited the first seat, but he really has him!""

"Huh?!" xn

Fuyumi Mizuhara was also stunned and said, "How did you get the first seat? Tōtsuki's rule is not to let the new high school sophomore directly inherit the first seat.

"This is..."

Just as Dojima Gin was about to speak, he heard a familiar sound of laughter coming from outside the door.

"Oh! I'll just say it! During the field training, Zan Zhan and Saeko came, and that look was full of hostility!

"Eh? No, but the two of them are too dangerous! It's amazing that you can beat Zhan Zhan to the ground. When you came to the store before, the cutting board was split open with a knife."

"Huh?! I'm not afraid! You won't watch it either. Besides, I didn't think of doing anything at that time, and I was cowardly - to death! 35

"I...I'm...I'm not a coward anyway! Humph!"

Guan Shouping nodded and said, "Well, this is Hyugako, and sure enough she's here too, are you calling? 35

Just as Fuyumi Mizuhara was about to speak, the door opened, and a handsome man in casual clothes walked in with a beautiful girl in mature clothes.

"Ah, there are indeed many people, Dojima-senpai! Good afternoon everyone!"

Everyone nodded, but Ye Mu said with a smile, "Seniors, seniors, it's been a long time."

Dojima Gin looked at the two people who came over and said with a smile: "You two came a little late, you are talking about you kid. 55

Ye Mu was stunned for a moment and said, "Speaking of me? What? If it's something that has nothing to do with appearance, then you don't need to talk about it. 35

"Pfft..." xn

Inui Hinako smiled and patted Ye Mu's shoulder and said, "Speak up! Narcissism!

Dojima Gin sighed and said, "It's just that this kid has no way to refute what he said, which is the most annoying. Last year, he was a student and became an examiner this year. You are the first."

"That makes sense doesn't it? 35

"It's your style, we were just saying that you inherited the first seat as soon as you rose to the second year of high school, which is amazing.

Ye Mu tilted his head and said, "Actually, it's okay, it's not too difficult. 99

"You're almost okay, kid, it's a bit of a blow."

"You are the apprentice who is very good! My name is Donato Gotoida.

Ye Mu nodded and said, "Hello, senior, I seem to have seen you in some magazine.

"Haha! Is that so? I haven't had time for interviews lately, but how did you directly take over the first seat?"

"This... eh? Suwon-senpai, what's wrong?"

Ye Mu was about to speak when Fuyumi Mizuhara came over, Fuyumi Mizuhara looked at it for a while and then said blankly: "So, Hyugako, why are you holding the student's hand.

"Huh?!" xn

Dojima Gin also said with a look of surprise: "I didn't even pay attention, you two seem to have a good relationship?"

Guan Shouping nodded and said: "Indeed, it seemed that during the field training before, I went to Hyugako's store first, and the two seemed to know each other during the accommodation training before.

Fuyumi Mizuhara stared at it for a while and said, "It feels like, Hyugako....You're not dating your apprentice, are you?

"Huh?!" xn

Inui Hinako blushed before snorting and said, "That's right! Can't you?

After being stunned for two seconds, Dojima Gin said blankly: "You really have you, but congratulations to you, Hyugako. 55

"Congratulations!" xn

Inui Hinako smiled and said, "Thank you.

Guan Shouping said in surprise: "When did you two start dating?

Inui Hinako thought about it for a while and said, "It's been a while since I've been in touch before, so let's go with the flow.

"No wonder, having said that, Dojima-senpai, are everyone here?

"There's one left, ah... it's already here."

As soon as the voice fell, the door was opened again. A man with red hair and glasses walked in. The corner of Ye Mu's mouth twitched. He now has an idea. In this world, the surname is Si Gong.

...... ask for flowers .....

"Hey, good afternoon everyone.

"It's Shigong-senpai!" xn

"Shinomiya! Come here quickly! 35

Kojiro Shinomiya and everyone nodded and bowed before walking to Dojima Gin. Before speaking, Inui Hinako smiled and said, "Eh? Senior Shinomiya! I didn't expect you to come too, you are getting more and more mature. !35

"Hyugako? You have also changed a lot, who is this?"

Dojima Gin said with a smile: "Shinomiya, come and come, let me introduce to you, this is the new legend of Tōtsuki, which has set various records. Ye Mu, who just took over as the first seat of Elite Ten in his second year of high school.

Shinomiya Kojiro was stunned for a moment and said, "Huh? The first seat to be directly succeeded?

"It's just a little bit of luck, senior Si Gong, good afternoon.


Shinomiya Kojiro nodded and said, "So, what are you doing here?"

Dojima Gin said with a smile: "This kid is also the examiner this time, and..."

Shinomiya Kojiro was stunned for a moment, then turned his head to look at Ye Mu, and Inui Hinako said with a smile, "Senior Shinomiya, I'm surprised! 35

Ye Mu's mouth twitched, and Shinomiya Kojiro said with a smile, "Senior Dojima, with all due respect, I still have to..."

Before Shinomiya Kojiro finished speaking, Ye Mu said with a smile: "I guess, senior Shinomiya wants to try to see if I am qualified to be a judge? Because I am not sure about the strength of this Elite Ten? Because it has not opened yet. Been there? Not enough experience?"

"You are..."

"That's why, when I knew the list, I thought of it, since it's the first seat..."

Ye Mu said with a smile: "Come on, eat the halberd, uh... But there's nothing to bet on, so it should be called sparring?"5

"Then.... Senior Shigong, please enlighten me?

Shinomiya Kojiro's eyes twitched for a moment before he smiled and said, "You kid...it suits my appetite..."

Dojima Gin said with a smile, "Then I'll be the judge! Let's go to the kitchen."

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4.3 The combination of egg rolls on one side is also very classic with mashed potatoes and small tomatoes. The egg rolls are very beautiful in appearance, and you can feel the softness just by looking, and it seems that you have enough soup.

The classic pairing, every kind of aroma made several people's eyes shine, Shinomiya Kojiro said with a smile: "The French vegetable bisque and egg roll are paired with creamy mashed potatoes and fresh cut tomatoes, please taste.

Dojima Gin said with a sigh of relief, "As expected of the magician of vegetables, the aroma of the vegetable broth is already eye-catching just by smelling it, so don't waste any time, let's start tasting it!"

"Hmm!" x4

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