I'm in Comprehensive Comics: Start Enrolling in Tōtsuki Academy

Chapter Seventy-Eighth Hōjō Miyoko's Negation, Hōjō Miyoko's Problem (Subscribe~)

At this time, the people of Mito Ikumi were stupid. They thought that some people should be ordinary students, but they saw three big boys!

The purple-haired girl on the other side was also stupid, and she was a little surprised to see Mito Ikumi, but it was not so hard to accept that Mito Ikumi was an expert in handling meat.

But are the people in front of you serious?! Is this lucky?!

Erina was also stunned and said, "Oh, Mito, who I thought was, and steak rice shouldn't be difficult for you.

"Lord Erina! Why are you here, I remember that Lord Erina didn't finish very early?!"

Erina froze for a moment and said, "That's what I said, but when they met Suwon-senpai, they chatted."

The purple-haired girl on the side was stunned for a moment, so Erina and her followers are so easy to talk to?

Of course not, if it weren't for Erina's current change and the fact that they had dinner together, Erina would not be so good at talking.

Inui Hinako beckoned and said, "You two don't stand still, it feels very strange, didn't you come to take a bath?"

The two of them walked over quickly, Fuyumi Mizuhara glanced at it before nodding and said, "I remember you, you are from my exam room at 740, what is your name...what..."

The purple-haired girl hurriedly said, "Hōjō Miyoko! Good evening, Senior Shi, Senior Suwon."

Fuyumi Mizuhara nodded and said, "Your cooking is quite interesting. Depending on your cooking style, you must be a Chinese food cook."

"Yes! I love Chinese food!

Inui Hinako said with a smile: "Eh? Is that so? In this case, it reminds me of last year's review, when Mu brought a Longjing shrimp, which was delicious."

Erina said with some doubts: "Longjing shrimp? What does it taste like?"

"Fried in water, it's delicious, but I heard that the ingredients required are very strict, and only fresh leaves are required, and it is best to have another spring water from Shuangjue. This season, it is sold to Dongying. It just happens to be made.""

Erina thought for a while and said, "Oh, I remembered it, it seems that Mu also used a very special temperature measurement method, and I still don't know the principle.

Inui Hinako froze for a moment and said, "The temperature measurement? What is it? How come I don't know? 35

Erina tilted her head and said, "This is what I heard from Sister Longdan later in the autumn election. Sister Hyuga, remember, I played the water bottle."

"Remember, wait! You wouldn't say it was taking a temperature!"9

"Yes, what Sister Longdan told me, and the error is very low, but generally it is only used for dishes that require relatively temperature control. If it is strictly required, a thermometer is required.

"This is too awesome!"

Erina thought for a moment and said: "Mito's lips are also very sensitive to temperature and can be used to measure temperature."

Mito Ikumi quickly waved his hand and said, "I'm only about the same temperature, if it's too high, I won't measure it like this! If it's fine, I'll use a thermometer!

Inui Hinako said with bright eyes: "No wonder Mu Hui is so optimistic about the 92nd class, there are really many interesting students!"

Erina habitually fluttered her long hair, but her hair was curled up and she coughed a little awkwardly and said, "Anyway, the 92nd session is the strongest, I've settled down! And Mu is very optimistic about me, I'm definitely getting serious."5

Hisako said in a low voice, "Sir Erina, even if you are serious, there is only one dormitory training. You can't participate in the autumn election, and the field training is not very useful..."

Erina's eyes twitched and she coughed and said, "So, I have to be even more serious when Mu is here in person this time."


Hōjō Miyoko was a little surprised and said (bfed): "Did Senior Ye make state banquet-level dishes last year?"

Inui Hinako nodded and said, "As expected of a chef of Chinese food, I know quite a lot. Longjing shrimp is indeed a national banquet dish.

Fuyumi Mizuhara thought about it for a while and said, "By the way, I remember that kid was from the Celestial Dynasty in that class, and there is another one who is good at Chinese food.""

Hisako nodded and said: "Yes, it's the current ninth seat senior Kuga, he and Ye Mu are friends, and occasionally play basketball together.

Hōjō Miyoko said with a smile: "For a long time, I am a senior, please forgive me, I don't think he is good at Chinese food."

Erina said with some playfulness: "You know, in the whole school, except for Mu, the one who has studied Chinese food the most is my senior, are you sure he is not good at Chinese food? 35

"I'm sure, because in his eyes, only Sichuan cuisine is the most honorable. I can't agree. There are many Chinese cuisines. In addition to the famous eight cuisines, there are also many small cuisines, each of which has its merits. , Saying it is Chinese food, it is better to say that he is good at Sichuan cuisine.35

Inui Hinako nodded and said, "There's nothing wrong with what you said. Mu also likes Sichuan cuisine, but he also likes other cuisines, and often eats some street food."

Erina nodded and said: "Well, I now know a lot of traditional street food, such as egg buns, rice rolls, fried stuffed three treasures, hot and sour noodles, horseshoe cakes and so on..."

The corner of Mito Ikumi's mouth twitched. Sure enough, she had a heavenly boyfriend who was changing fast. She had never heard of these dishes, but when she heard the egg filling and hot and sour noodles, she felt that it was different from the high-end dishes that Erina usually eats. .

Hōjō Miyoko said with a sigh of relief: "Some of these dishes have only been heard of, but I have never tasted them. Celestial cuisine is supposed to be so colorful. Sure enough, Senior Ye is more worthy of respect."

Erina leaned against the wall of the pool and said with a smile: "Mu and the others often complain about this, and they have to order Mapo tofu every time.

Hisako said with a smile: "I've been used to it for a long time, senpai."

"Maybe... eh? What are you going to say?"

Hōjō Miyoko raised his brows and said, "No...I just realized that Nakiri-san, you and Gan-senpai called Senior Ye..."

Mito Ikumi's eyes jumped, very good, you finally reacted, how good it is to be as honest as her~

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