I'm in Comprehensive Comics: Start Enrolling in Tōtsuki Academy

Chapter 89: Nao Sadazuka's cooking, Ye Mu's black belly exam (please subscribe~)

The students were nervous to death, but the examiners were having a good time talking, starting a family, falling in love, and doing business. These are not things that can be discussed by the current students, and it is too early for them.

It wasn't until the time came that everyone dispersed and went to their respective examination rooms. Ye Mu's examination room was a little far away today, and Ye Mu was still stunned when he arrived at the examination room.

Ye Mu smiled and shook his head as he looked at the configuration in front of him. It was really enough to point his back. There was no one with a story, not even Mimasaka Subaru.

The students were very excited, Ye Mu leaned back on the chair and said with a smile, "Good morning, everyone, time is precious, so let's just say the exam questions are ready.

"The exam question is... eggs, there are no restrictions on the cuisine, and the taste is not sweet. The requirement is to clearly reflect the flavor of the eggs. It is a hot dish, and the time is two and a half hours. During the period, it can be redone without restrictions.

"But! Unqualified dishes, you have to solve it yourself, don't waste food, start-let's go."

Everyone hurriedly ran to make dishes. Sweets were forbidden, but there were no restrictions on cuisines, so there were too many dishes that could be made.

Ye Mu shook his head helplessly. These students, ah, they started making productions without even thinking about it. If his topic was that simple, he wouldn't come here.

As Ye Mu thought, all kinds of unqualified, all kinds of problems, fortunately, the cooking is relatively simple, so it doesn't take long, so you can redo it so quickly.

However, the students almost vomited after eating the food, and they were almost tired of eating the food made with eggs.

By the end of the assessment, only ten people had passed, and these ten people could be considered to know that Ye Mu's statement that he can't release water is really not able to release water.

At noon, the students still made their own lunch, but most of the students did not eat, because they would die if they ate their own failed dishes, and if they still ate it, they would die.

However, for the students, it is not that simple, and there is still an assessment in the afternoon.

Ye Mu can only hope that there will be some interesting people in the afternoon, Erina and Hisako haven't seen each other for a day today, but Inui Hinako came over as soon as he saw Ye Mu.

"Mu! Fengshi will come with me tonight!

"Well, Feng Shi told me that we will pick you up later. 35

Inui Hinako said with a smile: "I plan to close early on weekends, so I can go back early, and it's not good to have dinner too late.

Ye Mu nodded and said, "Okay, Sister Ji Zi and the others will be very happy.

"This can only be regarded as a light touch. Then again, guess who I met in the assessment this morning?"

Ye Mu froze for a moment and said, "Erina? Or Hisako?"

Inui Hinako smiled and said, "Neither! I met that Mito Ikumi and a very interesting student.


"Well...it seems like... Nao Sadazuka."

Ye Mu raised his brows, Nao Sadazuka, this girl is incredible, although she doesn't have too many roles, but her strength is not very weak, on the contrary, she can be selected for the autumn selection list. The food is a bit special.

Inui Hinako sniffed and said, "The kid has a good foundation in cooking, and his cooking skills are alright, but.... this type of cooking is a bit special. 35

Guan Shouping nodded and said: "I met yesterday, and her cooking focuses on heavy flavors.

Inui Hinako tilted his head and said, "Senior Gateskeeper, what is your question?"

"Yesterday it was chicken breast, and then she made a weird fried chicken, which smelled quite irritating, but it actually tasted pretty good."

"My topic today was grilled fish, and then... um... it was really pungent, but overall pretty good."

Fuyumi Mizuhara and others all expressed some interest, and they really wanted to see her. Ye Mu twitched the corner of his mouth and said, "Hyugako, your luck is not bad. 35

"Right, but fortunately I didn't meet the two boys yesterday, otherwise I'd have to PK again, and my head would hurt."

"Yesterday I saw them both when I was taking a bath, it was interesting, it was that Takumi, I was still a little nervous.

・・・・For flowers.......

"You're a popular senior in the school, and you're also the leader of the Elite Ten. It's strange to see you not nervous."

Ye Mu shook his head with a smile and said, "The people who came later were not so nervous, eh? Huh...

"Mu, your expression looks so evil..."

The others nodded their heads with approval, but they knew that Ye Mu was very black-bellied.

Ye Mu shook his head and said, "It's nothing, it's just that I suddenly thought of a topic, after all, it's the afternoon, so the exam questions can't be the same.

Everyone looked puzzled, Ye Mu smiled and said: "Okay, that's it, everyone, it's almost time, let's go."39

Inui Hinako leaned into Fuyumi Mizuhara's ear and whispered, "It's definitely not a normal subject.

Fuyumi Mizuhara nodded and said, "Well, this kid is a black belly.

"Hyugako, what are you talking about?

"No...nothing! Everyone! It's time to go to the exam room!

Looking at Inui Hinako, who ran away without a shadow, everyone silently gave a thumbs up.

Ye Mu shook his head with a smile, and when he got to the exam room, Ye Mu breathed a sigh of relief, he really wanted to meet some interesting students.

When Ye Mu opened the door, Ye Mu glanced at it, and the corner of his mouth twitched at the next moment, probably this was the feeling of a luxurious gift bag.

A few familiar figures came into view, Ye Mu coughed lightly and said, "Good afternoon, everyone, how is everyone's lunch?

The students were all puzzled, Ye Mu's mouth curled up and said, "It's okay, don't worry, how are you all eating?"



Ye Mu nodded and said, "To be honest, I also think it's okay, so I'm going to reward you and myself.

"Huh?" xn

"So, the exam questions in the afternoon are..."

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