I'm in Comprehensive Comics: Start Enrolling in Tōtsuki Academy

Chapter 105 Erina's decision, because it is her own home (please subscribe~)

Erina looked at Inui Hinako suspiciously, she really couldn't think of anything she needed to know.

Inui Hinako said seriously: "Erina, have you decided to move here?"

Erina nodded seriously and said: "Yes, for sure. Sister Sangzi's house is a little far away, and there are still some things in high school, so I can't be so free, and I'm quite busy. 35

"In the case of Moon Smoke House, I originally planned to move there, but there is Hisako, and Alice must come here often, after all, she is in the school, she can still find it, it must be very troublesome.

"Now that I have my own home, it is more free and convenient. I must have moved out. I told my grandfather, and my grandfather agreed directly.

Inui Hinako tilted his head and said, "What did the commander-in-chief say "Seven Nine Zeros"? Just one sentence: Well, okay, and then moved out?

Erina shook her head and said, "Of course not. If Grandpa said this, he won't have any psychological burden if he can't go home after working overtime. You also have your own home. 35

"In the future, you will have to marry anyway. Now this can be considered as a way to get acquainted with the family's life in advance, and it will also make your relationship better. That's about it."

Inui Hinako nodded and said, "Oh, the commander-in-chief is right, so Erina, you're just moving here."

"Yeah, what's wrong? Is there anything wrong? Sister Hyuga, don't you want to move in too?"

Inui Hinako nodded and said, "I'm definitely going to move here, or I won't be able to survive. 35

"Can't stand it?"

"Well, it's just insomnia, I feel that even if I don't have insomnia, I'll be thinking wildly.

Erina scratched her head and said, "It's all for this reason, so what? Sister Hyuga, what do you want to say?"

Inui Hinako said seriously: "Have you thought about whether you would find this strange?"

"Very strange? Why?"

"How are you going to rest at night?

Erina was stunned for a moment and said, "How can I take a rest? Of course, it's just a normal rest..."

After Erina finished speaking, she seemed to have thought of something, staring blankly at Inui Hinako, Inui Hinako didn't speak, as if she knew what Erina was, she just nodded calmly.

Erina seemed to understand at this moment. After thinking about it for a while, she immediately came back to her senses and said, "Sister Hyuga! Sister Fengshi..."

"Do you think that girl will be like you? Maybe it goes without saying."

"Qi Luo... er... when I didn't say... wait, if I said that..."

Inui Hinako nodded and said, "Yes, you have to think about this, and you have to be clear about two things."39


"The first is that not only Tōtsuki, but also other schools are staring at Mu. Let's not say that, Miss Huji, you know better than me, and now there is a snake Yumeko outside the school,"

Erina pursed her lips, and this reason was also one of Inui Hinako's reasons, Inui Hinako sighed and said, "Second, Erina, you have to be clear, when you move out from Tōtsuki, when you move in, I want you to know what it is. place?

"Where? My own home... eh?"

Erina seems to know what Inui Hinako is going to say, Inui Hinako said with a smile: "Yes, my own home, so say, Erina, you don't have to be burdened."

"No one will force you to do anything, you can do it at your own pace, and you can also have a good chat with Feng Shi. 99

Erina pursed her lips and lowered her head without speaking. She didn't know what she was thinking, but Hisako finally ran over.

Inui Hinako smiled and said, "Hisako, didn't Erina ask you to pick up some rice? Why is it so slow?"

Sitting next to Inui Hinako, Hisako said with a sigh of relief, "That's right, but when I finished the assessment just now, I chatted with Erina-sama, and Erina-sama told me what I would like to eat at night.

"That's why I cut up all the ingredients, but I didn't change the dishes that need to be marinated. Erina-sama usually prepares them by himself.

Inui Hinako nodded and said, "Oh, so, did you see Mu?"

"I see, Lord Ye Mu was just about to go back to the room, but he didn't chat because he seemed to be on the phone...

"Call? With whom?"

"I don't know, it's Chinese."

Inui Hinako thought for a moment and said, "It should be Mu's friends, they should be discussing the summer vacation or the location.

"That's right, yes, Hyugako-san, Suwon-senpai told you to go to the meeting at a later time, but it's not the meeting point for students, it's the meeting point for graduates."5

Inui Hinako was stunned for a moment and said, "Is that so? Uh... It must be tomorrow's exam question, I don't know what it is, Hisako, come on, both of you.

"Yeah! I will definitely! Especially when I heard that Lord Ye Mu personally planned it, as Lord Erina's secretary, I must get good grades!

"Oh! It's on fire! However, I'm still more worried about Xiaohui's child, it's really cute."

"Xiaohui? Who is it? 35

"Tadokoro Megumi, it's so simple and beautiful, so cute, just like Mu's comment, like a bunny.""

"Oh... eh? What's wrong with Erina-sama? You lowered your head and seemed to say something?

Inui Hinako was about to speak when Erina whispered, "What should I do?"

"Eh? Erina, did you just say something?"

Erina4.3 raised her head, her face was slightly red but she said firmly: "Sister Hyuga, you... can you tell me... what should I do... I..."

Before Erina finished speaking, she saw Inui Hinako smile and say: "Have you considered it? Have you really decided? You can come at your own pace and will.

"I.... Sister Hyuga, what should I do?"

"It will be disbanded for a while, and after dinner, you can just come with me. 99


"Huh? Erina-sama, Hyugako-san, what are you talking about?"

"Nothing!" x2


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