I'm in Comprehensive Comics: Start Enrolling in Tōtsuki Academy

Chapter 122 The test center in the beverage area, there are hundreds of millions of guests (please s

Everyone at this time raised their heads to watch the TV, Ye Mu still looked gentle, but everyone felt nervous.

Ye Mu sat on the sofa holding the microphone and said with a smile: "It's great to see everyone's mental outlook so good, so I won't say more nonsense. I want to tell you two news."

"Message?" xn

The students were stunned for a moment, but Erina and the others were very clear that this was Ye Mu's black belly attack.

Ye Mu said with a smile: "The first news is that yesterday, in order not to cause too much loss due to the closure of the Li Palace during this period of time, I invited some guests."

"After all, if there are too few people for a buffet, it's not interesting, so I posted the news on the Internet, a little anxious for some guests, and also launched a set meal."

"You can have a drink for four or five hundred yen. Of course, you can also reward yourself with a drink or something during the rest time."

Everyone's mouth twitched, and Yukihira Sōma clapped his hands and said, "Oh! It's a good deal, drink all you can.

Erina breathed a sigh of relief, but fortunately she came to terms with it, otherwise it would definitely affect her best results today.

Ye Mu coughed lightly and said: "Then, the second news, this news is more important, because this is related to your second-stage assessment.

"The assessment time of the first stage is from 11:30 noon to 2:00 pm, a total of two and a half hours, and the time of the second stage is from 5:00 to 6:30 pm, a total of one and a half hours. 35

"When the time comes, everyone immediately stops the cooking. Of course, if the cooking is almost ready, you can make the last part, but this part is not a grade. If you continue to make it after the end, the final grade will be reduced by 100~ 々.

Everyone secretly nodded and remembered silently. Although they didn't know what one hundred meant, they could vaguely feel that 80% of them had something to do with the final number of shares. It was really unbearable to subtract one hundred.

Ye Mu continued: "The three hours after the first phase is over is your free time, you can eat, you can go to rest, and you can even take a bath."

"However, a trial review will still be conducted before the start of the second-stage assessment. If it is not qualified, it is still not allowed to be sold."

"This assessment consists of two stages, a total of four hours. You need to sell at least 450 dishes during these four hours."

"Four hundred and fifty copies?!" xn

Everyone gasped. This amount is really terrifying. Erina nodded secretly. Four hundred and fifty servings in four hours, which means that the number of dishes for lunch and dinner should be allocated reasonably.

This guy Yukihira Sōma is already thinking about whether to settle more than 300 copies at noon, and prepare dozens of copies at night, and he can go to take a bath early, and then it will be over, which is really good.

"Everyone, next, there are judges who we asked us to find for you. The number of judges may be slightly larger, so you may be busy."

As soon as he finished speaking, he saw the door open, and then saw a group of children running in, followed by a huge crowd.

Everyone swallowed, Yukihira Sōma forced a smile and said, "Hey! This is some more? This is billions!

Erina and others were also a little frightened, Ye Mu thought for a moment and said: "This time the judges are Tōtsuki's suppliers and their families, as well as the guests collected last night, including the staff and graduates, the total number of people There were 1,700 people, and all of them bought a drink set.

"By the way, the graduates and staff aren't there all the time, and the guests are only there at noon, so... everyone, lunch, dinner! Come on, and good luck."

The image of Ye Mu disappeared, and the guests all swarmed.

Tian Yu Zhan Zhan stood behind the sofa and smacked his lips and said, "Mu, I feel like it's easier for more than 1,700 people to complete 450 copies?"

Xiaolin Rentian leaned on Ye Mu's shoulder and said with a smile: "It's okay if there is no arrangement for drinks, but if it is arranged, it's not good."

"What do you mean? I still don't know what the drink section means."

Ji Zhiguo Ningning pushed his glasses and said, "Sister Zhan Zhan, I want to ask you a question, have you ever eaten a buffet?

"It must have been eaten, so what?"

"." Do you drink at the buffet?

"Naturally, eh? What do you mean?

Akakubo Tao sighed and said: "Because of the randomness of Mu's exam questions, there are too many types of dishes, various cuisines, various ingredients, cold dishes and hot dishes, and staple desserts, so there are more opportunities for guests to choose. stand up.

Saeko Poshima smiled and said, "Well, indeed, it looks like a buffet, so what?"

Xiaolin Rindan said with a smile: "But there are too many guests, and although there are many students, one of the characteristics of the buffet is efficiency. In front of so many guests, a student must be fast enough to keep the guests. quick.

"Even if people stop by because it's delicious enough, they will change to another restaurant because they are tired of eating. Because there are too many people in the middle, some popular dishes will line up. The queue brings boredom, because the mouth of the food is too much. Thirsty, choked, spicy, and simply queuing (good for money) is boring, many people will choose to get a drink."5

Xiaolin Rentan chuckled and said: "I'm full of water, do you know what it means? Especially for children who like drinks... The speed of drinks can be much faster than many dishes..."

"Zhan Zhan, when you eat buffet, do you always drink drinks or eat as much as possible?"

Tian Yu raised his brows and said: "So it is, diversity can separate guests, and drinks can fill up the stomach and reduce the number of meals. This is the first test site? 99

Inui Hinako smiled and said, "No no no, this is the second test site, the first test site is purely based on strength.

"Huh? 39

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