I'm in Comprehensive Comics: Start Enrolling in Tōtsuki Academy

Chapter 112: Alice, nervous Erina (please subscribe~)

The breakfast was still very harmonious, a few people chatted from time to time, Hisako didn't know if it was an illusion, and always felt that Erina seemed to be more attached to Ye Mu, but she didn't find it strange, and she was quite happy to see it.

However, the reason why she really felt strange was that, for some unknown reason, Erina seemed to have a mature temperament that did not belong to a young girl, somewhat like Inui Hinako, but a little bit worse.

Erina has also recovered a bit, and after taking a shower, she sits and thinks about what Ye Mu said before.

Erina also felt that something was wrong. Before Ye Mu didn't say it, she didn't feel that something was wrong. Now that she said this, Erina also felt as if she had indeed overlooked something.

“What’s missing from the buffet...”


Hisako also felt a little strange, Erina kept talking like this, Hisako also felt like something was missing, something that was ignored.

Inui Hinako smiled and whispered: "Hey, Mu, do you think they can react?

"It doesn't matter if they can react or not. It's just that if they can react, the final result will be better. It doesn't matter if they can't react. After all, they still know what a buffet is."

"If you can't react, it is estimated that you will be a little emotional when you see the drink area you arranged.

Erina and Hisako were still thinking, Ye Mu coughed lightly and said, "Are you two going to just think about it, or go to the kitchen to practice?"

Erina came back to her senses and said with a sigh of relief: "I still didn't think much of it, Hisako, let's go practice.

"Hmm! 99

Erina stood up and staggered a bit, Hisako quickly supported Erina, Inui Hinako smiled and didn't say a word, Erina puffed up her face and said, "Sister Hyuga, you are enough~々!"

"Hey, hurry up and practice, the time is limited, it's time to eat, the two of us will find you again, no, and the three of them, Rendian.

"Eh?! Why are so many people trying it?!"

Hisako nodded again and again, Ye Mu shook his head with a smile and said, "According to my understanding and speculation, Hyugako simply wanted to join in the fun, Rentan wanted to eat while wanting to join in the fun, Xiao Tao was simply following us, as for Ning Ning... I guess she was pulled over by them.

Erina's eyes jumped and she said, "Mu, why do I feel a little nervous after you finished speaking?

"Huh? What are you nervous about?

"Because Sister Xiao Tao's comments are a bit strange. Sister Longdan's comments are always delicious. In general, it's all kinds of comments, but I don't know what to do."

Ye Mu thought for a while and said: "Erina, you can rest assured that they will not judge, I can assure you. 35

Erina's eyes lit up and said, "Because Mu, you want to take care of them, right?"

"No, because they are probably just here for breakfast, so you don't have to worry."

"Eh?! Eat....Eat breakfast?! Uh.... Although it sounds strange, if it's Rindo-sama and the others, it suddenly feels normal, then Hisako and I will leave first, Mu ! I will definitely get good grades!

Ye Mu stood up and kissed Erina's forehead with a smile and said, "Then come on, and Hisako too, come on, don't foul.

"Yes!" x2

"I... hiss..."

"Sir Erina! Let me support you!"

"Okay... Hisako, walk slowly..."

"Got it! But Erina-sama, why are you supporting your waist? Isn't your foot sprained?

"It's good to hold on like this.... It's just to take advantage of it! Hmm! That's it! Hisako, don't ask about this, let's go.

"it is good!

Inui Hinako smiled and said, "Mu, honestly, is the note you sent to the students, the note with ingredients written on it, really random?"

Ye Mu tilted his head and said, "Hi Xiangzi, are you doubting my fairness as an examiner?"

"I don't have it, I'll just ask, don't say it, it's not my assessment anyway, just tie my hair.

"Sit well.


Even when they were living in the two-person world, Erina was always helped by Hisako to the kitchen.

In fact, Erina has recovered quite well, but when she was excited just now, her steps became a little hurried. Hisako said with a sigh of relief, "Sir Erina, what ingredients do you need? I'll go get it for you."

"." No, I'm almost better, I just took a bit of a hasty step just now. Sure enough, there are fewer people in the kitchen here. When I came to the Li Palace last year, I really came to the right place.

Hisako nodded and said, "Yeah, but it's just a little bit off, Erina-sama, your injury... you took so many steps, are you alright?

"I'm fine, don't worry, I can't use chicken, and I can't use roasting. If you want to reflect the exquisite characteristics of dinner..."

Erina quickly entered the state, moved to the ingredients area to look at the ingredients, and finally took out a piece of beef and lowered her head, wondering what she was thinking.

"Eh? I remember there seems to be a kitchen here.... Ah! I found it! A kitchen that is absolutely undisturbed! Eh?"

When Erina was thinking, the kitchen door was opened. In fact, she didn't care when someone was talking just now. She was very focused when she was thinking about cooking.

But the sound of opening the door (Zhao Nuo's) made Erina come to her senses, and when she turned her head, she saw a white-haired girl standing at the door with a frozen smile on her face.

After Erina glanced at it, she continued leaning against the stove and thinking, Alice just leaned over and said, "Erina! Why are you here?!


"Erina, what are your exam questions? Why do you still use beef? Are you planning to use it for lunch?"

Erina still didn't answer, just thinking about her own cooking, Alice was about to speak when she heard a few footsteps.

"Ah, can you find it in such a remote kitchen?

"Xiaohui! Don't panic! I asked the front desk, and there seem to be a few kitchen donkeys around here."

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