I'm in Comprehensive Comics: Start Enrolling in Tōtsuki Academy

Chapter 66 Ye Mu's exam questions, another piece of fruit fishing (please subscribe~)

In a kitchen at this time, a group of students were chatting enthusiastically about what happened just now. They were just excited to see Ye Mu, and even more handsome when you think about it.

Erina said with a sigh of relief: "I didn't expect Mu to come in person, Hisako, I'm going to talk to Mu when it's late, it's too scary."

"Compared to that, it's great to be in the same exam room with Erina-sama.

"Well, indeed, I just don't know if this assessment is divided into groups or not, by the way, did Alice talk to me just now?

"Uh... It seems so, I didn't pay attention... I don't know which senior it will be and what exam questions will be arranged."

Erina fluttered her blond hair and said confidently: "No matter what, it can be solved easily. If Mu came in person this time, then he would have to be more serious."

"Yes! 95

Erina sighed and said, "I didn't expect that Sister Hyuga was here, and Mu was there. Sister Longdan and the three of them definitely knew that, they must make a phone call and talk about it when they come back."

"Sir Erina, I don't feel like a rival..."

"So to speak is to speak.


Since Erina met Ye Mu and the current relationship, Erina is much more cheerful than before, but she was also successfully assimilated by Kobayashi Rentian and the others.

When Erina and Hisako were chatting, no one dared to interrupt, and they were both talking about their own. Just when they were thinking about it, they heard footsteps.

The students swallowed their saliva, and the door opened just as they were thinking about who it was. The next moment, all the students looked in disbelief.

The person who came was actually Ye Mu, Ye Mu glanced at the students in the kitchen and nodded secretly, and met a few interesting guys.

Ye Mu walked to the front of the stage and said with a smile: "Good morning everyone, I won't introduce myself, the time in the morning is more expensive.

"I want to see what kind of exam questions I will give you..."

Everyone looked at Ye Mu nervously, and Erina froze too. She wasn't afraid of other examiners coming for the assessment, but she was a little afraid of Ye Mu coming over, because Ye Mu's standards were not low, and Erina didn't know What exam questions will Ye Mu give, his man is a black belly!

After thinking for a while, Ye Mu nodded and said: "That's good, I haven't had breakfast yet, so the topic is breakfast, any kind of breakfast is fine.

Everyone breathed a sigh of relief when they heard Ye Mu say with a smile: "But! The requirements are that the texture and taste are rich enough, the ingredients are simple enough, warm but not greasy."

Everyone's eyes jumped, man, you are really ruthless, all the ideas in your mind collapsed immediately, and all kinds of familiar breakfasts and snacks were shattered in an instant.

If the texture and taste are rich enough, the ingredients cannot be too simple, but if they are satisfied, they will appear greasy, if they are cold, they will not be warm enough, and if they are too simple, they cannot be rated as qualified, and everyone froze.

Ye Mu tilted his head and said, "The total time is two and a half hours, you can redo it as many times as you like, but you have to eat the dishes that fail.

"That's it, let's start."

Although Ye Mu was very gentle, they all heard the beginning, but no one moved the place, the reason was because, not knowing what to do at all, even Erina didn't move the place immediately.

Ye Mu tilted his head and said: "Huh? What's wrong? Don't you think it's not difficult, so don't you worry?

"Um..." xn

Everyone's eyes jumped, my dear, in your eyes, is this an exam question that is not difficult?! It is indeed Tōtsuki's strongest.

Ye Mu didn't speak either, the time had already been given to them, and it was up to them how to complete it.

Ye Mu said that, under the strange eyes of the students, he walked to the side of the ingredients table and looked at it before he nodded and said, "Well, it looks pretty good..."

"Huh?" xn

Ye Mu didn't speak. He took a few kinds of fruits, took a can of milk, washed his hands, washed the fruits, picked up the kitchen knife and cleaned it. Everyone was still puzzled.

Erina's eyes twitched, Ye Mu wasn't serious at all, no surprises

"Hi..." xn

The students all looked at Ye Mu with a puzzled look. Before they could react, they saw Ye Mu's hand move. The fruit was processed very quickly, and all of them turned into small uniform pieces. The swordsmanship of everyone sucked in a breath of cold air.

Ye Mu didn't take it seriously. He poured some milk into the bowl and added another serving of fruit. When Ye Mu picked up the bowl and turned his head, he said with some doubts, "Why haven't you acted yet? Don't mind me, It is you who examines. 99

"Um..." xn

When everyone felt that the slot was full, Erina suddenly thought of something, and ran to the side of her ingredients area and started to choose her own ingredients.

Others also ran over quickly, joking 740, I don't know what to do, I don't know what to do, that's all the ingredients, if it's late, there's nothing left, and they can be reworked unlimitedly, at least one of the top ones, maybe it's too late What about?

Ye Mu looked at the busy students and nodded secretly, walked over to make a cup of coffee, and sat on the chair like this, eating fruit and taking a sip of coffee from time to time, completely different from these students who were in a hurry. a state.

Erina quietly raised her head and glanced at Ye Mu, Ye Mu raised his coffee cup and smiled without saying a word, Erina blushed and lowered her head to continue cooking.

Ye Mu glanced at the students in the cooking process, and his eyes locked on a few students, all of whom had shown their faces in the original book, and one of them, Ye Mu, was a little curious.

Kawashima Rei is the host. He has always been curious about Kawashima Rei's ten strengths. A host who often runs around and hosts, shouldn't have much time to practice, and her strength is not described in the original book.

But.... this girl can stay until the end, she doesn't look like an ordinary little girl.

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