I'm in Comprehensive Comics: Start Enrolling in Tōtsuki Academy

Chapter 110 Don't leave me, I will take over the present and the future (please subscribe~)

Tian Yu Zhan Zhan and Du Shima Saeko just watched TV while eating snacks. They both had some insomnia, and they were both night owls when they were brought by Kobayashi Rentan.

Xiaolin Rentan and the others were also watching a movie. The night was quiet, and the Li Palace gradually became quieter. The tiredness made the students' eyelids grow heavier, and they finally fell asleep.

Those who thought of what to cook might have had a sweet dream, and fell asleep unexpectedly. It is estimated that when they woke up the next morning, they would just shut themselves off.

When the first ray of sunshine in the morning shone, the night faded, and the sky was a little blue, looking at today's sky is a good weather, but for the students of Tōtsuki, what is the weather today, for them No relationship

At this time, Erina also groaned, vaguely like "Seven Nine Zero" as if she heard someone talking.

"Pfft...what, so there is such a thing."

"What you said you were going to do, I want to go too, but I don't have time."


Erina's eyelashes moved, she slowly opened her eyes and saw Ye Mu and Inui Hinako chatting.

Erina was stunned for a moment, then her face turned red and the corners of her mouth were slightly raised and she hugged Ye Mu quietly, Ye Mu said with a smile, "Awake?"

Erina raised her head and said with a smile: "Mu, good morning..."

Inui Hinako came over with a spatula and said with a smile: "Erina, although your eyes are very gentle, and it's a good thing to only have your lover in your eyes, but you can't really jump over me, but I will have emotions.

Erina hurriedly said, "Good morning, Sister Hyuga, I...ss..."

Inui Hinako said with a smile: "Just kidding, talk to Mu, I'm preparing breakfast, we won't go to the restaurant today, we'll eat breakfast with you, wait for you to wash up, I'll call Hisako again come over."

Erina pursed her lips and nodded and said, "Thank you, Sister Hixiangzi..."

Inui Hinako squeezed Erina's face and nodded and said, "As expected of a young man, my skin is really good, we two, we were talking about the house just now, so I'll go to breakfast first."


After Inui Hinako ran to the simple kitchen in the room, Erina turned her head and said with a smile, "Mu, why didn't you wake me up? 35

Ye Mu smiled and said: "Because there is still time, after all, this morning is free time, and I believe Erina, you have already thought about what to cook.

Erina breathed a sigh of relief and nodded and said, "Well, I've already thought about it, maybe I've thought about it, Mu, the difficulty factor of the exam questions this time is a bit high."

Ye Mu rubbed Erina's head and said with a smile, "This time the exam questions are not as simple as they seem. 35

Erina was stunned for a moment and said quickly, "Mu, could it be... hiss..."

Looking at Erina Ye Mu who was huddled in a ball, she shook her head with a smile and said, "Don't be excited, your strength can do it."

Erina nodded and moved up, Ye Mu smiled and hugged Erina and said with a smile: "You, you should have a good rest in the morning, and then..."


"Huh? What's wrong?"

Erina pursed her lips and said, "Mu, I'm your fiancee, you won't leave me in the future.

Ye Mu was stunned for a moment and knew what Erina was thinking. Erina was thinking about her childhood, her mother ran away from home, and her father was still a scumbag. If it wasn't for Nakiri Senzaemon to drive him away, if it wasn't for Alice and Hisako to accompany Erina Maybe it's the same ice doll as Kaguya Shinomiya now.

Originally, Erina didn't want to say it, and she didn't want to recall it, because she has a new life, has her own love, and will have her own family soon.

All these make Erina feel very looking forward to it, but when it comes to family Erina will inevitably think of her unfortunate childhood. She is worried about whether her fiancé or her future husband will leave her. She has a deep psychological shadow.

Ye Mu nodded and said softly, "Don't worry, no, but Erina, why are you asking that? 35

Erina pursed her lips and a trace of loss and pain flashed in her eyes. After struggling for a while, she whispered, "Mu, when I was young..."

Ye Mu said warmly before Erina's words were finished, "If it's something from my childhood, then I don't need to say more..."

Erina froze for a moment and said, "Mu, I..."

"Erina, what happened as a child has already happened, and that can't be changed, you say it now, but it's just tearing open the cruelest scar you don't want to face.

"I didn't know and didn't want to know in the past because it reminds you of things you don't want to, and I can't go back and change anything.

"All I can do is stay by your side and give you what you want now and in the future. 99

Ye Mu said with a sigh of relief: "I can't change the past, but I can start from now and continue to the future, let you slowly forget what you don't want to think of, and give you what you want."

"It's not just my job, it's also my responsibility as your fiancé, to make my lover happy and happy, that's enough. 33

"Erina, I won't say that the past is over, because some things just won't go away, I can only say, Erina, I will do my best to let you have a happy life and a healthy family, This is 4.3 I promise you.""

"The things of the past, just bury them so well, from now on until the future, I will take over them, believe me?

Erina buried her face in Ye Mu's arms and said in a muffled voice, "Mu... I believe..."

"Okay, just like a kid.

Erina raised her head and cheeks with tears in her face and said seriously: "Mu, if you leave too..."

"No ifs, as you've always said, I'm very emotional.


"Eating! 35

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